While there’s no need to wait for the big days in life (or on the calendar) to tell our parents just how much we love them, we have a soft spot for these set-aside days. Of course they already know, but words of affirmation and encouragement are a powerful thing, and the more and more often we spread them, the better. We’ll definitely be checking in with our daddies this weekend, and in the meantime, we wanted to share a few things they’ve taught us about relationships over the years!
From Kristin: When thinking about what my daddy taught me about relationships, I immediately think about the importance of manners and being respectful. I distinctly remember being 13 and riding to pick up a friend so we could go to the mall. I told him he could just honk the horn and she would come out. He replied “that’s fine, but I would rather you go to the door and get her. And rest assured, if a boy ever comes to the house and honks the horn, he better be dropping something off, because he is surely not picking anything up.” I remember giggling and begrudgingly getting out of the car to go to the door. While his words seemed silly and protective, I later understood what he was trying to teach me: manners matter, and being respectful of your relationships (family, friends, sig-os) is important. How you treat them communicates a lot about how you care for them. Giving a little extra is not much of an inconvenience and can really go a long way!
From Nicole: My dad taught me so many things about relationships whether he meant to or not, and it’s been heartwarming to see him invested in my relationship with my boyfriend and have him guide me in it. He taught me that whether it’s a friend, family member, or boyfriend, relationships are about giving before receiving. They often require teaching the other person — not just about what you love, but about what hurts you, too. They need constant contact or tending so that we can build trust and feel safe knowing you’re always there for them. Most of all, the best relationships consist of two people who respect each other, and consider each other partners in life.
From Emily: The most important thing my Dad has taught me about relationships is to cherish them. One of his defining characteristics is that he loves his family. He will talk to anyone who will listen about his daughters, what we’re up to, what we did the last time he got to see us, etc. He has saved (and proudly displayed) handmade gifts from my sisters and I for dozens of years. He was never too busy to read with me if I crawled onto his lap with a book in hand, and he’s still never too busy to talk through a problem at a moment’s notice. I can only hope that I go through life treasuring my closest relationships so well – and making sure my loved ones know it through my actions.
From Elizabeth, our summer intern: I may be a bit biased, but I think my dad is one of the hardest working people around! No matter the challenge, he works with persistence and determination until he has achieved his goals. I have found this lesson applicable to nearly all areas of life, but it especially reigns true in building relationships. Creating long-lasting, strong relationships is no easy feat, but my dad has proven to me that, with hard work and dedication, anything is possible. I am so grateful that my dad instilled in me the importance of working hard and never giving up on what matters most!
From Lisa: One of the many things I’ve learned about life and love from my dad is the importance of being a team with your spouse. For as long as I can remember, he and my mom have stood as a united front, no matter what was going on in our lives, and it has made our family so much stronger. He is also my mom’s biggest supporter, and regularly reminds my siblings and I how lucky we are to have her has our mom. I hope that Dave and I can someday show that same love and support of one another to our kids!
To get to know our dads a little better…
What traits we got from them, and which traits we wish we had gotten
Their best advice
Love this article! There’s nothing like a father-daughter relationship <3