Our newest shop offering has been one of our most popular, even though we’ve hardly mentioned it around these parts! I’m actually not surprised – several of the Southern Weddings ladies have taken one home for their own kitchens, so it makes sense that y’all would want a sunny slice of citrus, too! Not just for Florida brides, I tell you…
These lovely recipe tins come with 12 letterpress dividers and a starter pack of 24 recipe cards. If you have lots and lots of beloved family recipes to catalog, we also sell a separate pack of matching cards!
The hand-painted fruits and gorgeous colors are so pretty in person – I know you’ll love these tins as much as we do. For more, check out their listing right here!
Tin, Floral, Letterpress, and potential for delicious food make for a beautiful product! I really like this one.
This recipe tin is just lovely!