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Sponsored Post: Uncommon Goods

by in Main, Sponsor Love on

When John and I were setting up our wedding registry, we ultimately decided on three stores for our guests to choose from: Macy’s, Crate & Barrel, and Amazon. Macy’s has been the most popular with our guests, but if I had to choose, I’d say Amazon is my personal favorite :) I love that with their “universal registry” tool, you can add items from any store online — genius!

All of this to say, if I had the choice to go back and add a few more items to our registry, I would definitely include a few select pieces from Uncommon Goods!

Aren’t these pieces so fun? I love the quirky cool mix of unique home pieces at Uncommon Goods. The selection is both large and delightfully curated — perfect for selecting a wedding gift for those hard to shop for friends!

I pulled out a few of my favorite travel and adventure themed picks for this post. I’ve always loved the intricately-embroidered state pillows from Cat Studio (1). The scratch-off state map (2) is INGENIOUS and probably my favorite thing in the Uncommon Goods shop! I love the idea of recording your married-life travels in this way. The sweet felt state pillows (3) would look perfect on a neutral bed – maybe buy one to represent each of your home states? The Heart Strings art (4) is sadly out of stock right now, but I love that you can choose the location of the heart. I’d put it on the location of our wedding ceremony! Hand-select three favorite wines and pop them into this beautiful wooden box (5) before handing it over to the newlyweds. For a final art option, I adore this custom fingerprint print (6) – you actually fingerprint yourself with a kit the artist sends you!

And believe me when I say I’m just scratching the surface with these picks! They’ve also designated special sections just for wedding gifts (here) and anniversary gifts (here), so those are great places to start your search (or registry!).

Tell me: What’s your favorite pick from the pretty items above? I’m DEFINITELY going with the scratch-off map!

emily Written with love by Emily

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