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Hi, y’all! Usually I’m here introducing everyone else’s “Sit a Spell” posts, but today, it’s my turn! My preferred drink of choice is raspberry lemonade, so grab a glass, and let’s get chatting!

1. I don’t cook dinner. I am generally pretty domestic, but you might be surprised to know that my fiance, John, does almost all of the cooking in our house! He’s a regular chef, and I am more than happy to let him take the culinary reins at the end of the day. I do enjoy baking, however.

2. I really hate all joints, but especially knees. Knees COMPLETELY gross me out — mine, and those of other people. I think they look weird, I hate that you can squish them around… ew, I feel like I am going to vomit just writing this. Anyway, this is kind of a problem, as my sisters are an athletic trainer and a physical therapist, respectively, and they love playing with body parts. Much to my chagrin.

3. My Dad was in the Coast Guard for almost thirty years, but I never moved. From birth until age 18 I lived in the same house on the Connecticut coast, and I loved it! My situation, though, is pretty unusual for a Coast Guard family — the reason we didn’t move is because my Dad is also a professor, and was on the permanent teaching staff at the CG Academy for most of his career.

4. I’ve written a 100+ page collection of poetry. Nerd alert! I was an English major in college, and my senior honors thesis was an original collection of poetry. One of the most academically- and soul-satisfying projects I have ever completed.

5. I have danced more than 12 roles in The Nutcracker. Said roles include the blue girl in the party scene, a mouse in the battle, a soldier in the battle, Fritz (!!), a snowflake, the Chinese tea solo, the Spanish hot chocolate solo, and the Gingerbread solo. The first swells of the Prologue still send butterflies through my stomach!

6. I have a pen pal. Her name is Molly, and I know she reads SW, so hi, Molly! We’ve exchanged letters almost every week for two years, which satisfies both of our old souls and love of pretty paper products.

7. I love ridiculous music. Seriously, I KNOW I embarrass John, and probably most of our friends, too, but I can’t help it! My favorite tunes are all from the ’50s and ’60s. A few favorites for your listening pleasure: “I Do” by the Marvelows, “Good Lovin’” by the Young Rascals, “Twistin’ the Night Away” by Sam Cooke, and “Do You Love Me?” by the Contours. I would fit right in at a sock hop.

8. I am, by nature, an introvert. I could occupy myself for hours — or possibly even days — and be as happy as a clam. I like people, and I like parties, but after a big outing I always need time by myself to recuperate.

9. I have had laser beam focus when it comes to our wedding. This has been very surprising to me! I’ve worried for years that when actually faced with making actual decisions — permanent decisions — for my own wedding, I would be paralyzed by all the options. But I’m not! At all! We’ve got a very clear vision for exactly how we want our day to look and feel, and now it’s just about executing. Hallelujah!

10. In ten years I will be 34, and by that point, I want to have children (two if John gets his way, three if I get mine) and be living on a farm and managing a wedding venue with my whole family. And I want to have chickens.

Read more about me here!

Do we have something in common? Introduce yourself in the comments!

All photos by Millie Holloman

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Lydia reply

    Pen pals are a forgotten pleasure, especially if they love pretty paper too! I’ve been corresponding with an out-of-state friend since we met in DC in 2000. She’s not married with a baby girl while I’m still single. But hopefully my status will change sooner rather than later!

  2. avatar Emily Plans a Wedding :: The Main Characters « Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] before we jump into the nitty gritty! Y’all already know me pretty well (just read this and this for a refresher course!), but John is a little bit more of a mystery. Allow me to enlighten […]

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Hello, ladies + gents! Now that we have our super-fab team photos back from the amazing Millie Holloman, we thought we’d do some proper introductions! Some of us you’ve already met, some of us you may be meeting for the first time — but after this little Sit a Spell series, we hope you’ll feel like you know us even better! You’ve already met Nicole, Sierra, and Marissa, and now it’s Whitney’s turn! Whitney is poised, funny, kind, and quite fashionable — you’re all in for a treat! — Emily

Hey y’all! I’m just delighted that you’ve stopped by, and I’d love to tell you a bit more about me, myself and I! I’m the go-to gal for anything and everything ad related. See those gorgeous banners along the right side of your screen? I’m lucky enough to work with each and every one of those vendors. The print advertisers are fabulous, too! Pull up a chair, sit on down and grab some lemonade. Let’s begin!

1. I was the champion of the Idaho History Bee in 4th grade. Though I’m a Southerner at heart, when it comes down to it, I’m a transplant. I was raised in the good ol’ state of Idaho and I didn’t move to North Carolina until I was 16 years old. Ask me anything about the potato state and I’m sure that I could answer. State bird? The Mountain Blue Bird! Most famous Native American? Sacajawea! The best part of winning that bee was the trophy in the shape of Idaho. It’s still hanging on my wall.

2. I over-exaggerate. A lot. When it’s hot outside, it’s about a million degrees. If there’s a snow storm, we will never be able to go anywhere ever again. So, I’m a bit melodramatic and I have a flair for extremes, but it certainly makes life more interesting. By the way, the commute from my house to the office is about 20,000 hours.

3. In a previous life, I was a classical singer. Really. I took voice lessons for 12 years and competed in several voice competitions. I was obsessed with musical theater and took part in local productions of Les Miserables, The Wizard of Oz and Fame.

4. I drive a little white convertible and she has a very distinct personality. Her name is Shelby and we have had a long love-hate relationship. Some days, she is beautiful and agreeable and other days she just doesn’t want to do a thing. I honestly find myself talking to my car trying to coax her into behaving. I swear it works.

5. Last year, I got four Snuggies for Christmas (and Snuggies were not on my list). My family and friends all separately decided that I was in need of a Snuggie (or four). Maybe it is because I’m extremely cold-natured? Maybe I just look like I’d love a blanket with sleeves? Now, I am the proud owner of a pink Snuggie, a blue Snuggie, a Carolina-themed Snuggie and a leopard print Snuggie. I have a Snuggie for every mood!

6. Bees are attracted to my hair. I don’t know if it’s that bright red shade that lures them in or if it is the scent of my shampoo, but I cannot walk outside without a wasp bee-lining (get it?) straight for my head. It’s made for many uncomfortable outdoor experiences.

7. I’ve been to 48 states. Every summer when I was growing up, my dad would pack all of us into an RV and take us around the country. From east to west, north to south, I’ve seen it all. Which two states am I missing? Alaska and Hawaii, of course. They’re very hard to drive to.

8. I am terrified of trash. I will clean the bathroom and scrub the floors 10,000 times (there’s that exaggeration again) before I’ll touch the trash can. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and I will do just about anything to get out of taking the trash out.

9. I’ve been to Disney World more than 20 times. My grandfather and my uncle have both worked at the happiest place on earth since around the time I was born and my family takes a trip down to the sunshine state almost every year. I’ve met Mickey so many times that I bet he knows me by name.

10. In ten years, I hope to have a beautiful flat in a big city (maybe Atlanta?). The cars will bustle by stories below as I sit happily in front of a fireplace next to my future hubby. Maybe there will be a few rugrats and a cute puppy. For now, I’m just so happy to work with the women of Southern Weddings. Y’all, these girls are amazing!

Read more about me here!

Do we have something in common? Introduce yourself in the comments below!

Written with love by Whitney

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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Hello, ladies + gents! Now that we have our super-fab team photos back from the amazing Millie Holloman, we thought we’d do some proper introductions! Some of us you’ve already met, some of us you may be meeting for the first time — but after this little Sit a Spell series, we hope you’ll feel like you know us even better! You’ve already met Nicole and Sierra, and now it’s Marissa’s turn! Marissa is one of the warmest and most welcoming people you’ll ever have the pleasure of getting to know, so I’m thrilled you’re being formally introduced today! — Emily

Happy Friday, y’all! I’m so thrilled you’ve stopped by to learn a little about little ol’ me! Just a bit about what I do here at Southern Weddings before we jump right in: I’m our Editor in Chief’s right hand gal, so Lara and I spend a lot of time together. I’m also your go-to-girl for anything style or fashion related, and probably the loudest mouth here at SW. Let’s get started!

1. I am obsessed with trial size anything. No joke, y’all! I am sort of (completely) a product junkie. Trial size cosmetics, hair products and just about anything tiny and cute makes me really happy. You know that aisle in the pharmacy meant for traveling? Yep, I could spend hours there. I’ve even bought products I don’t need in order to get the free samples of cosmetics.

2. I monogram EVERYTHING! I contribute this to having MNA as my maiden initials. My formal monogram was mAn. Not so cute! Now that I’m mKn, forget it! If it stops moving, I’ll monogram it!

3. I had a hole in my wedding dress! Yep, you heard me – a hole in my wedding dress! Right in the center of the stomach of my dress there was a hole in the lace straight though. Luckily, our photographer showed me that it didn’t appear in photos and the problem was solved. Thanks for saving my sanity, SK!

4. Scary movies give me the hives. I simply cannot watch them. I am the biggest scaredy cat you’ll ever meet when it comes to horror films. I probably saw no more than five minutes of the last scary movie I was dragged to, and those five minutes were spent peaking through my fingers. In my defense, my husband and his 6 foot 8 inch friend were both covering their faces with their hoodies!

5. Roll Tide is an everyday saying in our home. You’ve probably seen me say it on Twitter, here on the blog and just about everywhere else. As you know, college football is life in the South, and Alabama football, well, it’s just that much better! When my family moved to Alabama (I’m a military brat) our neighbor told my Mom to pick a side: “Are you Alabama or Auburn?” Needless to say we are Alabama, and always will be. Good thing I’m a Bama fan, otherwise my in laws might not have approved.

6. I have packed up an entire apartment in three hours. A quite lovely apartment, at that. As you might know, my husband (the handsome BDK) is a minor league baseball player, and with that comes a lot of traveling. One day, we got the call, and he had to be with the new team quite quickly. So, as he ran to the field to get his baseball gear, I packed up our entire apartment in only three hours (and into a Jetta, y’all)!

7. My favorite channels to watch are QVC and the Home Shopping Network, but I have never ever bought anything from either one. Seriously, y’all, I could lose hours of my life watching the Gem Show without ever thinking about purchasing one of the items.

8. I just cut 11 inches of my hair off to be donated to Pantene Beautiful Lengths in honor of a family friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer. So did my sister and the fab Nicole.

9. I’ve been to approximately one hundred and fifty baseball games, but I still don’t understand all the rules of baseball. I once thought the shortest player on the team always had to play shortstop (for you non-baseball fans out there, this is not true). However, I can tell you the difference between a slider, a curve ball and a splitty.

10. In ten years, I want to be living in an antebellum style home (preferably below the Mason Dixon) with my sweet BDK and a couple yummy little children (with BDK’s dimples) running around. We’d vacation at our beach house on Rosemary Beach and I’ll still be working with the fab ladies of Southern Weddings and you wonderful readers.

Read more about me here!

Do we have something in common? Introduce yourself in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you!

marissa Written with love by Marissa
  1. avatar Ashley reply


  2. avatar Mary reply

    Eeeeek! I absolutely love that blue ruffle dress you’re wearing! Where did you get it? It’s lovely!

  3. avatar Lydia reply

    I’m sort of a military brat! My dad was in the AF for almost 23 years, but had moved from active duty to the reserves before I was born. So I got a lot of the benefits without ever having to move around! Donated my hair to Locks of Love a couple of time, but I’m back to long tresses for the time being. We need a picture of your shorter ‘do!

    • avatar Marissa reply

      Wow, 23 years in the AF! Go Lydia’s dad! And so awesome you donated to Locks of Love – very generous of you! xo, Marissa

  4. avatar Kathy reply

    I love antebellum homes, too! In fact, the older and more historic the house, the better I like it. Good luck with your goals. I’m sure you’ll reach them!

  5. avatar Esther reply

    I’ve donated my hair twice now to Locks of Love; working on the third but my hair seems to enjoy growing painfully slow! Regardless, it’s a wonderful cause and I applaud all three of you for making such a generous donation! Besides, it’s the perfect time for a cute new cut in this sweltering summer heat :)

    • avatar Marissa reply

      Thanks, Esther! The best thing I have found to help hair grow is the vitamin Biotin. It also works wonders on your eyelashes and nails! xo, Marissa

  6. avatar Emily reply

    I hate scary movies, too! And FYI, I’ve heard the best trial size aisle is located in Beth, Bath, & Beyond :)

  7. avatar Lara reply

    Marissa, you are the sugar to my tea. The jam to my biscuit. The Jimmy Dean sausage to my Coon Balls. (y’all, we’ll explain that one soon!) But, seriously, I don’t know what I’d do without you. You bless my life in SO many ways! I love you!

    • avatar Marissa reply

      Well, as long as I am the Jimmy Dean to your coon balls then we are all good! : ) I love you and that bitty baby in your belly!

  8. avatar Kristina reply

    I don’t think I could ever pack up an apartment that fast! Kudos

  9. avatar Southern Spotting: Monogrammed Bouquet Wraps « Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] has been known to admit she’ll monogram anything that stops moving, so I’m guessing today’s Southern Spotting will be […]

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