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The gals and I joked that my Day in the Life post would just be a “Gone Fishin’” sign. While Emily and Lisa are busy as bees from June through August, my busiest time of year starts in August and runs through October. Right now, we’re waist-deep in layout for our next print edition, developing a bunch of exciting shop products, and have some pretty fun partnerships and projects happening at the same time.

Photo by Faith Teasley

8:53am I’m always the first in the office, which I love (it means I get first dibs on fridge space for my lunch bag and get to open the mail!). I go upstairs to our office bungalow and settle into my chair. My to-do list today is titled, “hustle,” which has become our unofficial motto for this time of the year.

8:58am I open up my internet browser and three tabs at once: my inbox, the Southern Weddings blog and the Southern Weddings Shop dashboard. I make sure everything on the blog is displaying correctly and then take a look at how many V7 preorders we’ve gotten overnight. Whew! It’s a lot!

9:00am The rest of the gals trickle into the office and Lisa and Emily are reliably in matching outfits. I get started with my emails. Marissa forwarded over a bunch of gorgeous V7 ads that need approval (done!) and some that need ads made. Like Emily, I also try to work on a one-touch email system, so I always download and copy over materials to a design document as soon as I read the email. Next in my line of emails come wireframe designs for an web project and a long message from one of our shop product manufacturers — our email chains are ridiculously long as we both try to get all of the specs and files perfect and print-ready.

I love my monogrammed chair! When we’re in the thick of layout, I like to make a cup of tea and sink into it with an orange blanket. There’s now a giant iMac on my desk, too, for laying out the magazine. Photos by Faith Teasley.

9:30am I make a list of all the decisions still waiting to be made in my inbox. Many of them require the input of the rest of the gals and I always wait to go over everything at once with them so I don’t keep them from their own tasks. As I wait for their time to free up, I get started with some product designing. A new line of 2015 items and holiday gifts are on our list to complete, so Morgan and I huddle for a few minutes to make sure we’re on the same page and to distribute the tasks.

10:00am Lara’s ready to go through proofs for new products and talk about our schedule for the day. Since so much of the design work is a combination of ideas and collaborations from the two of us, she’s often at my desk going over projects with me. I give her a quick update on all of our projects and then have her look over a mockup of designs that Morgan and I have been working on. I’m particularly nervous about these since they’ll be sent off to a partner we’re really excited to work with. Lara reassures me that we’re moving in the right direction. This is such a big relief for me and is just another reminder of how grateful I am to work with women whose opinions I trust and who are always supportive.

10:30am I get a call from our magazine printer who wants to make sure we place our order with them in time to acquire the paper needed for all tens of thousands of copies. Our circulation has increased this year, but we haven’t received a final order from retailers yet. I send out a slew of emails to make confirm our retailer orders and check in with competing bids.

A big part of my day is spent making new products for the Southern Weddings Shop and the Lara Casey Shop. We just finished a new design of PowerSheets and are working on something special for Southern Weddings that we’re almost ready to announce!

11:00am I see a bunch of DropBox folders and gallery links come into my inbox and they’re all full of gorgeous print images that we haven’t seen yet! I open them right away to give them some time to download. Then, I email the artists and calligraphers we’re working with for this issue. I’ve pulled some examples from our calligrapher’s website that I really love and send them to her to make sure we’re on the same page. We’ve got 17 real weddings in print this year, so I want to make sure she has enough time to hand-letter all of them and that the style matches our taste and direction.

11:15am We design a handful of ads for our print sponsors each year, so I get started on one for a bakery. (It’s not great timing — all of their dessert photos are making me hungry and it’s not even lunch time!) I’m quite familiar with this company, but I always take some time to reacquaint myself with their website and all of their social media accounts. In part, this is to make sure the ad we’re creating for them has the same voice and style as their web outlets, but I’m also looking for photos of their desserts and buffets that really stand out to me and that I think will make a great impression, in addition to the ones they sent over. I usually create three to five different versions of an ad for a sponsor to choose from. It’s always fun and insightful hearing which ones they like best and why!

12:00pm Emily sends over a bunch of V7 text pieces that she and Lisa have been working on. One of them needs a little experimentation with layout, so I quickly put the text on the page and style it to see how much room we have and what the possibilities could be.

A giant inspiration board above my desk helps me focus on things that make me happy when I need a break. Candy and tea are always within reach, too. Photos by Faith Teasley.

1:00pm I trade desks with Lara for the next hour or two so she can pick her favorites among the hundreds of images we just got in. We systematically label them in Adobe Bridge. When I start laying out those features, I can quickly look at and place only the images we think are best for print. Thank goodness for technology!

2:00pm I join Lara back at my desk so we can review the features that I’ve already laid out. I always design features and photographs so they’ll tell a story and show our readers place, context, detail and love story. However, getting Lara’s eye and opinion is so helpful in making the story even clearer, and bouncing ideas off each other always results in a better end-product.

3:30pm With the final layout of most of our features approved, I go back and make sure that all of the images are aligned correctly, that they all have the proper color-mode and that they’re all large enough to print at high quality. I record all of our final image choices and send those in to the respective photographers to see if they want to make any final edits, making sure to point out certain images that are running full page.

3:55pm I go back into our layout for Volume 7 and begin working on the features Lara have just chosen photos for. Some stories are told easily and come together intuitively. Some require a lot of experimentation. After playing around with many variations, I think I might have gotten one of our weddings to read just as elegantly as the images.

Lara and I trade notes on selects for the next issue. We get a ton of flash drives and DVDs of images that come with the prettiest packaging!

5:00pm Usually around 5, we’d all be wrapping up our projects for the day and heading home. Lately, everyone stays late to accommodate the workload. I take a break from layout so I don’t go cross-eyed staring at the same page. I move on and try to separate myself from the project a bit by picking up on product design. I wish I could tell y’all more, but all I can say right now is that we’re working on a really fun new collection for SW and a ton of updated and brand new items for the Lara Casey Shop! I made headway on some projects and also wrap up the first design round on others. I send a PDF of the designs out to the rest of the girls to get their opinions and make sure we’re all happy with it.

5:45pm With some fresher eyes, I take a look at the V7 layout again and make some changes to what I did just an hour before. It’s amazing how much clearer a vision gets once we give yourself a little room to breathe!

6:45pm I check my email again, make a to do list for tomorrow and get any little things off my plate while I’m still in the office.

7:00pm I’m usually the last one out of the office, especially during layout season. I pack up all of my things, turn off my computer, turn off all of the office lights and head downstairs. Sometimes Lara and Grace have an overflow of veggies from the garden to give me, which just makes my evening. I drive home and then usually whip up dinner using one of their home-grown tomatoes or carrots.

Next week, get a peek into a day in the life of our Ad Director, Marissa!

Catch up with Emily’s day here and Morgan’s day here.

Faith Teasley is a member of our Blue Ribbon Vendor Directory!

nicoleyang Written with love by Nicole
  1. avatar Morgan Moore reply

    I’m so thankful that I get to work beside you everyday, Nicole. I also love that your happy inspiration board is in my line of vision!

  2. avatar Mary reply

    I just love these posts! They not only remind me of the incredible work y’all do at SW but also the talent that goes into it!

  3. avatar Mandy Volpe reply

    Love these behind the scenes look at the SW team. Can’t wait to see the layout you are putting together Nicole!!

  4. avatar Jessica Frere reply

    So fun hearing about your work day, Nicole! It’s so nice to read about such a refreshing and collaborative environment!

  5. avatar Sharon @ Red Poppy | Pink Peony reply

    Great post! I love your desk area and monogrammed chair~ the orange is so fresh! And yes, candy is a must.

  6. avatar Sandra | Simply Peachy reply

    Thanks for sharing this! I’ve always wondered what everyone gets up to in their day!

  7. avatar Kyla Fetzner reply

    I really look up to you Nicole and the work that you do with the SW family! Thank you for sharing your day with us. This is the kind of work I dream of doing in the future and this post really inspires me to keep working towards my goals :)

  8. avatar A Day in the Life of the Southern Weddings' Marketing Director – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] Catch up with the rest of the gals and get a glimpse at how they spend their days: Emily, Nicole, Lisa, Marissa and […]

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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Howdy, friends! About two years ago, we ran a “Day in the Life” series on the blog, and it was quite popular! My, how times can change in a short amount of time – we have three new faces around the office, and lots of different arms of our business that didn’t exist in 2012! We figured it was time for an update, and what better gal to start with than Morgan, our newest addition. We adore her and are all in awe of her skills, as you’ll see below. Please help me give her a warm welcome this morning! — Emily

My role, like most of the SW gals’ roles, is very multi-faceted. I’m officially the Shop Manager for the Lara Casey Shop and the Southern Weddings Shop but I also spend about half of my time as Assistant Art Director/Designer. When people ask what my title is, I usually say Shop Manager and Designer. So, there you go. :)

I love that my role allows me to dabble in many different realms of Southern Weddings because there is always a variety of projects to do! However, this also means I have to be very organized with my time during the day. I try to break my day up into time slots to set little deadlines for myself. My day usually looks something like this:

9:00am My commute to work is about 45 minutes, but I actually love it as a great time to get ready for the day and listen to audiobooks! I’d love to hear y’all’s audiobook recommendations in the comments! When I get to work, I usually hop onto my email and print the packing slips for the orders that came in over night.

9:15am After printing out packing slips, I get to packing orders! My favorite part of this rhythmic but relaxing task is writing notes to go with the magazines. Seeing the stack of orders complete at the end of the day is a nice physical representation of productivity, which makes me feel good!

10:30am I’m usually finished with orders around 10:30, just in time for our staff meeting on Tuesdays. We gather around the desktop computer on my desk and all squeeze in to see Marissa and Kristin via Google Hangout. We each share updates and then talk through some key things we’re working on. Staff meetings are always great motivators, and I’m continually thankful to be a part of such a great team.

11:30am Nicole asked me to make some new sliders for the Southern Weddings Shop homepage. I gather up some gold foil prints and beautiful little props to set up a quick styled shoot. I take the photos downstairs because Lara’s white dining room table makes a perfect backdrop. Gracie is napping so I try to be quiet as I set up my shoot and click away!

Another mini shoot I worked on this week – colorful journals!

12:00pm I upload the photos to my laptop so I can edit them in Photoshop and add graphics in Illustrator. I’ll make a couple of iterations to explore different options, then run the finals by Nicole before uploading them to the Shop.

1:30pm Lunch time! I like to make a big batch of some sort of meat and vegetable variety like grilled pesto chicken with squash and zucchini on Sundays, then divide the meal into containers for the week’s lunches. Today, however, my sweet mom made me the cutest miniature chicken pot pie! What a treat! I eat lunch at my desk while working on some graphics for the blog.

2:00pm The SW ladies and I have an exciting project in the works that I get to watercolor a little something for. I brought my watercolor set to work and spread them out across my desk so I can get started. Painting is one of my favorite things, so of course I love when I’m able to paint at work!

3:00pm I’ve brainstormed a fun idea for a little film like this one that will feature the SW gals and a cute shop product! I begin to story board the video out and email everyone to make sure they set aside about fifteen minutes for filming next week.

4:00pm A few key packaging items are running low, so I make a list of things to restock. I also schedule post office pickups for all of the lovely shop packages! I respond to any emails I haven’t gotten to yet and tidy up my space for the next day. Lastly, I review my list of things to get done and start making a list for tomorrow.

5:00pm It’s time to go! I say good bye to the SW gals and then head downstairs to say bye to Rhiannon and Gracie before hopping into my car, plugging up my audiobook and starting home!

Next up in our series: Kristin!

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar Morgan Jones reply

    Love this series and Morgan! She is so very talented and is the sweetest :)

  2. avatar Stephanie Creekmur reply

    I love these posts! It’s so fun to see into other creative’s workdays! :)

  3. avatar Lisa reply

    Yay Morgan!! Love seeing all of the fun stuff on her desk every day, especially on watercolor days!

  4. avatar Liz Kinney reply

    Oh what fun! That sounds like a dream job to me! Keep up the GREAT work SW :)

  5. avatar Kyla Fetzner reply

    I really enjoyed getting to see a day in the life of your job, Morgan! What are some of your favorite watercolor supplies? It is a goal of mine to build that skill over the next few months and I’d love to hear your thoughts!

    • avatar Morgan Moore reply

      Hi Kyla! Thank you! I use Lukas watercolors and basic watercolor paper. You can find both at any craft store. Have fun experimenting with watercolors, I’m excited for you!

    • avatar Kyla Fetzner reply

      Thank you Morgan, I will definitely look into investing in some Lukas watercolors. I’m excited to practice and create some pieces!

  6. avatar Julie reply

    It’s so fun to get a peek into the behind the scenes of SW magazine. I’m always in awe of such creative people!

  7. avatar Kat reply

    Such a fun series!!!

  8. avatar Lauren Taylor reply

    I love this series! Its really fun to get to see what goes on in the making of Southern Weddings.

  9. avatar Wendy Moore reply

    I’m so glad I got to see what your day is like at SW!

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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Our newest shop offering has been one of our most popular, even though we’ve hardly mentioned it around these parts! I’m actually not surprised – several of the Southern Weddings ladies have taken one home for their own kitchens, so it makes sense that y’all would want a sunny slice of citrus, too! Not just for Florida brides, I tell you…

These lovely recipe tins come with 12 letterpress dividers and a starter pack of 24 recipe cards. If you have lots and lots of beloved family recipes to catalog, we also sell a separate pack of matching cards!

The hand-painted fruits and gorgeous colors are so pretty in person – I know you’ll love these tins as much as we do. For more, check out their listing right here!

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Kyla F reply

    Tin, Floral, Letterpress, and potential for delicious food make for a beautiful product! I really like this one.

  2. avatar Lindsey reply

    This recipe tin is just lovely!

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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