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Katie, our infinitely wise and hilarious Southern friend from Marriage Confessions, drops by twice a month to share her funny, smart, and poignant perspective on life after the wedding!

My husband and I recently were given an all-expense paid trip to Costa Rica by the Costa Rican tourism board. It was a program sponsored by the tourism board which awarded one million dollars worth of vacations to Costa Rica to random people. They called the program, “The Gift of Happiness.” We stayed in three five-star resorts, had fancy pants dinners every evening, and participated in local excursions like taking surf lessons in the Pacific Ocean and crossing mile-high hanging bridges in the rainforest.

Tough life, huh?

It was the first time my husband and I had been on a vacation alone since we were married almost seven years ago. Between family obligations at the holidays and spending the last three years either pregnant and/or raising tiny human beings, we just haven’t been able to get away together. We were really looking forward to a chance for us to unplug, unwind, and spend some time alone.

Steve Steinhardt

To be honest, I sort of expected our trip to be a bit of a gripe fest. The kids seem to have one illness after another these days (proving my theory once again that children in daycare are, in fact, carrier monkeys), money has been tight, Chris and I have been fighting a lot, I’m in the middle of about four different writing projects in addition to teaching full time, and Chris’s job has been more stressful than normal. Our life has been hectic and… well… not too darn happy. I really worried that we would spend all of our time away on the trip talking through some of those situations, since we’d finally have time to sit down and hash things out.

On our first day in Costa Rica, at our first meal together, Chris and I kept sitting there staring at the gorgeous hotel, looking back at each other, and just laughing. What were we doing here? By dinner that night, we’d moved on from the shocked phase to the missing our kids phase, and we spent our dinner laughing even more about funny things our kids had done over the past few weeks that we just hadn’t had time to share with each other. We talked about how great our kids were, how proud and grateful we were to be their parents, and how parenthood had made us better people and better spouses.

By our second stop a few days later, Chris and I were spending meals talking about what we were missing at work. Only, the conversation quickly turned to how much we both loved our jobs. How we were both so excited to get up every day and go to work. How the people Chris worked with and the students I taught made us want to do better, to be better. Conversations about our careers turned quickly into conversations about our dreams. Things we’d always wanted to accomplish – like me writing a book and Chris running his own theater. And for the first time in our lives, we had actually achieved major goals we’d both set for ourselves years and years ago. We laughed about the things we’d accomplished with each other by our sides, and we held hands as we insisted we couldn’t have done any of it without the other.

Divine Light Photography via Southern Weddings

By the end of the trip, Chris and I were having conversations about the future. We talked about the things we’d like to do as a family, and the things we’d like to do as a couple. We allowed ourselves to put our heads in the Costa Rican clouds for a bit, and talked about renovations to our house and private colleges for our kids that we’ll probably never be able to afford. We talked about all the adventures we still have ahead of us, all the things we have to look forward to. We talked about growing old together, and holding each others withered, wrinkled hands as we watched our own grandchildren play.

Somewhere in the middle of a trip that was supposed to make my life happier, I realized that my life is pretty darn happy already.

I think sometimes, we get so bogged down in the nitty gritty of life that we don’t realize how good we really have it. Wouldn’t marriage be easier if we didn’t have to manage households and careers and families and all that other stuff along with it? Wouldn’t it be easier to be happy if we could just be instead of always having to be doing? But that’s the thing about marriage. Life doesn’t stop just because you’re married. I think the key to staying happy in marriage is to stop waiting for those perfect, Hallmark card worthy “happy moments,” and start recognizing the happiness that already exists in our relationships. I had to go all the way to Costa Rica to discover that the happiness in my life lives there within the happiness of my marriage.

Jose Villa

Not that I mind having to go lay on beaches in Costa Rica…

Oh, the things I’ll do for my marriage!

P.S. Check out a few of Katie’s past columns for Southern Weddings:
I believe in Valentine’s Day
My Wedding Registry Changed My Life
Managing Your Money
On Moving

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Wedding Invitations reply

    I’m marrying the love of my life in 4 months, and this post, (did make me cry) but gave me such hope. Thank you for sharing. I know that no matter how tough life gets, every day is a miracle, and the gift of happiness is intertwined in all the little stitches. Good luck with your plans and dreams :)

  2. avatar Elizabeth and Ryan | Elizabeth Ryan Photography reply

    I love this! It is so true that sometimes the nitty gritty of life overshadows the amazingness within! Cheers to traveling to Costa Rica and dreaming among the Costa Rican clouds!

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As a happily ever after believer, I am excited to share Katie’s take on the fairytale turned reality today! Katie drops by twice a month to share her funny, smart, and poignant perspective on life after the wedding, and we know you’ll love her as much as we do!

Once upon a time, a handsome blonde boy fell in love with an incredibly attractive and intelligent redhead, and they decided to get married.

“Let’s live happily ever after,” the redhead said dreamily, batting her eyelashes at her handsome love.

“Okay,” he agreed.  “With you, life will be perfect.  We will never fight, our babies will be delivered by stork and raised by fairies who will teach them how to sleep through the night and pee in a toilet, our jobs will pay us millions of dollars to sit around eating bonbons all day, and your mother will only interfere when we ask for her opinion.  Life will be wonderful.”

And they lived happily ever after.

Until the first day back from their honeymoon, when they got into a fight on the way home from the airport about whether his new authentic Hawaiian shirt was really “accidentally” left at the hotel, or if the girl left it there on purpose.  (She’d never appreciated his ability to pull off a bold print, it turns out.)

And then there was that whole nine month pregnancy thing before their first baby arrived when she pretty much complained from the time she opened her eyes in the morning until she closed them at night, occasionally throwing in an appropriately timed, “You did this to me!” when the mood was right.

Of course, they ended up with careers in public education and public theater, so the million dollar paychecks never quite made it into their bank account.  And sitting around eating bonbons all day was replaced by walking around all day telling middle school boys to keep all of their body parts to themselves and insisting that all flying scenery be fire proof.

And they moved only about 30 minutes away from the mother-in-law, so it’s anyone’s guess how that whole opinions-to-herself thing is working out…

No, that fairy tale never came to pass.  Very few actually do.  Which is good, because if all fairy tales came true, we’d all be walking around dodging angry dwarfs, fire-breathing dragons, and ugly stepsisters.

The idea of a happily ever after in marriage has always intrigued me, mostly because I’ve changed my own mind about whether it’s actually possible at least a dozen times so far.  When I was a newlywed, I believed that happily ever afters really existed, and that the goal of marriage was to work towards that happy ending.  Later in my marriage, during those transformative years when we were transitioning from a couple to a family, I had a hard time believing in happily ever afters at all.  I felt like babies were going to cry and poop on me for the rest of my life, and whoever saw a princess ride off into a sunset with poop on her dress?

But as life has settled down for us in the past year or so, I’ve changed my mind once again about happily ever afters.  I do think they are possible.  But who really wants one?

Did you ever stop to think about why most fairy tales end with that catch phrase?  It’s because the real story, the real meat of the fairy tale, comes from the action before the ending.  No one cares too much about what happens after the prince and princess ride off into the sunset.  That’s no fun.  The real story in a fairy tale is in the struggle and the imperfection of the characters.  It’s not about looking forward to the ending in a story.  What makes a story worth reading is what happens before the story ends.

Marriage is one of those things that is best lived in the present tense.  You can’t go forward if you’re holding on to the past, and you can’t honor the past if you refuse to move forward.  And what’s in between the past and the future?  The present.

Be present in your marriage.  Plan for the future, yes.  Remember where you’ve been, yes.  But be present in the here and now.  Appreciate your spouse for what they have given you today.  One of the recurring complaints my husband makes about me in our marriage is that I don’t appreciate the little things he does.  And he’s right.  I really struggle with focusing on today in my marriage, and, instead, choose to point fingers at things he’s done in the past or worry about what’s to come in the future.  And all the while I’m fussing over those things, the day-to-day love in our marriage passes me right by.

Last weekend, my husband had to work from 9:00am until 10:00pm from Friday through Monday.  That left me home over a three-day weekend with our two kids, one toddler who is potty training and one baby who had pink eye.  I knew it wasn’t his fault, but I was really irritated.  But you know what?  Every night Chris came home for dinner and to help me put the kids to bed… and then he’d head back up to his office to keep on working.  So, I had a choice.  I could be mad at him for how my weekend had turned out, or I could choose to be grateful for what he was doing in that moment.  I chose to be grateful, and for three full hours every night, we had a really great time getting the kids fed, bathed, and put to bed together.  And then, yes, he had to leave.  And, yes, I was irritated to be alone again.  But had I not chosen to be grateful for what he was doing in that present moment, I would have missed those fun moments splashing with him by side of the tub during bath time, and I would have missed catching up with him in the kitchen while I cooked dinner and he gallantly fended off our hungry children (who were starting to resemble fire-breathing, hungry dragons by that time).

When we wait for and expect the happily ever after ending, we sometimes miss the once upon a time that’s happening today.  So, be present in your marriage and appreciate the happiness that is in your relationship today.  After all, sometimes it takes a fire-breathing dragon to fan the flames in a relationship.  Enjoy your once upon a time, and I promise you that the happily ever after will work itself out.

What’s your version of happily ever after?

All lovely photos by EE Photography, first seen in one of our recent Facebook Friday features!

P.S. Check out Katie’s past columns for Southern Weddings:
I believe in Valentine’s Day
Change is the Name of the (Newlywed) Game
My Wedding Registry Changed My Life
Working it Out With the In-Laws
Managing Your Money
Come on Baby, Light My Fire
On Moving

marissa Written with love by Marissa
  1. avatar Pretty Clever Bride reply

    This is just love, and very funny, and really perfect advice!

  2. avatar Amanda reply

    I love this take on happily ever afters. What a great mindset and story!

  3. avatar JenniferLO reply

    Such a great post! Katie, I always admire how honest you are and how you always make every day life seem worth living!

  4. avatar Meggie reply

    Really, really love this! I’m soo guilty of not livng in the present. I’m always looking forward to when things will be different or better or easier… or sometimes worrying about when things will be different or possibly harder. It’s so true that if we’re not careful we can miss the once upon a time that’s happening today. Thanks for such a great reminder!

  5. avatar Lori @ I Can Grow People reply

    I have never been much of a fan of fairy tales. I just try to survive the Everyday! I’m happy if the day ends with all of us fed and bathed!

  6. avatar Photography // & A Note About Happily Ever Afters « SUGAR & CLOTH reply

    […] time, they just ooze happiness don’t you think? I found them while I was reading the article Marriage Confessions: Happily Ever After by Katie. As a newlywed, this article seriously cracked me up! It’s one of the single most […]

  7. avatar Day fifteen-a short and charming fairytale « thedunkirk reply

    […] […]

  8. avatar A Note About Happily Ever After « FluffyMocchi reply

    […] Marriage Confessons :: Happily Ever After March 5, 2012 by Marissa in Expert Advice,Main | 7 comments […]

  9. avatar Photography // & A Note About Happily Ever Afters reply

    […] time, they just ooze happiness don’t you think? I found them while I was reading the article Marriage Confessions: Happily Ever After by Katie. As a newlywed, this article seriously cracked me up! It’s one of the single most […]

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Happy Valentine’s Day, dolls! I’m excited to let y’all know that Katie will be back guest blogging with us on a more regular schedule! Some of you long-time readers may remember our friend Katie, from the wonderful and hilarious blog Marriage Confessions, and some of you might just recognize Katie from MC, apart from SW! Katie drops by to share her funny, smart, and poignant perspective on life after the wedding, and we know you’ll love her as much as we do!

I know that Valentine’s Day gets a bad rap, as far as holidays go. I have friends who are violently against Cupid and his plethora of love arrows and conversation candy. “It’s a holiday invented by the card stores to make money!” they say. And I get that. But it’s a holiday that revolves around chocolate and jewelry. It just goes against my being to reject those kinds of themes. Diamonds and chocolates are the way to my heart. But diamonds hidden INSIDE chocolates are pretty much the way to my soul.

I’m shallow. I can’t help it.

As much as I love the candy, gifts, and general lovey-dovey-ness that comes with Valentine’s Day, I am actually a fan of the holiday for more than just those reasons. I think love gets a bad rap, especially in marriage these days, and so any holiday that stops and says, “Hey! Love is important, darn it!” is going to be fine by me.

I remember when Chris and I got married, we were told by so many people, “It takes more than love to make a marriage!” And, foolishly, we thought they were fools. We loved each other. We had each other. We could take on anything else. I’ve learned over the years that love don’t pay no power bill. And love don’t clean up no sick baby in the middle of the night. And love certainly don’t exempt a husband from a good butt whoopin’ when he forgets to call and say he’s going to be working late on your anniversary.

Turns out, there’s a lot of stuff that love won’t do in a marriage.

But there are a lot of things that love does do in a marriage. In my marriage, love is how we forgive. It’s the reason that this morning, after a blow up with my love muffin as I left for work, I couldn’t even get out of the neighborhood before I called him on my cell to tell him I was sorry. And love was the reason he said, “Me, too.”

In my marriage, love is how we learn patience. The first week that we brought our sweet, perfect son home from the hospital, we were giddy with excitement. But by 3:00am on the third day, I remember standing next to Chris at the crib, both of us just about in tears from exhaustion and frustration, and every fiber of my being wanted to turn and whack him in the knees with a hairbrush. HOW COULD HE HAVE JUST TURNED THE LIGHT ON IN THE HALLWAY?!?!? DIDN’T HE KNOW THAT WOULD WAKE THE BABY?!?!?! And yet, I let him live. Because when you love someone, you’re patient as they learn things. Like how to change diapers in the middle of the night without turning a light on.

In my marriage, love is how we make decisions. Love is that binding force that draws every decision we make back to our family. Should I take that job? Should we make that big move? Should I take a half day at work so that I can attend my two-year-old son’s Valentine’s Day party at his daycare? Love is at the center of all of those things. Because we love each other and we love the family that we have made together, everything else is done within the context of that love.

In my marriage, love is even how we fight. Isn’t that weird? It’s true, though. Love is what makes us so darn frustrated with each other sometimes. It would be so much easier to be married to Chris if I wasn’t in love with him. But that silly love thing means that I simply can’t live without him. And sometimes, that’s so inconvenient! I wish it didn’t make me mad when he worked late, or when we haven’t had a date night in a while, or when the weekend classes for my teaching certificate take up all my time. I wish we didn’t fight about those things, but we do. And when the dust settles, we find that at the very base of those little fights is the fact that we just love each other so much that we get irritated when other things get in the way.

No, love don’t pay no bills. And, yes, it takes more than love to make a marriage work. But at the root of everything that exists in a marriage, there is love. So, I celebrate Valentine’s Day. I buy the cards and eat the candy and make those slice-and-bake cookies with the little red hearts in the center. I’m a sucker for it all because I believe that there should be a day that makes us stop and say, “I love you.” Because as important as everything else is in marriage, love is how it all started and how we keep it going.

(A note to my husband: While love is important, so is that beautiful necklace I showed you last weekend at the jewelry store…)

Isn’t Katie awesome?! Check out her past columns for Southern Weddings:
Change is the Name of the (Newlywed) Game
My Wedding Registry Changed My Life
Working it Out With the In-Laws
Managing Your Money
Come on Baby, Light My Fire
On Moving

All photos by one of the most romantic photographers we know, Elizabeth Messina

P.S. Congratulations to Katie for being nominated for the 2012 Bloggies awards! This is a huge honor, so be sure to give her some love and vote for her here!

marissa Written with love by Marissa
  1. avatar Patty reply

    Beautifully written, Melissa! I think we would be great friends!!

  2. avatar Patty reply

    and i just called you melissa….i meant marissa!

    • avatar Marissa reply

      Hey Patty, it’s okay! I forgive you because my mom’s name is Patty! But, I didn’t write this – Kate at Marriage Confessions did! But I do think we’d be great friends! : )

    • avatar Patty reply

      Marissa: I probably should have read more closely! Well, great! More friends for me :) Happy Valentine’s day!!

  3. avatar Lindsey reply

    Hilarious post – LOVE KATIE!!

  4. avatar Sarah H. reply

    Coming over to support my blog friend Katie!! Wonderful post :) Ever since having a baby I think Valentine’s Day is even more important–some times you need that commercial nudge to carve out time for just you and your husband and say “I Love You” with glitter cards that sing.

  5. avatar Meggie reply

    Congratulations Katie! Love this post and totally agree with you! Love is at the root of it all… even the fights. I’m pro Valentine’s Day too! =)

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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