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Our friend Katie, from the popular blog Marriage Confessions, drops by twice a month to share her take on Southern married life. We hope you enjoy, and be sure to visit her at her blog for regular doses of humor and adorable-ness!

The first Valentine’s Day my husband and I shared as man and wife has become legendary to our family and friends. Why? Because Chris gave me Tupperware. Seriously.

His birthday that year was not all that great, either. I gave him a vacuum cleaner. It was a very nice vacuum cleaner… but still. I had a friend whose husband (who shall remain nameless to protect the stupid) gave her a lightning rod for their house for their first anniversary, and I had another friend (who shall remain nameless to protect the cheap) who gave her husband a rice steamer for his 30th birthday.

It’s not that these are bad gifts to give (I had a rice steamer on my Christmas list last year). It’s more that they are such easy gifts to give. Sort of thoughtless, mindless presents. Presents that come out of conversations about budgeting and home repairs, instead of out of conversations about our wants and our desires.

Before we were married, Chris used to give me the most thoughtful presents. Nothing too expensive (we were broke college kids), but always something that took his time and attention. One time in the mail, he sent me an index card that he had taped a bunch of pretzels to that spelled out, “I love you.” I still have that, almost ten years later. Another time, he sent me on a scavenger hunt throughout our hometown for no reason at all. At each stop there was a rose with my next clue. At the twelfth stop (that’s a dozen roses, for all you English majors out there…) he was waiting with a homemade picnic dinner. All because it was a Tuesday and he loved me.

When you get married, you sort of go into business together. You manage your household and your finances, your careers and your heath, your family and obligations. So, I understand the giving of practical presents. Your business has a need, so why not use Christmas or a birthday as a time to meet it? But just like there is a line between your business and home life, there should be a line between your practical needs and your relationship needs in your marriage, and gift-giving, in my opinion, should always fall in the relationship category.

Gifts tell people that you are thinking about them, that they are important to you, that you are proud of them, happy for them, celebrating with them. Vacuum cleaners, while certainly a gift someone would use, don’t really send that message. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t ever give a practical gift. One year, Chris and I were really struggling for money and we both really wanted a new grill. We both love to grill, and our old one was about to fall apart. We decided that we would get a new grill as our present to each other that Christmas, and it was a gift that we both still enjoy together, years later. But in addition to giving that grill, Chris and I also exchanged gifts under $20 each. These gifts had to express something we loved about the other person. He gave me two books I had really wanted to read, and he said he loved watching me read because he knew how happy it made me. Before then, I wasn’t entirely sure Chris even KNEW I read books, and come to find out, it was one of his favorite things about me.

Another trick to gift-giving when you are married is to make sure that the random, just-because-it’s-Tuesday gifts keep coming. In the first year of our marriage, Chris and I used to leave each other little gifts all the time, for absolutely no reason. But as the years went by, that slowly stopped. I was thinking about it a few months ago, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d bought a card for him or picked up a little treat for no reason at all. With two little kids, a lot of our attention goes to making sure they have everything they need, but I think that it then becomes really easy to overlook the needs of our spouse. And a need we all have is to know that we are loved and thought about.

Now, any time I’m at the drug store or grocery store, I pick up a little something in the check out aisle, just for Chris – his favorite candy bar or a magazine I know he likes or a card. One of his favorites is when I splurge and bring him home the really good, expensive ice cream when I go grocery shopping. None of those things costs too much and I’m already out when I decide to bring him something, so it doesn’t even mean I have to DO anything extra, really. It’s just picking up a little something to tell him that I was thinking about him, even while I was at the grocery store.

Just as in your everyday life you have to learn how to balance home and work, you have to learn how to do that in gift-giving when you’re married, too. There can be a time and a place for practical gifts, but they should never take the place of a thoughtful, unique, personalized gift that tells someone how much they mean to you. Gift-giving, when done correctly, can be one of those little things that make a marriage feel fresh and new and passionate, no matter how long you’ve been married.

P.S. All of these photos are from Josh McCullock, one of our fabulous Blue Ribbon Vendors! See more from this wedding on his blog here!

emily Written with love by Emily
1 Comment
  1. avatar bridal girl reply

    Totally agree with this post. Love the pictures too. Thanks for sharing this.

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Our friend Katie, from the popular blog Marriage Confessions, drops by twice a month to share her take on Southern married life. We hope you enjoy, and be sure to visit her at her blog for regular doses of humor and adorable-ness!

I made a “to do” list a few weeks ago. I needed to go grocery shopping, finish grading a test my students took this week, send a thank you note to a kind friend, remember to take my son’s nap blanket to his daycare, clean the melted crayon out of my dryer, and register for a 5k I want to run next month before the fee goes up. Typical Wednesday night things to do.

But when my husband came home from work that night, my plans changed. He’d had a really rough day. He’d had to fire an old college friend who just wasn’t cutting it at work. He had known it was coming. He’d been preparing the paperwork and preparing for the “we have to let you go” meeting. But he hadn’t prepared for the long drive home after the meeting, when he would be along with his thoughts for the first time all day. It was a long drive home, he said.

He helped me feed the kids and we both gave them baths together, and I think that was good for his heart. I cleaned up the dinner mess while he read bedtime books and tucked the kids in bed, making sure bunnies and Mr. Bears were in the appropriate arms before kissing them and turning out the light. And I think that was good for his soul.

By the time he came downstairs, he looked a little better. He opened a beer for us to share while he sat at the kitchen table watching me cook our dinner – his favorite, steaks and potatoes, a last minute change from my carefully planned weekly menu, because he looked like he could use a favorite.

As I moved easily around the kitchen, he told me about his day. About the terrible meeting where he’d let her go, about how hard it is to be the boss, about how he worried what this would do to the morale of the rest of the staff, about how guilty he felt. I really didn’t have to say too much. I knew he just needed someone to talk to, someone who loved him no matter what decisions he had to make. I offered a few words of encouragement, reminded him how proud I was of him for being such a kind person who even has these moments of doubt, but mostly, I was just there with him.

After dinner, we moved to the back deck and sat on our steps, talking about the kids and the upcoming visit from the Easter Bunny. I told him about a book I was reading, and he told me about a new kind of pool pump he thought we should get. We sat outside for an hour before we headed up to bed. Before he fell asleep, he told me he felt better and knew that he would sleep soundly. Before I fell asleep, my mind went back to my to do list, sitting on the kitchen counter, untouched all night. There wasn’t anything on that list that couldn’t wait, I decided, and I, too, slept soundly.

In the eight years that I have been married, I have learned that best laid plans are often set aside for the sake of my marriage. And I’ve learned that when I put other things before the needs of my husband and our relationship, everything just kind of falls apart.

At the core of everything in my life, there is my faith and there is my husband. I have other obligations, other priorities, other responsibilities, of course. But my marriage always comes first. It is the foundation on which everything else is built. I don’t feel bad when I put everything aside to sit and hold my husband’s hand. I don’t feel bad when I we occasionally get a sitter for the kids and have a date night. I don’t feel bad when I cancel other plans because I haven’t had a night at home with Chris in over a week. I don’t feel bad because I know that when my marriage is happy, everything else in my life is better.

We make time for the things that are important in our lives. I encourage you to make time for your marriage. Making your marriage a priority not only builds a solid foundation for your relationship, but it says to your spouse, “You are more important to me than anything else.” Love is strengthened over bathtubs full of kids, shared beers, and back deck conversations, I promise you.

Make your marriage a priority. If you don’t, who will?

See more from this lovely engagement session by Paige Elizabeth in its Facebook Friday album!

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar madelynne miller reply

    Great post – very insightful and helpful for a newlywed like myself :) I had to work late last night and I came home to a husband that had revamped dinner plans into something he could manage – and I was so grateful to have a husband that would take the reigns in the kitchen :)

  2. avatar molly reply

    this is such a great post – so important. you and your spouse are each other’s number ones. so so so so so important to make each other a priority always!

  3. avatar Lindsay (Young Married Mom) reply

    So true. My husband and I try to do the make-time-for-each-other-in-busy-weeks thing, too, and whether it’s intentional or spontaneous, the next day is always a little easier. Great post!

  4. avatar Weekly Wrap Up + Link Love | Heart Love Weddings reply

    […] absolutely loved this post from Marriage Confessions on the Southern Weddings blog this week. It’s all about making your marriage a priority. Because if you don’t, who […]

  5. avatar Consider This: E-sessions that tell a story | Adria Peaden Photographer reply

    […] via Southern Weddings on […]

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Katie, our infinitely wise and hilarious Southern friend from Marriage Confessions, drops by twice a month to share her funny, smart, and poignant perspective on life after the wedding!

My husband and I recently were given an all-expense paid trip to Costa Rica by the Costa Rican tourism board. It was a program sponsored by the tourism board which awarded one million dollars worth of vacations to Costa Rica to random people. They called the program, “The Gift of Happiness.” We stayed in three five-star resorts, had fancy pants dinners every evening, and participated in local excursions like taking surf lessons in the Pacific Ocean and crossing mile-high hanging bridges in the rainforest.

Tough life, huh?

It was the first time my husband and I had been on a vacation alone since we were married almost seven years ago. Between family obligations at the holidays and spending the last three years either pregnant and/or raising tiny human beings, we just haven’t been able to get away together. We were really looking forward to a chance for us to unplug, unwind, and spend some time alone.

Steve Steinhardt

To be honest, I sort of expected our trip to be a bit of a gripe fest. The kids seem to have one illness after another these days (proving my theory once again that children in daycare are, in fact, carrier monkeys), money has been tight, Chris and I have been fighting a lot, I’m in the middle of about four different writing projects in addition to teaching full time, and Chris’s job has been more stressful than normal. Our life has been hectic and… well… not too darn happy. I really worried that we would spend all of our time away on the trip talking through some of those situations, since we’d finally have time to sit down and hash things out.

On our first day in Costa Rica, at our first meal together, Chris and I kept sitting there staring at the gorgeous hotel, looking back at each other, and just laughing. What were we doing here? By dinner that night, we’d moved on from the shocked phase to the missing our kids phase, and we spent our dinner laughing even more about funny things our kids had done over the past few weeks that we just hadn’t had time to share with each other. We talked about how great our kids were, how proud and grateful we were to be their parents, and how parenthood had made us better people and better spouses.

By our second stop a few days later, Chris and I were spending meals talking about what we were missing at work. Only, the conversation quickly turned to how much we both loved our jobs. How we were both so excited to get up every day and go to work. How the people Chris worked with and the students I taught made us want to do better, to be better. Conversations about our careers turned quickly into conversations about our dreams. Things we’d always wanted to accomplish – like me writing a book and Chris running his own theater. And for the first time in our lives, we had actually achieved major goals we’d both set for ourselves years and years ago. We laughed about the things we’d accomplished with each other by our sides, and we held hands as we insisted we couldn’t have done any of it without the other.

Divine Light Photography via Southern Weddings

By the end of the trip, Chris and I were having conversations about the future. We talked about the things we’d like to do as a family, and the things we’d like to do as a couple. We allowed ourselves to put our heads in the Costa Rican clouds for a bit, and talked about renovations to our house and private colleges for our kids that we’ll probably never be able to afford. We talked about all the adventures we still have ahead of us, all the things we have to look forward to. We talked about growing old together, and holding each others withered, wrinkled hands as we watched our own grandchildren play.

Somewhere in the middle of a trip that was supposed to make my life happier, I realized that my life is pretty darn happy already.

I think sometimes, we get so bogged down in the nitty gritty of life that we don’t realize how good we really have it. Wouldn’t marriage be easier if we didn’t have to manage households and careers and families and all that other stuff along with it? Wouldn’t it be easier to be happy if we could just be instead of always having to be doing? But that’s the thing about marriage. Life doesn’t stop just because you’re married. I think the key to staying happy in marriage is to stop waiting for those perfect, Hallmark card worthy “happy moments,” and start recognizing the happiness that already exists in our relationships. I had to go all the way to Costa Rica to discover that the happiness in my life lives there within the happiness of my marriage.

Jose Villa

Not that I mind having to go lay on beaches in Costa Rica…

Oh, the things I’ll do for my marriage!

P.S. Check out a few of Katie’s past columns for Southern Weddings:
I believe in Valentine’s Day
My Wedding Registry Changed My Life
Managing Your Money
On Moving

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Wedding Invitations reply

    I’m marrying the love of my life in 4 months, and this post, (did make me cry) but gave me such hope. Thank you for sharing. I know that no matter how tough life gets, every day is a miracle, and the gift of happiness is intertwined in all the little stitches. Good luck with your plans and dreams :)

  2. avatar Elizabeth and Ryan | Elizabeth Ryan Photography reply

    I love this! It is so true that sometimes the nitty gritty of life overshadows the amazingness within! Cheers to traveling to Costa Rica and dreaming among the Costa Rican clouds!

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