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Southern Weddings Weekly Round-Up

by in Main on

Happy Saturday! It has been a busy week, and if you’re anything like me, one of your favorite ways to unwind on Saturday morning is to enjoy a big cup of coffee and a tasty breakfast while catching up on your favorite blogs. That’s why we’ve added a “Weekend Reading” section to the Weekly Round-Up–along with catching up on the week’s posts, you’ll also now be able to find links to some of our all-time favorites from our archives. We hope they make your Saturday morning blog reading extra sweet!

Anne Sydney and Jesse, by Melanie Mauer

In case you missed it this week…

Want to make a wedding inspiration board? Find our tips in Ask SW!
We outlined the best ways to follow along with the Southern Weddings blog–come sit a spell!
We celebrated Marissa’s birthday by sharing our favorite memories of her.
Some of our favorite Nashville ladies modeled beautiful spring bridesmaid styles.
Our friends, the Bambers, shared their favorite thing about marriage in Sweet Tea Sunday.
The husband and wife team behind Love, The Nelsons opened up their happy home in Southern Newlywed.

As seen in V7, Anne Sydney and Jesse celebrated their marriage on a mountain overlooking their Kentucky hometown. Find their wedding here and wedding film here!
Molly and Kevin tied the knot with a “big Southern military wedding” in Charleston.
Amy and Mike transformed the backyard of Amy’s childhood home into their perfect wedding venue.
Ashley and Matt‘s classic Charleston wedding included a custom combined family crest.

Some more weekend reading!

If you’re changing your last name, are you keeping your middle name?
We loved putting a Southern twist on our valentine writing party (heart-shaped biscuits, anyone?).
Pass these toasting tips on to your maid of honor.
Blair and Luke‘s Virginia wedding has the most amazing Valentine’s Day-worthy details.

Sponsor Corner

Donna Morgan has long been one of our favorite sources for stylish bridesmaid dresses, and thanks to their incredible color options (they have 29 on-trend hues to choose from!), they’ve become our go-to recommendation for brides who want their best gals dressed in mismatched dresses. Since you can search by color or by style on the Donna Morgan site, it’s super easy to choose different dresses in one color, mix and match colors in the same style, or combine an array of styles and hues. No matter which direction you go, your gals are guaranteed to look amazing!

Have a happy weekend!

lisa Written with love by Lisa
1 Comment
  1. avatar Michael and Carina reply

    Inspiring! Can’t wait to share this with a friend who’s a bridesmaid! :)

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You’ve seen what’s it’s like to be the Southern Weddings’ Art Director, Shop Manager, and our Creative Director! But, I can tell you that my day in the life looks quite a bit different – literally and figuratively! As y’all may know, I work remote most of the time as my husband’s career takes our little family all over the place (mostly Texas this year)! Sit a spell with me as I walk you through a typical day for Southern Weddings’ Ad Director.

Jodi Miller Photography

5:23am: With the addition of our sweet girl this January, my mornings always start quite a bit earlier than I hope, but 3am snuggles are worth tired eyes!

8:45am: On most mornings, I’m up, mascara on, and donning a Walk in Love tee + yoga pant combo (yeah, I’m that mama, what of it?!) This quote from Paulo Coelho keeps me going on rough days: “No matter how you feel today, get up, dress up, and show up.”

9:00am: I open my email client, and since we’re just days away from closing advertising for our next gorgeous issue, I’m in print crunch mode! My inbox is exploding with media negations, gorgeous print ads for our darling sponsors, and text features that I need to finish up.

10:00am: Since my job as Advertising Director encompasses all our revenue streams for print, online and Blue Ribbon Vendors, I spend a good amount of time with my head in Excel documents! Before our meetings, I prep our spreadsheets to report all the numbers, and progress to the team.

10:20am: Since Kristin and I both work remotely, we hop on Google Hangout a few minutes to prep for our portion of our weekly team meeting. Since we’re virtual BFF’s, I always tend to compliment KNW’s hair – that girl can rock a set of hot rollers!

10:30am: Our editorial meetings have been compressed a tad bit for the past few weeks since we’re all busy bees preparing for V7, so we chat about important updates, tie up any loose ends, and give out golden eggs to encourage and show appreciation for each other. What’s a golden egg, you ask? Yeah, that’s the Southern Weddings version of a gold star!

11:21am: After our meeting, Emily, Kristin, and I stay on the hangout to brainstorm a BIG exciting project we are working on and how we can best serve our sweet sponsors.

11:50am: Back to email – Nicole and Morgan are designing a bunch of gorgeous print ads for our print clients, and I’m always happy to weigh in with my layman’s eye! More like, I tell them which options I think are prettiest :) Then we send the options along to our clients for their approval. Y’all, you’re going to swoon over these pages, I can guarantee!

Jodi Miller Photography

12:45pm: While this is my busiest time of the year, I try my best to stop for a quick lunch break and a few baby kisses with EK. She’s growing so fast, and today she learned to wave “bye bye!” It’s adorable, I can’t lie!

1:00pm: I have a call with an advertising agency regarding a client who will be joining us in V7 as well as on the blog. We are working on negotiating rates, chatting about our beautiful content and sharing our heart for marriage. With my corporate background, negotiations and numbers are my strength, but marriage and what matters most is my heart! Needless to say, when I can share our mission with a potential client it brightens my day.

1:41pm: While most of my day is spent on the business side of Southern Weddings, I LOVE writing real wedding intros! Lisa and I share the majority of this responsibility and we also share a love for gushing over the sweet quotes from darling grooms and wiping tears over heirlooms passed down through generations.

2:10pm: Speaking of Lisa, together we jump on a conference call with a brand new client to discuss details of a super secret collaboration that will have Miss Lisa in NYC this week! Hint: she gets to have her and makeup done, and there is a set!

3:00pm: Back to email – Kristin has welcomed five new Blue Ribbon Vendors, and I need to get them all set up! I use our electronic invoicing and contracting system and send them welcome notes along with all the needed paperwork to be able to share these talented folks with y’all!

3:40pm: Excel, Google Docs, and Illustrator time! Since we’re nearing the door closing on this issue, I’m working hard to ensure that all our documents are in order. I quality control all the spreadsheets we use to make sure our clients have submitted artwork or we are working together on creative and check off each step in the process.

4:30pm: Nicole is designing a collective ad that will be showcasing some gorgeous venues, so I give our sponsors each a ring to make sure they all approve of the design. I collect the feedback and Nicole and I connect on a call to walk through the edits.

5:00pm: Traditionally, I’d be closing down around now, but in print crunch time, I’m not done yet! Kristin and I jump on the phone again to chat through our projects for the next couple days and discuss pending accounts and client needs. And, let me mention that typically Kristin and I must send over 25 texts to each other a day! Mostly emojis – we have that kind of relationship.

5:27pm: Back to email – yep, as you can see I spend a lot of time in email! Things go fast this time of year, and it’s so much fun to work with our sponsors who truly want to love and serve our brides.

5:50pm: BDK and EK have snuck into my office from EK’s play room and the combo of their baby blues makes it impossible for me to answer any more emails at all. I sign off, and spend the evening playing blocks with EK, or reading Peekaboo Sophie!

marissa Written with love by Marissa
  1. avatar Lindy reply

    As a mom, I’m always curious about how other working moms make it work. Who takes care of your sweet girl while you work? Or do you work and take care of her simultaneously? Love that your job is flexible enough so that your family can travel together… what a blessing!

  2. avatar A Day in the Life of Southern Weddings' Editor – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] gotten a peek at the days of Morgan, Emily, Nicole, and Marissa, and now it’s my turn! Since our V7 shoot season is complete, Emily and I have switched gears […]

  3. avatar A Day in the Life of the Southern Weddings' Marketing Director – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] Like Marissa, most of my day is spent on the business side of Southern Weddings. I take a few minutes to call a […]

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