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Hello from the Big Apple!

by in Main, News on

Well hello, darlings! It’s Whitney and Marissa, reporting from the Big Apple! We hope you’ve been enjoying our tweet-coverage LIVE from New York’s Bridal Market all weekend! We’ve been running around the city with our trusty photographers, the fabulous Mr. Trent Bailey and the lovely Ms. Ashley Minette, to bring you the best in bridal fashion!

Above: a quick snap from Trent!

We can’t WAIT to share all the gorgeousness that we’ve seen over the past few days! Stay tuned, because later this week we’ll be featuring all the lace, satin and tulle you can handle! (YES!) Plus, some behind-the-scenes fun of two Southern girls in the city!

A little sneak preview from the new Anne Barge collection.

Need something to tide you over? Check out last year’s coverage:
1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7 and 8.

marissa Written with love by Marissa
  1. avatar Lisa reply

    Too cute!! I’ve been loving your tweets…they make me feel like I’m right there at Bridal Market with y’all! :)

  2. avatar Latrice reply

    Their twitter coverage has been phenomenal & they both looked so sassy in their style & fashion too! Kudos Marissa & Whitney on a job well done.

  3. avatar Roxanne reply

    I’m just so excited to read what comes next!

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That’s right, y’all! These Southern girls are headed North (for the weekend, that is)! Whitney and I could NOT be more excited about our upcoming trip to the Big Apple for New York’s Bridal Market. We’ll be getting up close and personal with all the gorgeous collections of designer dresses for Fall 2012 to bring you, our lovely brides, the best and most Southern gowns and glittering goodies!

Whitney: I just had to jump in, because I’m too excited to let Marissa make this fantastic announcement all by herself! This will be my first time attending Bridal Market, and I’m just as happy as can be to get the chance to see all of the gorgeousness from our favorite bridal designers. It’s a tough job, but someone has to do it, right Marissa?

Image credit: Fred Egan, from last year’s amazing Priscilla of Boston show

Here’s a little rundown on all the fabulous details of our trip!

What exactly is Bridal Market? It’s so much fun, y’all! No, really! Bridal Market is a gathering of the best of the best in bridal fashion from all over the world. It’s also where wedding gown and accessory designers introduce their collections for the next season. Think Fashion Week – only better! We were thrilled to be invited to cover all the loveliness! Let me tell you, last year I think I said “Oh my gosh, y’all!” over 100 times. Just ask Lara!

When will the SW ladies be there? We’ll be jetting into NYC in the wee hours of the morning on Saturday and heading back below the Mason-Dixon on Monday night.

What designers will you be seeing? This might be my favorite part! We’ll be heading to the shows of Claire Pettibone, Amsale, Junko Yoshioka, Reem Acra, Monique Lhuillier, Anne Barge, Watters and a few more! Yeehaw! Yep, we’re planning on fitting all those lovely gowns into just three short days!

We’ll also be keeping you all in the loop: we’ll have tweet-coverage LIVE all weekend long, so be sure to follow along with us: Southern Weddings, Marissa and Whitney.

Are you going to be there? You know what else we love besides silk, lace and ribbon? Seeing old friends and making new ones! If you see us at Market, we’d simply adore it if you’d come say “howdy!” P.S. We’re from the South, so we’re huggers! Can’t find us? Tweet us, Facebook us or email us! We’ll be sure to say “hey!”.

Image credit: Mille Holloman. Now you know what we look like, so you have no excuse not to come say “hey”!

If you can’t wait until October 15th, get your fill with all of last year’s goodness. It was so huge we had to break it into eight pieces! 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7 and 8.

marissa Written with love by Marissa
  1. avatar Trent reply

    So exciting! Cannot wait!

  2. avatar Lisa reply

    So jealous! Have fun, ladies! :)

  3. avatar Southern Weddings Weekly Round-Up | Gift Registry News reply

    […] Our Southern girls are heading North! For Bridal Market, that is. Whitney and Marissa are pumped to get up close and personal with our favorite bridal designers. Want more information and some photos from last year’s Bridal Market? Go to this post. […]

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Hello, ladies + gents! Now that we have our super-fab team photos back from the amazing Millie Holloman, we thought we’d do some proper introductions! Some of us you’ve already met, some of us you may be meeting for the first time — but after this little Sit a Spell series, we hope you’ll feel like you know us even better! You’ve already met Nicole, Sierra, and Marissa, and now it’s Whitney’s turn! Whitney is poised, funny, kind, and quite fashionable — you’re all in for a treat! — Emily

Hey y’all! I’m just delighted that you’ve stopped by, and I’d love to tell you a bit more about me, myself and I! I’m the go-to gal for anything and everything ad related. See those gorgeous banners along the right side of your screen? I’m lucky enough to work with each and every one of those vendors. The print advertisers are fabulous, too! Pull up a chair, sit on down and grab some lemonade. Let’s begin!

1. I was the champion of the Idaho History Bee in 4th grade. Though I’m a Southerner at heart, when it comes down to it, I’m a transplant. I was raised in the good ol’ state of Idaho and I didn’t move to North Carolina until I was 16 years old. Ask me anything about the potato state and I’m sure that I could answer. State bird? The Mountain Blue Bird! Most famous Native American? Sacajawea! The best part of winning that bee was the trophy in the shape of Idaho. It’s still hanging on my wall.

2. I over-exaggerate. A lot. When it’s hot outside, it’s about a million degrees. If there’s a snow storm, we will never be able to go anywhere ever again. So, I’m a bit melodramatic and I have a flair for extremes, but it certainly makes life more interesting. By the way, the commute from my house to the office is about 20,000 hours.

3. In a previous life, I was a classical singer. Really. I took voice lessons for 12 years and competed in several voice competitions. I was obsessed with musical theater and took part in local productions of Les Miserables, The Wizard of Oz and Fame.

4. I drive a little white convertible and she has a very distinct personality. Her name is Shelby and we have had a long love-hate relationship. Some days, she is beautiful and agreeable and other days she just doesn’t want to do a thing. I honestly find myself talking to my car trying to coax her into behaving. I swear it works.

5. Last year, I got four Snuggies for Christmas (and Snuggies were not on my list). My family and friends all separately decided that I was in need of a Snuggie (or four). Maybe it is because I’m extremely cold-natured? Maybe I just look like I’d love a blanket with sleeves? Now, I am the proud owner of a pink Snuggie, a blue Snuggie, a Carolina-themed Snuggie and a leopard print Snuggie. I have a Snuggie for every mood!

6. Bees are attracted to my hair. I don’t know if it’s that bright red shade that lures them in or if it is the scent of my shampoo, but I cannot walk outside without a wasp bee-lining (get it?) straight for my head. It’s made for many uncomfortable outdoor experiences.

7. I’ve been to 48 states. Every summer when I was growing up, my dad would pack all of us into an RV and take us around the country. From east to west, north to south, I’ve seen it all. Which two states am I missing? Alaska and Hawaii, of course. They’re very hard to drive to.

8. I am terrified of trash. I will clean the bathroom and scrub the floors 10,000 times (there’s that exaggeration again) before I’ll touch the trash can. I’m a bit of a germaphobe and I will do just about anything to get out of taking the trash out.

9. I’ve been to Disney World more than 20 times. My grandfather and my uncle have both worked at the happiest place on earth since around the time I was born and my family takes a trip down to the sunshine state almost every year. I’ve met Mickey so many times that I bet he knows me by name.

10. In ten years, I hope to have a beautiful flat in a big city (maybe Atlanta?). The cars will bustle by stories below as I sit happily in front of a fireplace next to my future hubby. Maybe there will be a few rugrats and a cute puppy. For now, I’m just so happy to work with the women of Southern Weddings. Y’all, these girls are amazing!

Read more about me here!

Do we have something in common? Introduce yourself in the comments below!

Written with love by Whitney

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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