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I couldn’t be more excited about today’s Southern Newlywed post, because the home we’re taking a tour of belongs to none other than one of the most beloved SW couples we’ve ever featured, as well as dear friends of mine! Callie and Jamie’s gorgeous RiverOaks Charleston wedding graced the pages of V7 almost two years ago, and since then, these two have been settling into newlywed life in a little yellow house that they’ve lovingly renovated and made their own. As was apparent through the way they planned their wedding, being intentional and thoughtful is a high priority for Callie and Jamie, and I’m sure you’ll see that clearly throughout their house as well!

Thanks so much to our beloved Blue Ribbon Vendor Nancy Ray Photography for these beautiful photos!

The couple: Callie (25) and Jamie (25) Davis
Years married: Two years as of May 3rd
Where they live: Raleigh, North Carolina
Tell us a little bit about yourselves. Jamie and I both grew up in Raleigh, North Carolina and went to the same high school (‘sko caps!) and college (go Wolfpack!). Callie is a film wedding photographer with Nancy Ray Photography and writes a personal blog at Call Me Callie. Jamie works in commercial real estate specializing in land acquisition. Together, we believe in deeply rooted relationships, that a joyful heart begins with thanksgiving, and that without Jesus, we are nothing. We love the meaning of marriage, the ocean, spontaneous dance parties, our local farmer’s market and travel.
Tell us your love story in one sentence. High school acquaintances who connected through mutual friends in college, dated for almost five years, and tied the knot under the oaks in Charleston, South Carolina. (I love our love story. Truth be told, when we started dating, never in a million years did I think that one day we would be married, but the Lord had a different plan and I am so grateful.)

Do you rent or own? What are your hopes and plans for the future in this area? Tell us a little bit about where you live. We own our little yellow house, as it was a gift to us from Jamie’s uncle. It is the most generous gift we have ever received and has forever changed the way that we view giving generously, living everyday with a thankful and humble heart, and why we feel so strongly about hospitality and allowing our home to be a place to serve others and The Lord. (You can read the full story here.) It was built in 1952 and we quickly realized it was a real fixer upper. Soon after we got engaged, we began dreaming, drawing, and planning some possible renovations for our little house. Two months after getting married, we moved into our newly renovated home. This house is so special to us after all the work that we put into it and I never want to leave, but I knew that when I married a man working in real estate that that wouldn’t be the case for us. Our future plans include buying another fixer upper or building a house from scratch and investing in rental properties.

What most makes your house feel like home? I think we could live anywhere as long as we were together. I know this to be true because when we first moved into our house, it looked far from this. We barely owned any furniture or decor, and it took two years to make our house look like the way it does in these pictures. I had frames that were hanging on our walls without pictures in them because I was too indecisive, and for awhile, we had a mismatch of seating in our family room, but that didn’t change the way that our house felt. Coming home to each other and maintaining a posture of open hands with our home is what matters most. 

Where do you splurge and where do you save when decorating? What are some of your favorite sources for home things? We decided to splurge on bigger pieces like our L-shaped couch and our bed frame, knowing that we will hopefully keep these pieces for years. Just like my grandmother has always taught me: you know you’re meant to have something if you leave it in the store and continue to think about it. I remember going into the store countless times and looking at pictures of these pieces online before making the purchases. I wanted to be 100 percent sure that I would love them for a long time if we were going to be spending more money on them! So far, they have been my favorite purchases! I love Home Goods, Target, West Elm, Ikea, and PotteryBarn.

Which items from your wedding registry do you use the most often? We love our everyday china from Crate and Barrel. I remember standing in the store contemplating whether or not to add the weird pasta low bowls to our registry. “We’ll never use those,” I remember saying to Jamie, but he thought otherwise, so we added them, and I’m so glad that we did! No matter what we are eating, we grab the pasta low bowls out of our cabinet over a plate or bowl almost every time! If you haven’t already, you should totally add these to your registry because they will change your dining experience :)

What is your favorite memory from your wedding? Goodness, it’s hard to pick just one! The private moments throughout the day–praying around a door moments before our ceremony, our dockside dinner, and the boat ride after leaving our reception.
How do you remember your wedding in your home? (Pictures, mementos, etc.) As a wedding photographer, I believe you can never have enough wedding pictures displayed in your home! In the everyday hustle and bustle of life, it’s easy to forget that joyful day, and we recently decided that we want a daily reminder of the commitment that we made to each other as we walk through the rooms of our home. We also have things throughout our home from our wedding day–hemstitch cocktail napkins on our bar cart, the x-back chairs that our guests sat in in our dining room, lanterns that lined the dock by our fireplace, our cake server and knife in our china cabinet, and our guest book Bible that floats throughout our home as we read it in different rooms.

Who cooks dinner? We love to cook together! Jamie usually handles the meat and anything on the grill, while I usually handle the sides.
What is your go-to weeknight meal? Weekend meal? Our go-to weeknight meal is tacos. We almost always have ingredients on hand that can be transformed into tacos. Whether it’s planned ahead and we do shredded chicken in the crockpot or blackened shrimp, we love tacos in all shapes and forms! Our go-to weekend meal is probably something on the grill–burgers or chicken. We love to entertain and have people over to our house, so it’s an easy thing to fix, and it can be paired with any potluck sides that people bring!

What’s your favorite place to find recipes? This year, Jamie and I acknowledged that we’re not the best when it comes to following recipes. To be honest, I’m somewhat of a picky eater and we always end up modifying the recipes that we try. We do better when we try to recreate something we’ve eaten in a restaurant or just pull things together based on what we’ve got in our fridge. However, this month, we tried a week of Hello Fresh and it was really fun!

Tell us about the process of moving in together. Do you have any tips for blending your two styles? Moving in together after we got married was really fun. When we got married, we were in the middle of renovating our little house. Believe it or not, when we got back from our honeymoon, my parents picked us up from the airport and we moved right in with them! It wasn’t ideal, but it was a major blessing. Our house still had two months until it was going to be complete, and with both of our parents living in Raleigh, it felt silly to try and find a place to rent for only two months. When we finally moved into our renovated house, it immediately felt like home. After two years of decorating, finalizing projects, and making it ours, it still feels like home. What we have learned most through this project is that stuff doesn’t make a house a home. Blending our two styles was really fun and easy because knowing what we know, we didn’t take it so seriously. After planning a wedding together, we had a good understanding of each other’s style and what we wanted our house to look and feel like. We wanted to fill our home with things that we love, or that remind us of what we love. We both love the ocean, which is why our home is filled with images and a color palette that reminds of us it–neutrals mixed with bold textures and cool colors. We also both love to be outside, which is why we tried to bring outside in as much as we could–yes, I’ve become an indoor plant lady and I love it! I believe that there are no rules when it comes to designing or decorating your home. Fill it with what both of you love! Mix patterns and textures and play around with a color palette until you make it work! The effort is worth it for both of you to come home to place that feels like a place of rest and comfort.

What is your favorite part of being married? Our friendship. We love to spend time together, whether it’s on vacation exploring somewhere new or cuddling up on the couch to watch Netflix. Jamie makes me laugh harder than anyone else–think dance parties while brushing his teeth, talking to me in funny accents, making up lyrics to songs, and neverending selfie videos of him singing. He makes our life so light and fun. I love that we get to a be a team, cheering each other on through the ups and downs, and working together toward a common goal. I love that we are becoming sanctified by being together.
What has been the most surprising thing about marriage? Before we were married, I knew that our life together would be a big adventure, but what I didn’t realize is just how much we would enjoy the simple things–coming home to each other after a long day of work, cooking dinner together, walking our sweet pup, tending to our garden, and doing yard work. 

What’s your best tip for balancing your relationship and other life priorities (work, personal time, extended family, etc.)? Invite each other in. Whether it’s your work, your hobbies, or your goals, invite your spouse into those things and do them together. Jamie and I have discovered this year what this means for us and our marriage. We made time in our busy schedules to train for and run a half marathon together and spent tons of time in our backyard building a chicken coop from scratch. We’re not perfect, but we constantly strive to prioritize each other.
What is one small way you love or serve your spouse? Jamie: Asking Callie, “How can I serve you today?” Callie: Texting Jamie during the day to tell him that I love him and ask how his day is going.

Is there anything else about your home or family life that you think our readers would be interested in? If you know me, you know that one of my dreams is to live on a farm or a large piece of land. Although we can’t make that dream happen right now, we decided to bring a little bit of farm life to our urban backyard by building a chicken coop! Jamie and I built our backyard chicken coop from scratch in August (it was quite the adventure!) and added five hens to our family! In a couple months, we should be getting fresh eggs every day and we are so excited!

Thank you so much for sharing your hearts and home with us, Callie and Jamie! Follow along with them here:
Callie’s blog | Callie’s photography | Callie’s Instagram | Jamie’s Instagram

A little reminder: we’d love to hear from you! Our hope is to feature REAL couples in the South – not just folks who write blogs (though we love them, too!), but also your inspiring friend, super talented cousin, or neighbor with the cutest house – the kind of person everyone would love to “e-meet.” If that sounds like you or someone you know, take a peek at our Southern Newlywed submission page and shoot us an email!

lisa Written with love by Lisa
  1. avatar Robyn Van Dyke reply

    Love the house tour but love their hearts even more!

  2. avatar Elizabeth Maxwell reply

    Absolutely love this precious post!! And the images are gorgeous. Is there a way different furniture pieces/decor can be linked so that others can find them? Thank you!

  3. avatar McKenzie Fussell reply

    Absolutely loved Callie and Jamie’s sweet house! So much cuteness! xo, McKenzie

  4. avatar Callie and Jamie Film Home Tour | Nancy Ray Photography reply

    […] thanks to Southern Weddings for featuring their home tour! Click here to see the full feature and […]

  5. avatar 929 Home Tour Part Two | Call me Callie reply

    […] thanks to Southern Weddings for featuring our home tour! Click here to see the full feature and read our Southern Newlywed […]

  6. avatar 2016 Online Features Part 2 | Nancy Ray Photography reply

    […] and Jamie’s Home Tour Featured on Southern Weddings Photographer: Nancy […]

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When Nicole and Tyler struggled to find a venue that felt just right for them, their planner, Rachel Youd, suggested celebrating their ceremony in Nicole’s parents’ backyard. With the help of some thoughtful planning to make it work, Nicole’s father was able to see his daughter come down the very same stairs she’d walked down in the years past for her dances and proms. Creating a moment so meaningful might not always be the easiest option, but I imagine that out of all the memories on those stairs, this day probably tops the list! After saying their vows under the oak trees, Nicole and Tyler celebrated with their guests just a few miles away at Panama Country Club with a reception that looks equally as fun as it was stylish!

Thanks for sharing, Jennifer Blair!

Describe your wedding flowers. Our flowers were soft and delicate. We had mainly white flowers with splashes of blush and green. We had peonies, garden roses, hydrangeas, seeded eucalyptus, freesia, and anemones to add a graphic punch.

Did you decide to do a first look? Why or why not? Yes! Seeing each other for the first time was such a surreal experience, and I’m glad that we had a chance to take in the moment. We loved getting to spend the whole day together and share some quality time on our wedding day. I can’t imagine not being able to burst into conversation upon seeing my groom for the first time! It was so wonderful to snap a few family photos after the ceremony and then be able to run off to the party! Doing a first look also allowed us the time to have a private dinner. We were able to talk about the ceremony and actually eat, and I had the chance to touch up and bustle my dress in peace!

We looked at several wedding venues and nothing felt quite right. I remember early in the planning process, my dad had mentioned he wanted me to get ready at the house so he could see me coming down the stairs, like he had done for all my dances and proms when I was younger. Our wedding coordinator suggested the backyard, which we hadn’t even considered as a prospect. After walking through the yard and envisioning the ceremony, we couldn’t think of a better place to have our ceremony than under the oaks on the bay in a place we have so many memories. It was so special to be able to walk down the stairs of my house that day! The reception was at a country club about five minutes away. The club has beautiful bay views and tied in to the waterside feel we had at the ceremony.

Our favorite detail of the wedding was: Our favorite detail was the aisle. My parents’ yard didn’t really allow for a traditional aisle, so we decided that the dock would be the aisle! I arrived to our ceremony via boat, which added a fun Floridian touch to our ceremony.

My something blue was also my old and new. Tyler had given me a beautiful pair of sapphire and diamond earring when I graduated from Auburn University. I was on my Master’s Practicum in London while I was in grad school at Florida State, and lost an earring while sightseeing. I remember calling Tyler that day, so sad, and I exclaimed “That was going to be my something blue!” under my breath. He heard and I was quickly embarrassed. He took the remaining earring and had it made into a simple and dainty necklace that he gave me for Christmas, just a few months before the wedding. Our something borrowed was the venue!

Our cake was so good that as we were about to make our grand exit, we stopped to asked the caterer for a to-go box to stick a big slice in! The cake was the most important thing to Tyler, so we were set on finding a baker who could make a beautiful cake with buttercream, as neither of us like fondant. We chose a classic white almond cake with buttercream icing. We are both eagerly looking to our first anniversary for another slice!

How did y’all meet? Tell us your love story. Tyler and I met at a fundraising gala when I was home from college for Thanksgiving break. Neither of us was really supposed to go that night, but my parents had an extra ticket. I tried to stay home with the dog, but was (thankfully) unsuccessful. Tyler’s mom was sick, so Tyler went in her place. Our fathers know each other, so they ended up chatting at the event, and I talked to Tyler’s dad a bit. Soon after, Tyler came over to say hi to my mom and dad (who he had met before). He introduced himself to me when I was mid-bite of red velvet cake. Unbeknownst to me, we had gone to the same high school and were both on the golf teams at the same time, but we had never met! We ended up chatting, and later on that night, he asked me to dance. He asked me to play golf that week, and we’ve been hanging out ever since!
Tell us all about the proposal! Tyler conspired with my two best friends to surprise me! My two best friends were teaching at the time, and I was about to enter my last semester of graduate school, so we decided to plan an elaborate girls night out at Rosemary Beach to celebrate the end of school! When we arrived, it started to sprinkle, but they were insistent on walking across the street to get a quick picture before dinner. We spotted a man with an umbrella in the exact spot we wanted to take the picture, so I was hesitant, until I realized the man under the umbrella was Tyler! He said a lot of sweet things I don’t remember due to my state of shock. He had our parents waiting at a Mexican restaurant nearby so we could celebrate in the best way…with margaritas!
When did y’all get married? April 9, 2016
How many friends, family members, and loved ones attended your wedding? 180
Tell us about finding your wedding dress. I bought my wedding dress the first time I went to try on dresses. I went in with one idea and left with a completely different thing! I tried on about 20 dresses, and when I put on mine, I remember feeling so comfortable. Seeing yourself in a wedding dress is a strange experience, and despite all the dresses being gorgeous, most made me feel like I was in a bride costume. I felt like myself in my dress, but it still had that something that made me feel special! It also didn’t hurt that my mom, mother-in-law, and maids of honor immediately said “That’s the one!” without hesitation!
What Southern details or traditions did you include in your celebration? What was Southern about your wedding? We were all nervous about the Florida weather cooperating with our outdoor ceremony, so we relied on the tradition of burying the bourbon. Tyler and his dad are avid bourbon collectors, and him and his father are also Kentucky Colonels. The bottle selected to be buried was an Elijah Craig that was aged 23 years, to reflect my age when we got married!
How did you plan for your marriage while planning your wedding? Tyler and I took a premarital counseling course through our church. Additionally, we were putting together our first home together while we were engaged. Design decisions and DIY home upkeep, while still living in two separate places, will teach you teamwork and compromise quickly!
What’s next for you as a couple? What memories are you looking forward to making together? We are working on our first home in Tallahassee, Florida, where we plan to stay for a few years as we build our careers. We just added to our family with Walter, our three-month West Highland Terrier puppy! We are enjoying settling into living together and celebrating our other friends who are tying the knot!

Photographer: Jennifer Blair | Videographer: Jason Tuno | Planner, Florist, and Paper Products: Rachelle Youd | Ceremony Venue: Private residence | Reception Venue: Panama Country Club | Wedding Cake: Sweet for Sirten | Caterer: Chef Paul Stellato | Rentals: H&M Tent | Band: Creativity | Bride’s Gown: Maggie Sottero | Bride’s Hair Accessories and Jewelry: BHLDN | Hair Stylist: Bunny Franklin | Makeup Artist: Rebecca Griffith | Bride’s Shoes: Kate Spade | Bridesmaids’ Dresses: Alfred Sung | Groom’s Bow Tie: Brackish | Menswear: Men’s Wearhouse

marissa Written with love by Marissa

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I am pretty sure that today’s bride, Corinne, and I are wedding soul sisters–a spring date, a church ceremony, a classic getaway car, snazzy signature cocktails, and blush blooms galore? Yes please to all of the above! While even the smallest details (hello, gorgeous escort card board!) can contribute to the moments you’ll remember from your wedding day, I love the way Corinne and Greg were also sure to plan a few particularly special opportunities for the two of them to celebrate together, like their post-ceremony getaway car ride and the private last dance they shared to close out their reception. That commitment to creating intentional moments has even carried over into their newlywed life–one of Corinne and Greg’s favorite activities is hosting dinners on the porch of their new Atlanta townhouse!

Thanks so much to our Blue Ribbon Vendor Graham Terhune for sharing this special day with us!

Tell us about finding your wedding dress. I decided to take a lunch break to look at dresses one day. I ended up finding one that I absolutely loved, but I knew I couldn’t make a decision without consulting my mom. I tried on a few more dresses at boutiques in Atlanta, but nothing could quite live up to the delicate lace and silk organza of the dress at Nitsa’s in Winston-Salem. The store was really accommodating and actually sent the dress to their Charlotte location for me. I tried it on one more time and knew it was the one!

I had seen pictures of beautiful white and blush bouquets on Southern Weddings that I used as inspiration for our florist! We included white peonies, ranunculus, and David Austin roses in all of the bridesmaid bouquets, all tied up with hand-dyed silk ribbon. My bouquet had a special touch of white lilac and a jeweled piece from my mom’s wedding bouquet.

Did you decide to do a first look? Why or why not? We had a traditional Catholic ceremony that started at 2 P.M., a bit earlier than most weddings! We decided to wait until the ceremony so that we could have that special moment of seeing each other for the first time as the church doors opened.
Did you write your own vows? If so, what was your favorite phrase, verse or line? We did not write our own vows. We thought the traditional ones were just as meaningful, though!

One of our favorite details of the day was the vintage car that we drove away from the church in. Since we had the “Just Married” sign on the back, people cheered and honked as we drove to the reception!

What made you choose your ceremony and reception venues? Did they have any special significance to you? St. Pius X in Greensboro is a beautiful church and our family’s parish. We chose the Greensboro Country Club for our reception venue because of their great service, beautiful ballroom, and outdoor space for cocktail hour!

What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome while planning your wedding? The biggest challenge we ran into was planning from afar. Greg and I had both just moved to Atlanta and it was difficult for us to break away from our new jobs to make trips up to NC. We had great vendors who made it easier, and my mom did a good amount of the planning remotely!

Greg and I are huge fans of dessert! We had a simple, four-tiered cake with chocolate (for him), lemon (for me), and traditional almond. We included our custom monogram from the invitation suite in gold on the third layer and decorated it with fresh flowers. It was delicious!

What was your most memorable moment about your wedding day? Greg and I danced the night away at our reception, and before we exited, we had one last dance, just the two of us. The band played Ray LaMontagne’s “You Are The Best Thing” for us. It was such a special way to close out the best day of our lives!

How did y’all meet? Tell us your love story. Greg and I met at our alma mater, Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia. Two of our best friends (who are now married as well) set us up on a blind date for homecoming weekend! We dated long distance for four more years as Greg finished up school in Charlottesville and I worked in Georgia and North Carolina.
Tell us all about the proposal! We met my sister and brother-in-law at my family’s home one weekend when my parents were out of town. We love to spend time in our hometown together and we had plans to eat at all of our favorite restaurants and play golf that day. My parents have a small boat, so we all decided go for a ride before dinner that night. Greg got down on one knee at the dock on the way down to the lake. To my surprise, my family and Greg’s then appeared around the corner to pick us up and kick off the celebration!
When did y’all get married? April 23, 2016
How many friends, family members, and loved ones attended your wedding? 185
How did you plan for your marriage while planning your wedding? Once Greg and I were both in Atlanta, we began pre-marital counseling with our local Catholic church. While we had been dating for a few years before getting engaged, the counseling provided a framework to discuss important aspects of our relationship.
What is the one detail or vendor that you were so happy to have as a part of your wedding? We were absolutely thrilled to have Graham Terhune Photography as part of our wedding. Graham and his wife, Samantha, are such professionals and did a great job documenting the day and making us feel comfortable. We were also so happy to have our family help us make the welcome bags for our guests! Greg’s aunt made her famous “butter crunch” toffee and my sister made her signature decorated sugar cookies. We loved sharing a piece of both our families in those bags.
What advice do you have for folks currently planning a wedding? Our advice for wedding planning is to not sweat the details! Our priest ended up getting sick and not being able to make it to the wedding (thankfully, he has recovered and is doing better). We never expected such a big twist in our plans, but at the end of the day, nothing is more important than being surrounded by your closest family and friends on the day you get to marry your best friend!
What’s next for you as a couple? What memories are you looking forward to making together? We are living in Atlanta for the next few years as Greg finishes up his training. We recently bought a townhouse and have loved hosting our friends and family for dinners on the deck! We are looking forward to getting to know the city better and taking trips as a married couple!

Photographer: Graham Terhune | Videographer: Twenty-One Films | Ceremony Venue: St. Pius X Catholic Church | Reception Venue: Greensboro Country Club | Florist: Botanica | Wedding Cake: Delicious Bakery | Rentals: CE Rentals | Band: Attraction | Paper Products: Southern Engraving | Bride’s Gown:“Addison” by Rivini | Hair Stylist: Emily Joyce of Mod Studio | Makeup Artists: Faith Webb and Shannon Brinn | Bride’s Shoes: Jimmy Choo | Bridesmaids’ Dresses: Alfred Sung | Groomsmen Attire: Jos. A. Bank | Ice Cream Truck: Ice Queen

lisa Written with love by Lisa
  1. avatar Andrea reply

    The prettiest bride — Corinne was positively glowing that day! Such a fun wedding and special couple. So many amazing details!!!

  2. avatar sientatealamesa reply

    Beautifull wedding.

  3. avatar Sandee McClain reply

    It was a memorable day for everyone and Graham captured it perfectly! The bride and her family did a wonderful job with every last detail, creating a special day we will not soon forget.

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