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Hello, ladies + gents! Now that we have our super-fab team photos back from the amazing Millie Holloman, we thought we’d do some proper introductions! Some of us you’ve already met, some of us you may be meeting for the first time — but after this little Sit a Spell series, we hope you’ll feel like you know us even better! First we had Nicole, and now it’s Sierra’s turn! Her graphics skills are astounding, and her personality is even sweeter. I’m thrilled for you to meet Sierra! — Emily

Happy Friday, y’all! Having been at Southern Weddings for 10 months, I thought it was high time to introduce myself, seeing as I’m more often found behind the scenes! Curious about what I do all day? I’m the girl behind most of the SW imagery – from column headers, to sidebar buttons, to giveaway graphics. I’m also heading up layout and page design for our next issue, Southern Weddings V4. (I cannot WAIT to share what I’ve been working on all summer!) But let’s get started, shall we?

1. If I could do it again, I’d do it the same. Growing up, my family moved around multiple times, and strangely enough, it’s been in a pattern – North (MA), South (TN), North (or Midwest — OH), and South (NC). While I gave my parents a good amount of grief (sorry Mom and Dad!) about making me leave my friends and all that was familiar, looking back, I appreciate the change. If it wasn’t for moving, I would not have met all the people I know and love today. I would not be working on this amazing publication and, most importantly, I might never have broken out of my shell.

2. I was named after a mountain range. Can you say the same? Ever since I can remember, I haven’t really liked my name. I still don’t. I’ve heard of or met 5-10 girls named Sierra in my entire life. My parents, who both have ordinary names, wanted to name my brother and me something unique that had to do with the outdoors. No surprise, then, that I am part of a major Scouting family: my father and brother are both Eagle Scouts, my dad is a freelance photographer for the National Boy Scouts, and my brother is a ranger at Philmont Scout Ranch in NM (we’re actually visiting him next week!).

3. In a previous life I was a competitive figure skater. Yep, I had the nice skates, the velvet leotards and a spiffy rolling backpack. And until middle school, I spent many hours of my life at the rink. (I’m still a good skater when I go with friends about once a year.) My favorite routine was to the Mulan soundtrack!

4. I’m a country music fan. I like other genres of music (I really enjoy reggae), but – let me know if any of you feel the same – I like that country music ties me to my roots. It’s something that I’m proud of. Ever since I was in a stroller, my parents took me to see my grandparents when they were at Fan Fair (now the CMA Music Festival) or when they (my grandparents) were touring as part of the Camping Dancers, a square dancing group that traveled around in RVs and performed at different places. Really!

5. I can’t cook, but I love to eat. Although both of my grandmothers are known for being wonderful Southern cooks, somehow that trailed off with my mom and me. (For example, my mom said she is pretty good at boiling water.) What I’ve learned to cook so far? Strawberry drizzle cake, pecan pie, pumpkin cookies and deviled eggs. Like I said, though, I love to eat! My dad makes the best grits, and I don’t eat them without adding cheese, crispy bacon, scrambled eggs, butter and a touch of salt and pepper in there. My friends from Ohio make fun of grits (so did Emily at our office meeting!). Those Northerners just don’t understand!

6. I have worked in the frozen dessert industry for almost eight years. At age 15, I worked at a pizza place that served gelato. In middle and high school, I worked at TCBY (frozen yogurt). And in college, the jobs naturally led me to be the campus manager of Smitty’s Homemade Ice Cream. I even roped my boyfriend into the business! I recommend White Chocolate Mousse from TCBY or Carolina Blue Chip from Smitty’s.

7. My car has 365,000 miles on it. When I say my car, I actually mean my family’s car — a ’91 Jeep Cherokee that we’ve all driven at some point (Emily can relate). Though I love the Jeep, it’s had its incidents. For example, in high school, the driver’s door fell off one day before school started. I just put it back on, locked it and went to class before the late bell! It’s been around so long that it’s like a member of our family!

8. You won’t find me without a cardigan. No matter what season it is, you will probably find me wearing one (like now as I’m writing this post in the middle of the summer). I don’t know how I acquired such a collection –- probably from visiting J.Crew outlets — but the only colors I am missing are red, black, navy, orange and off white. When my hair is in a low bun (called my “wedding bun” by friends), add a pair of glasses, and you might mistake me for your grandma.

9. I started as the mail girl here at Southern Weddings. One fateful day, Lara emailed me and asked if I would forward a posting to UNC students about a month-long position, starting that week, to help get V3 orders out the door. Before sending it to 400+ people, I emailed back offering to do it myself! I started the next day, mailed hundreds of magazines and wrote personal notes until my hand fell off, but 10 months later, I’m still here! (And taking care of much more than the mail.) My recent tasks have even included modeling!

10. In ten years, I want to be happily married and in the process of starting a family. I also hope to own my own business. (I just need to determine what type of business that would be!) For now though, I continue falling more in love with the wedding industry each and every day. I am lucky to be able to interact with such talented vendors, such stunning and personable brides and such energetic and loyal readers. Y’all make me smile!

Read more about me here!

Do we have something in common? Introduce yourself in the comments below!

Written with love by Sierra
  1. avatar Emily reply

    Thanks to you, my dear, I am now also a country music fan!

  2. avatar Brittany reply

    Great to meet you, Sierra! I’m a Tennessean, born and raised, AND I love grits! I truly have a hard time thinking that everyone doesn’t love them.

    • avatar Sierra reply

      Yes, Tennessee is a wonderful state! I’ve lived in Nashville, Brentwood and Murfreesboro. Have a great weekend, Brittany!

  3. avatar Lara reply

    I love this! You are so incredible, Sierra! I’m so happy to see your face every day!

  4. avatar Whitney reply

    Sierra, we simply must go ice skating together! I took lessons until I was 13. You’ll have to wear that velvet leotard.

  5. avatar Lisa reply

    You are so beautiful! And I’m in the alternating between North and South club too, haha… New York to Virginia to Ohio to Texas to Pennsylvania and back to Texas! There’s no place like home in the South, that’s for sure! :)

    • avatar Sierra reply

      Thank you for the sweet comment, Lisa! I knew someone would be able to relate to moving all over the place. And yes, I’m always happier in the South with warmer weather and sweet tea. Have a fabulous weekend!

  6. avatar Lydia reply

    What’s not to love about cardigans?? I don’t have quite the collection you do, but I’m on my way! :-)

  7. avatar Morgan Maples reply

    As your best friend, I loved reading your “Sit a Spell!” Although I already knew most of that about you, as I am the one who calls it “the wedding bun”, it was still so fun to see how much you love your job. The website always looks beautiful–keep up the good work!

  8. avatar Kristina reply

    I totally identify with the can’t-cook-loves-to-eat bit! Whenever I tell my husband I will cook that night he asks if I’m sure lol, but he always eats it anyway like a trooper. For the most part, he cooks and I bake. And I loooove to bake. Sounds like you are quite the baker if you are venturing into cakes and pies!

  9. avatar Kelly reply

    ohmyGOODNESS! let me just tell you a little something about our similarities… 1. girl, grits are my favorite!!!! i totally empathize with you about the backlash grits get from Yankees. i plan on having a grits bar at my tennessee wedding next year. and you KNOW cheese and bacon will be involved. 2. TCBY white chocolate mousse has been my frozen delight of choice since i was five!!!! yes ma’am. 3. cardigans are the best! my favorite is from a banana republic outlet, pale blue-green cashmere… heaven. lovely reading about you!!!

    • avatar Sierra reply

      A grits bar! Oh my! That is very exciting about your upcoming wedding. You’re at the right place for some Southern wedding planning and inspiration. Be sure to check out our print issue in September. It’s packed with Southern goodness that won’t disappoint. Glad we have so many things in common, Kelly!

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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Hello, ladies + gents! Now that we have our super-fab team photos back from the amazing Millie Holloman, we thought we’d do some proper introductions! Some of us you’ve already met, some of us you may be meeting for the first time — but after this little Sit a Spell series, we hope you’ll feel like you know us even better! Up first? My right-hand gal, Nicole, our newest editorial assistant. You’ve probably seen her writing on the blog, but she also is a huge help to me with shoot planning and prep. I love this girl! — Emily

Hey hey, y’all! I think it’s high time we got to know each other a little better. You know, since we spend so much time together — don’t lie, I know you’re on the blog at work, too! Grab some tea and sit a spell with me as I share a few random tidbits and quirks about myself! Here’s hoping you don’t get scared off…

1. I have an issue with cupcakes. I know, I know, it’s seriously tragic, very surprising, and plain unacceptable. But listen—they’re really hard to eat. How do you get the perfect combination of cake and frosting in one bite? Please give me a fork. Or a pie.

2. In a previous life I was a chemistry major, a theatre kid, a violinist, and a rebel. Okay, I wasn’t really a rebel, but one time I did skip class to finger paint. True story. This happened two years ago, not when I was five.

3. I dance in the car. A lot. If you see a small Asian lady rockin’ out in a Hyundai Accent, it’s probably me. My sister is embarrassed to ride in my passenger seat, but I know y’all understand. Some songs are just too good not to dance to them!

4. I have a Monica Gellar complex. I love to organize and clean things. I’ve been known to alphabetize, color-code and rearrange. There have been a few times when I’ve asked people if I could clean their rooms. Awkward? Not at all.

5. I’m a vegetarian. I dearly miss pulled pork sandwiches, but I make up for it with lots of cornbread and black bean burgers. I’m so excited that I made this lifestyle change. It makes me conscious and appreciative of what I eat and I just feel better about myself.

6. It would be a bad idea to bring me with you to Staples, Office Depot, Office Max or any other office supply store if you’re in a hurry. I really do wander around for inappropriate amounts of time. The post-it aisle is my favorite, but I also enjoy the paper aisle. I’m proud to say that no one has accused me of loitering or stealing yet. That means it’s not a problem, right?

7. Summer is heaven. There is nothing that makes me happier than sticking my hands out the window of my car while driving in the middle of a summer night with the smell of honeysuckle in the air. Tell me you don’t love ice cream, porch swings, bare feet and fireflies.

8. My mom was a seamstress while I was growing up and enlisted me in numerous craft projects from stenciling our bedroom walls to making our own photo albums. There was a time when I took it upon myself to cut holes in my new dress because I thought I was sewing. My mom loves that story. She also loves the story of the time when I climbed into our fish tank, so it proves that not only is she the source of my creative bug, but that she loves to embarrass me.

9. I’ve never been out of the country but I would love to live abroad for a little bit before I settle down (you know, in my dream world where I magically work from abroad in order to sustain life). My top five places to visit are Marrakech, Morocco, Florence, Italy, Greece, France and Malaysia.

10. In ten years, I want to live in a house with creaking wood floors, a brightly-colored front door, lavender on my kitchen windowsill and floor to ceiling bookshelves. Hopefully there will be a puppy running around my well-shaded backyard as I sit on my porch swing sipping peach iced tea and reading a book with dog-eared pages.

Read more about me here!

Do we have something in common? Introduce yourself in the comments below!

nicoleyang Written with love by Nicole
  1. avatar Katie B reply

    If we were playing the game, which SW gal are you? I think I would be a Nicole! haha. Seriously, the office max thing made me laugh, some of my friends have gotten mad at me when I wander the aisles for 30 minutes just looking at all the awesome organization!

    And your dream house? sigh. . .can I come over for some of that peach tea? It sounds divine.

    This new series is great! Glad to get to know you gals a little bit better!

    • avatar Nicole reply

      Hi Katie!
      That’s so funny, I’m glad there’s someone else out there who wanders around Office Max forever!

  2. avatar Emily reply

    I love to dance in the car, too!!! I think John, like your sister, finds it immensely embarrassing… but then sometimes I catch him grooving, too. Older Rihanna always gets us going :)

  3. avatar Marissa reply

    LOVE all this! Can we please try and stuff a gigantic desk into my tiny car’s trunk with Whit again soon?!

  4. avatar Janelle Vano reply

    Nicole, you seem just wonderful and I can’t imagine anyone getting scared off from what you shared! I especially love your love of organizational stuff and the vision of your future home (this totally inspires me to make the visions and dreams of my future less vague….more detailed!).

    • avatar Nicole reply

      Hi Janelle!

      Thank you so much! I’m glad you didn’t get scared off :) I love thinking about the tiny details of my future home, they’re what really make you appreciate it! I hope I get to know you more in the future!

  5. avatar Lara reply

    I love you Nicole Yang! I just about fell off the elliptical today reading this. You are hilarious and brilliant!

  6. avatar alexis reply

    I have the monica gellar complex as well… my fiance swears my happiest moments are alone with a label-maker… also my post-it addiction level hit new heights when I discovered the lovely array of colors. Fav. discovery on my Mac? The post-it widget. My life-long dream is to move south to GA and live on some land in a country house with a wraparound porch and rocking chairs so I can drink my sweet tea and watch the sky! :)

    • avatar Nicole reply

      That’s hilarious, Alexis! I’m big on labeling things, too :) Your dream of moving to Georgia and drinking sweet on your wraparound porch sounds absolutely perfect.

  7. avatar shannon reply

    what a sweet new series! i love it and can’t wait to “meet” all the SW ladies!

    nicole – i too am a vegetarian (yay!) and love summer with my whole heart and then some. and your 10 year goal sounds pretty perfect to me. i’ll take it all!

    and also…your outfit is adorable in those pictures!

    • avatar Nicole reply

      Hi Shannon!

      Thank you! It sounds like we would get along marvelously. I love meeting other vegetarians–my friends still wonder how I live without a burger! :)

  8. avatar Sit a Spell with Me :: Sierra « Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] little Sit a Spell series, we hope you’ll feel like you know us even better! First we had Nicole, and now it’s Sierra’s turn! Her graphics skills are astounding, and her personality is […]

  9. avatar Lydia reply

    Add in a husband + kids and your ten year plan could be mine! Haven’t decided completely, but that front door might be a brilliant red offset by gray walls and white trim!

    • avatar Nicole reply

      That sounds so perfect, Lydia! I love seeing bright red doors on houses :)

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Southern food is a huge passion of ours at Southern Weddings–we love learning about it, cooking it, eating it, and even designing photo shoots inspired by it (remember the biscuit shoots in V4 and V6 and the pie shoot in V5?). The thing we love most about it, though? The community it creates–around a dining room table, or any time Southerners anywhere in the world bond over a shared love for shrimp and grits or hummingbird cake. Most recently, our love for Southern food led us to Elena, who started her blog, Biscuits and Such, when she was hunting for her grandmother’s country-style steak recipe, and couldn’t find an online source for Southern food that resonated with her. Hundreds of recipes and three cookbooks later, we’re thrilled that she has filled that void herself, and gave us a peek into the kitchen she shares with her husband, Dan. Just like any good Southern kitchen, Elena’s blog makes me want to sit a spell and stay awhile…especially if I can get a taste of one of those fried chicken biscuits!

By day: Dan is a web developer for a company based in San Francisco, and he works from our home in Wilmington. I teach Montessori preschool, which means that I spend my days with the most insightful, hilarious, crazy people you can imagine. In 2008, I started a Southern food blog, Biscuits and Such, which has taken me on an amazing journey that has included three cookbooks and some of the most incredible experiences and opportunities.

How they met: We met at the Maryland Institute College of Art. We were in a two-year curatorial studies course together and became great friends. After a few years, we took the leap and started dating, and we haven’t looked back since.

Their wedding: We were married in Beaufort, North Carolina in late September 2009. It rained like crazy, I wore a seersucker dress, and it was totally perfect. We were young and fresh out of art school, so we did everything ourselves, from letterpressing the invitations to DJ-ing the reception on our laptop. The biggest compliment we received was that it felt like us. It was a great day.

The meal planning: Meal planning is collaborative. We try to follow the seasons with our meals, which means that we have different go-to recipes during different times of the year. Each week, we’ll both suggest a few things that we’re hankering for, and we’ll build the menu from there, drawing inspiration from what is available at the farmer’s market and grocery store.

The cooking: I do most of the cooking, though Dan is no slouch in the kitchen. We work together when we host people, and he is an amazing sous chef. Lately, he’s also been experimenting with charcuterie, which is something I completely support!

Their favorite meal-related memory: We’ve eaten a lot of great meals together! Usually, we eat pretty simply when it’s just the two of us and pull out all the stops for guests. Recently, we decided to treat ourselves and made a really extravagant dinner in: sous vide steak, buttery smashed potatoes, wilted arugula, and creme brûlée. It was so nice to refocus our culinary energy on each other–it’s a good reminder of what is important!

Elena and Dan’s ten favorite recipes:

1. Chicken Biscuits: This is one of my favorite foods, and lately, I’ve been making them with jalapeño honey and dill pickle slices. They hit the spot!
2. Fresh Pasta: We made fresh pasta with friends recently and were so blown away by how easy and delicious it was. I don’t think we can go back!
3. Shrimp and Grits: Everyone has their own take on this classic Southern Lowcountry recipe. I like mine with slow-roasted tomatoes, bacon, and just a little bit of brown sugar.
4. Pulled Pork Tacos: My students will tell you in a heartbeat that my favorite food is tacos, and pulled pork tacos are up there on my list of all-time favorite meals.
5. Pimento Cheese Squash Blossoms: I am itching for spring to come for so many reasons, not least of which, I am ready to fry up another big batch of pimento cheese squash blossoms!
6. Ginger Syrup: I cannot get enough ginger lately, and ginger syrup is a great way to add a splash of flavor to sparkling water or a cocktail.
7. Eastern North Carolina Barbecue: One of the things that North Carolina is known for is our tangy, vinegar-based barbecue. I myself am partial to the Eastern NC treatment: apple cider vinegar, red pepper, and salt.
8. Burnt Orange Salty Caramel Sauce: I want to pour this burnt orange caramel sauce all over everything.
9. Cherry Mountain Pie: Every year growing up, my grandma would make me a mountain pie, which is pretty much a dump cobbler, for my birthday. It was one thing that made my birthday special, and every year I still celebrate with a mountain pie on my birthday.
10. Recipes from Not Without Salt: Not Without Salt and her series “Dating My Husband” has been one of my favorites over the past few years. Her book is gorgeous, and I’m excited to keep cooking from it!

Thank you so much for sharing, Elena! Follow along with her and Dan on Biscuits and Such, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and check out her cookbooks here!

lisa Written with love by Lisa
  1. avatar amy reply

    Nothing better than cooking with each other, lots of fun Loved your photos and your smiles

  2. avatar biscuits and such | Lovely Internet 3.13.15 reply

    […] Dan and I are on the Southern Weddings blog today! I married a pretty cool […]

  3. avatar pam (Sidewalk Shoes) reply

    Thanks for liking my ginger syrup!

  4. avatar Lauren reply

    Love the chicken biscuits. Thanks for sharing a little bit about yourselves!

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