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Southern Weddings

If you’re avoiding the mobs of determined shoppers like I am today, then I think this post will help. We downright adore this behind the scenes video from our Yellow Rose of Texas shoot that Eleven 29 Films created for us. Little kids running around in yellow outfits, a beautiful real life couple and the sweetest details make our hearts happy every time we watch this.

Too cute, right? I love the song Eleven 29 Films used, too! We danced around the office a bit when we first heard it.

Now y’all know how we do it in the Southern Weddings office. This shoot was full of way too many cute details for us to keep them to ourselves. It’s giveaway time!

We’re giving away an adorable gingham ring bearer’s pillow from The Happy Couple, a boy’s bow tie from The Happy Couple, white 1-inch wide suspenders from The Suspender Store, the snappy Yellow Canary pocket square from Pierrepont Hicks, a sweet boy’s bow tie from xoelle and the lovely yellow rose tablecloth from House 8810 that we used for the kid’s table.

To Enter: Leave a comment below telling us what your favorite part of this feature is and which item you’d love to win.

Win: Six lucky people will win the item of their choosing!

Now that’s better than Black Friday mobs, isn’t it? Good luck, y’all!

nicoleyang Written with love by Nicole
  1. avatar Hailey reply

    Oh my stars, that tablecloth is amazing! I am from the great state of Texas and actually collect tablecloths, so this is an easy choice for me. Thanks for the opportunity and Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!

  2. avatar Elizabeth @ HobbyLobbyist reply

    I love how happy the bride and groom are! My favorite item is the tablecloth.

  3. avatar Sara reply

    I love the suspenders and the table cloth!

  4. avatar Jessica Clinch reply

    Aside from the love between the couple (it’s so great that they are actually newlyweds!) and the adorable joy of the kids, my favorite aspect of this feature was the wall of yellow roses on that fence! It’s marvelous. I would be thrilled to have that cute yellow gingham bow tie. I know I’m a girl, but I’m obsessed with bow ties!

  5. avatar Sandryte reply

    Wow, I loved EVERYTHING: the mixed couple, the music, behind-the-scene preparations, bouquets, the yellow color, photoshoot with the couple and the children.. It has such a harmonious feeling!

  6. avatar Sandryte reply

    Every single item for the giveaway would find a nice place at my house! The tablecloth I could use immediately for birthday!

  7. avatar Kristy reply

    ALL the yellow!!! And of course the cute children :)! Love the tablecloth :)

  8. avatar Lorraine reply

    Love the tablecloth and white suspenders!

  9. avatar Taylor J reply

    I LOVED this shoot!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why? Most of all because of the awesome yellow gingham!! Our wedding is going to be full of yellow gingham…I love how bright and cheery it is, and this shoot really helped envision what our wedding will actually look like! Since we’ve already bought a yellow gingham bow tie for our little ring bearer, that ring pillow would just be the cutest! If not that, then the pocket square! Adorable!

  10. avatar Linden reply

    I love that wedding dress!!! Gorgeous! And As a Texan, yellow roses hold a special place in my heart! Love the table cloth!

  11. avatar Parker reply

    I am in awe of all of the thought that goes into all of your work – the attention you ladies give to the small details always produces such stellar work! Keep it up! :)

  12. avatar Kelsey reply

    My favorite part is seeing all the yellow- perfect ideas for my sister in law and brother’s May wedding! Makes me so excited for their big day!

  13. avatar Lisa reply

    As a florist, I love the flowers and their use. Gorgeous and the yellow is just perfection!

  14. avatar Samantha S. reply

    I LOVED the venue and color scheme! Not to mention the bride and groom are completely adorable together! I like all of the choices but if I had to choose one it’d definitely be the ring bearer pillow. :)

  15. avatar Gina reply

    I am OBSESSED with yellow and each item shown screams happy to me!!! I adore the ring bearer pillow the most. Not only is it yellow, but it is gigham too. What girl doesn’t love gigham? I think this pillow will be the perfect accessory to my southern wedding!

  16. avatar Kathryn reply

    I’m a fan of the boots and the florals. I’d love to win the tablecloth!

  17. avatar Laura reply

    Ah! I love the tablecloth! Not to mention all the Texas love!

  18. avatar Kelly E. reply

    I love the yellow rose table cloth!

    I also love the Boy’s Bow Tie from the Happy Couple. Simply darling!

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‘Round these parts, we look forward to a whole lot at Thanksgiving… fresh biscuits, mama’s pecan pie, grandma’s sweet potato pie (can you tell we love pie?), stuffin’, football, turkey, and most of all… family! We have so much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving and hope your holiday is filled to the brim with cranberries and a whole lotta LOVE!

MARISSA: Heavens, y’all! I don¹t even know where to start! 2012 has been a year full of amazing blessings and incredible challenges – and I’m so grateful for them all! I am so thankful for the talented women I am not only blessed to work with everyday, but am able to call my friends. L, E, E, N + K, thank you! For our sweet readers, and talented clients. For my loving family – especially my mama, who is always there for me no matter what. For my handsome husband, BDK: you are the definition of a Southern gentleman, and my dream come true. Lastly, for God’s incredible grace. Without that, I am nothing.

This year, I’ll be spending Thanksgiving with the Kloess side of my family. Since I come from a small family, spending the holidays with this crowd is always a joy! Let’s just say we are one big ol’ Southern family – so big the dinner table has to be made of card tables and random chairs! Traditionally, my FIL deep fries a turkey in the backyard, and we celebrate with all the fixin’s, from homemade pecan pie to sweet potato casserole. I can’t wait! Even though I’ll miss my family and our traditions, I’m so thankful to have such wonderful in-laws to spend the holidays with.

NICOLE: This year, I am overwhelmed by how much there is to be thankful for! I’m so grateful for a loving family that gives me strength and some hilarious stories to tell and for terrific friends and a boyfriend who make me feel at home no matter where I am. I’m grateful for an amazing job that has filled my days with creativity and love and for a degree from the best University on the planet. Lastly, I’m grateful for my mom’s cooking, pug faces and Pantone. I’m heading to Charlotte today to bake pies and celebrate the holiday with my mom’s side of the family. Inevitably, there will be much debate over what to include in our Christmas lists and a lot of planning for my sister’s October 2013 wedding!

ALEXIA: I am thankful for my wonderful family, beautiful friends and unforgettable experiences at Southern Weddings this semester. I am also grateful for sweet tea, starry nights, cowboy boots and red velvet cupcakes. I am spending Thanksgiving at my grandparents’ house surrounded by family, laughter and of course a little pumpkin pie :)

EMILY: As usual, my gratitude cup overflows, which is something I’m grateful for in and of itself! I am so very thankful to call John my husband (after seven years of having a boyfriend – ha!) and for the person he is; for my parents, my siblings, and my parents and siblings in law (or, my parents and siblings in love, as one of my friends likes to say); for a God who in ALL things works for the good of those who love Him and for a church family that reminds me of that; for my sweet kitties and our warm house; for the health of those I love; for the blessing of living in this beautiful, amazing country; and for my job that I love so very much, and the amazing ladies with whom I get to work. Also, chocolate chunk pecan cookies. Yep, definitely thankful for those.

This year John and I are hosting Thanksgiving in North Carolina for my parents and one of my sisters. We’ll be a small group with entirely too much food, but I don’t really consider that a problem :)

KRISTIN: Thanksgiving 2012 marks my first married Thanksgiving, and I am looking forward to celebrating with my favorite husband and our amazing families. It is a well-known fact that I love ALL holidays and love to celebrate in BIG ways. On Thursday we will be crisscrossing the state of NC to celebrate, and I am responsible for bringing official ‘dishes’ to both meals as a reward for getting married (my late Grandma Jewell’s green bean-corn casserole — serious deliciousness and a family tradition — for my family and a sweet potato casserole for KPW’s). Thanksgiving day is sure to be overflowing with family, laughter, all my favorite foods*, and a nap, along with countless chances to reflect on all my many blessings.

During this sweet season of Thanksgiving I am reminded of the never ending listing of things that I am thankful for including, but not limited to, continued daily grace, my husband and our freshly-made marriage, our family, health, the SW family, the sunshine, and being able to find joy in each day. Hope y’all have a blessed Thanksgiving. Bring on the mashed potatoes!! PS: *Seriously. The food. We served Thanksgiving dinner at our wedding reception because it is our absolute favorite meal. I can’t wait.

LARA: Thanksgiving is a double great day for us this year as today is Grace’s first birthday! It’s been a crazy and blessed year between motherhood, making a magazine and so much more. I am overwhelmingly grateful for you, sweet readers and friends. Thank you for making this holiday time so special for us with all the excitement and kind words about V5! The story of Southern Weddings makes my heart so FULL. I am grateful for my family, dear friends, the SW ladies, a job that I love and most of all for grace. Amazing grace. God is good, y’all! This year, I’ll be attempting to cook my first Thanksgiving dinner by myself, so wish me luck, y’all! Thanksgiving is definitely my favorite meal all year with the sweet potatoes and turnip puree topping my list of leftover highlights. Happy Thanksgiving!

Photo credits, top to bottom: Nancy Ray, Nicole’s iPhone, personal, Tanja Lippert, Martha Manning, the Cheesebooth from the SW Launch Party last week!

lara Written with love by Lara Casey

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SWPS, Volume 5 Style

by in In The Office, Main on

Oh me, oh my, y’all. We haven’t done an official count yet, but when all is said and done, I think we are going to have sent over 600 individual ORDERS out through the SWPS in this first week. And, of course, each of those orders could contain between 1 and 20 magazines. Allow us to give you a little glimspe into how the magic happen. Or, as I like to refer to the “magic,” the one week of the year when my desk job turns into a warehouse job…

The work of the Southern Weddings Postal Service fires up long before any magazines arrive. As soon as we opened pre-orders, our intern, Alexia, set up a system for managing them, and began to handwrite thank you notes and mailing labels. Here’s a peek at the stacks from a few weeks ago:

Because we knew our office supply of magazines was going to arrive later than usual due to Superstorm Sandy, we tried to do even more prep work than usual, including pre-stamping envelopes, folding and taping up boxes, and stocking up on packing tape. Whoo!

Before we knew it, magazine delivery day had arrived!! A massive truck pulled into our neighborhood, and the driver turned out to be the same guy that delivered our order last year. The first thing he said? “A year is not enough time in between these visits.” We know it was said with love, y’all.

I’m sure he appreciated how many photos we insisted on taking of the process.

Happily, we had Miss Grace to help us haul the 7.5 pallets of magazines (18,000 POUNDS, y’all. 18,000 POUNDS!!) up the driveway. Even more happily, Lara’s husband, Ari, arrived unexpectedly midway through the ordeal! I think the delivery guy almost cried when Ari rounded the corner, he was so happy to see him. What, mister, Nicole and I weren’t exactly the help you were looking for?

Those two photos of Grace pretty much kill me, by the way. Doesn’t she look like a little figurehead in the first one? Very helpful.

Once we’d huffed and puffed our way up the driveway and each pallet was tucked safely into our “shipping department”, we got to work moving magazines from one set of boxes and into another! All hands on deck! And by all hands on deck, I really mean it! All other non-essential activity stops in the office while the SW gals bust out those first several hundred orders. Susan, Grace’s nanny, even chipped in at naptime!

Once we had a good number of orders ready to go, we started loading cars! Luckily Lara and I both have small SUVs, so we were able to squeeze quite a few into our initial load.

Oh yes, the actual postal service is always delighted to see us coming. They graciously let us unload in the back (cool!).

That’s just a small portion of our haul!

The other gals then abandoned me at the front desk (just kidding — I sent them back to the office to pack up more mags!) while the cashiers processed our boxes upon boxes. Our total across three credit cards for this initial visit? Get ready for it — $2,500. Yep! I snapped this photo and texted it to Lara when we hit the first $1,000 :)

Once back at the office, I took what has to be one of my very favorite annual photos — second only to the photo I make John snap of me grinning next to the first copy of SW I find in the store. Why, it’s the world’s longest receipt!!

And that, my friends, is the story of the Southern Weddings Postal Service, V5 Style. I sincerely hope that we’ve succeeded in getting your order out to you in good time and great condition! If you haven’t had the pleasure of placing your order yet and can’t find a copy in stores, be sure to do so here!

P.S. SWPS V2 and SWPS V4!

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Rhiannon reply

    This is amazing! I love little Grace’s face in those two photos :)

  2. avatar jessica reply

    Love seeing the documented process!

  3. avatar Lisa reply

    What a crazy, joyful process!!

  4. avatar Sara A reply

    I am a bridal stylist and was thrilled yesterday when my bride’s mother brought in the latest copy of Southern Weddings, amagazine I was not familiar with. I was so excited to see my bride on the back cover in her beautiful Angelina custom gown! I will be calling Luis on Monday to have him watch for it!

  5. avatar Friday Fresh Squeeze | Floridian Weddings reply

    […] by Bob Care Photography}WHAT WE'RE LOVING THIS WEEKI was finally able to dive into Southern Weddings V5 on turkey day…ahh it's so beautiful!And I made an extra side-dish for our family meal…it was […]

  6. avatar Valerie Painter {Greyson Design} reply

    Thank you ladies for all your hard work :) What a task! Fun to see the behind the scenes pictures!

  7. avatar Katie reply

    Oh, you have no idea how this haunts my dreams…as a former assistant editor at WV LIVING and WV WEDDINGS, I remember each shipping fiasco well. And the worst part is, readers have NO IDEA how difficult it is to actually get a magazine in their hands. They just know they saw it at Barnes & Noble, so why don’t they have their subscribed copy yet?! My publisher, Nikki, wrote a great blog post on the never-ending USPS conundrum and why post offices in our smaller West Virginia communities are vital to rural life.
    I absolutely love everything you’re doing @laracasey! Keep it up for all us mamas who ditched publishing. XOXO!

  8. avatar Jordan Thompson reply

    Somehow I am just now seeing this post! I can’t believe you guys did all of that by yourselves! Im worn out just looking at the photos! You guys are amazing!

  9. avatar Southern Weddings Weekly Round-Up – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] of the amusing nature of our day today, take a look at these recaps of magazine delivery days for V5 and V4–it sure is hard to explain to our new delivery company that no, we don’t have a […]

  10. avatar SWPS Volume 6! – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] the Southern Weddings Postal Service, of course), but having seen the recaps of V4 and V5 in years past, I thought I had a good idea of what to expect when that big old truck turned the […]

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