Google+ Bridal Market Part 7 :: Alisa Benay + Seersucker! - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

Welcome back for Part 7! Our last day at market, we headed off to Pier 94 for the New York International Bridal Show. This was a wedding mecca!

The format was a little different there. Instead of runway shows, there are hundreds of booths filled with dresses and accessories for press and buyers. So much to pour through, so little time! We could have spent days in there. Love the little girl below who got swooped up by one of the models. She was so happy!

We might have had a little too much fun in the Alisa Benay booth… and by a little I mean a lot! Doesn’t that model below look familiar? Oh, yes – that’s our Editor in Chief, Ms. Lara Casey, in one of our favorite gowns! Isn’t she a stunner? I vote for a Lara + Ari vow renewal! Whose with me? Love it! Lara fell in love with the dress for its sweet Southern details – lace on the straps and bodice and buttons all the way down the back with a little antique glamour in the brooch. The best part? The low scoop of the back. Romantic and modern. Alisa’s collection is so dreamy! From Lara: OK OK, I just couldn’t resist! Alisa said “try it on!” and I just couldn’t say no. What’s a girl to do surrounded by so much wedding dress eye candy!? It was a fun indulgence. And I might be considering that vow renewal.

Next up, we hunted for the best accessories to share with y’all in future Southern Weddings shoots. We really loved Haute Bride – lots of modern (and affordable!) pieces. Loved the “something blue” stone drop below left and the more dramatic floral and crystal piece at right.

And then… are y’all ready for this!? Lara discovered the dress of all dresses! A SEERSUCKER gown from Ian Stuart! Oh, my Southern heart be still! These iPhone pics just don’t do it justice!

They say you save the best for last, but let me tell you that is an understatement! Up next… the Martha Stewart Party and the Knot Gala with lots of fun wedding folks!

lara Written with love by Lara Casey
1 Comment
  1. avatar Bridal Market :: Whitney and Marissa Hit the Big Apple | Gift Registry News reply

    […] last year’s goodness. It was so huge we had to break it into eight pieces! 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, 6, 7 and 8. VN:F [1.9.6_1107]please wait…Rating: 0.0/5 (0 votes cast)VN:F [1.9.6_1107]Rating: 0 (from […]

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