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Southern Weddings

Tag: vow booklet

Get ready engaged (and soon-to-be-engaged) gals: today’s your lucky day!! In the spirit of gifting experiences, we could think of nothing better than giving you ALL the things you’ll need for creating a memorable wedding planning experience. I wish I’d been lucky enough to have all these resources (both pretty and practical) during my engagement season, and you can bet that I give them to all my best gals when they get engaged. We know that your wedding day will be one of the most meaningful experiences in your life, and we hope these tools help with your planning and preparation!!

1. Southern Wedding Magazine V9: For practical information and pretty inspiration
2. The Southern Weddings Planner: To keep track of all the details and assist with wedding etiquette
3. Marriage Certificate: To commemorate your big day
4. Vows Booklet Set: For crafting your vows and keeping them close (pocket of your wedding dress perhaps?)
5. The Wedding Day Journal: To remember the planning process, big day and early days of newlywed bliss
6. Welcome Home Guestbook: For documenting all your visitors and sweet memories in the weeks and years after getting married

a Rafflecopter giveaway

One winner will be drawn on December 19th!

kristin Written with love by Kristin

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