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Tag: Grapevine

Hi, friends! Sierra and I are actually in Charleston today producing our first shoot for V4! (Yippee!!) Meanwhile, I thought I’d fill you in on the ridiculous paper goodness I saw while attending the National Stationery Show in NYC last week. Some of you may have seen my tweets on Tuesday, but now I’m ready to share the full scoop! I was so, so lucky to have photographer Trent Bailey Cobb along with me to document everything. Trent and I had a great time together and also found we have freakishly similar taste, which made for a fun and interesting day.

The National Stationery Show is an annual trade show for paper people to share their wares with buyers and editors. I went because 1) I am obsessed with paper (obviously) and 2) I wanted to find the freshest designs to share with y’all! I’ll be sharing the goods both today and tomorrow, so let’s get started, shall we?

After picking up our press passes, Trent and I first headed to meet with the fine people of Checkerboard. We looked through their two wedding binders and found lots to love. See me taking iPhone photos? Yep, there was a lot of that throughout the day.

Checkerboard was our only sit-down meeting of the day, so after that we were on our feet, prowling the aisles for paper goodness. And oh my did we find it!

We loved these calendars at One Canoe Two. Each one comes with a tree stump holder! Find them in their Etsy shop.

Below we have a GORGEOUS “blackberry pie” suite from Karen at Grapevine on the left, and classic letter sheets from Fawnsberry on the right. Wouldn’t those sheets be perfect for a groom? (Perhaps to write a sweet note to his fiancee the morning of the wedding?)

Our next stop, Printerette Press, was one of my favorites of the day! Her cards were so sweet and Southern, and her booth was adorable! The vendors really go all out with their booth design, and it was so fun to see the different ways people expressed their brand and style.

Mr. Boddington’s booth was as cheery and cheeky as always. Wedding guests, take note: their cards would be perfect for style-savvy newlyweds!

I’ll be back with more soon! Trust me, y’all have got a FULL day of paper goodness ahead of you!

All photos by the talented and wonderful Trent Bailey.

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Madi reply

    I love the Missouri stationary featured in the background up top! I feel like this Missouri girl got a little shout out on her favorite blog today! :)

  2. avatar Weekly Round-Up « Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] National Stationery Show justice in this round-up, so head to the original posts to take it all in. Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI. We’ve all heard the nightmares about […]

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