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Tag: southern doins

Whoo-ee! I don’t know about where y’all are, but it is HOT here in Chapel Hill! To motivate ourselves to get moving (and, more importantly, to get out of the AC), we decided to start a little summer contest in the Southern Weddings office. Yes, in the middle of V5 craziness. That’s how we roll around here. We’re calling it Southern Doin’s, and we’d love for you to join us! Here’s how it works:

Every week, we each try to do as many “Southern doin’s” (i.e. Southern things, Southern activities) that we can. We use our own judgment as to what constitutes a Southern doin’ :) Then, at our weekly staff meetings on Tuesdays, we report back in with what we accomplished, and each Southern doin’ gets a rating between 1 and 5 – 1 being kind of Southern, and 5 being amazingly, over-the-top, super Southern. For example, this week I ate red velvet ice cream (oh yes I did).

At our next staff meeting, Lara, Nicole, Marissa, Kristin, and Emily Alice (our intern!) will vote on how many points I should get for this doin’. I’m hoping for at least a 3 :)

Here’s another one – Lara went to a chicken farm with her family last week!

I’m thinking she’s going to get a 4 or 5 one for this, but we’ll see!

At the end of the summer, we’ll tally up the points, and the winner will get an as-yet-undetermined prize! There’s a chart involved, because we’re very official like that.

Want to join in? Just tweet a pic of you and/or your Southern doin’ (or post it on Facebook!), and make sure to use hashtag #southerndoin. We can’t wait to see what adventures y’all have!

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Jessica reply

    This idea is so darn cute! I’m excited to see what y’all continue to do all summer. PS- Emily, is that Front Porch ice cream? Their Sweetie Tea flavor is just scrumptious and I’ve been meaning to try their Red Velvet!

  2. avatar Sierra reply

    Of course, I LOVE this! No joke, I was invited to attend a tractor pull tonight.

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