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Southern Weddings

Author: Emily

Y’all know we have a hard time keeping secrets over here. As soon as we know something good, we want to share it! We share on the blog, we share on social media… in fact, I practically have to muzzle the other gals to keep our biggest secret every year: our cover! Because you all have been so encouraging from the beginning, rooting us on at every turn, we especially love sharing our lives and the life of Southern Weddings, the company, with y’all.

So you can imagine it’s been pretty difficult to keep what has to be our biggest announcement ever under wraps for a full seven months, but somehow we did it. And today’s the day we get to let y’all in. We are really, really thrilled to share that we’ve partnered with the most iconic brand in the South: Southern Living. Our time together has already been so very fruitful, and we are excited to tell you all the details!

Landon Jacob

Mercy! How did this all come about?
We certainly didn’t expect this to happen, and we definitely weren’t looking for it. Lara received an email from the Associate Publisher at SL back in May, asking for a meeting to discuss “possibilities for the future” and offering to come to us for said meeting. After a minor (okay, major) freak-out and confirming the SL team knew we weren’t based in New York, we set a date. A flurry of preparation ensued, mainly focused on what to wear and what to serve these discerning gents. We ultimately decided to call in the big guns and ask our friends at Fearrington to come out and cater, and oh my, they laid out a Southern spread: eggs benedict with tomato jam, yogurt parfaits, biscuits, muffins, smoothies, fresh-squeezed orange juice… the works. You’ll have to check out Lara’s blog post today to read some of our other hilarious preparations.

The meeting lasted about two hours, and probably the most memorable moment was when the Associate Publisher’s egg squirted right out from under his fork and onto his pants and binder full of notes. Oh well, nothing four Southern hostesses can’t handle, and still something we laugh about to this day :)

Lara actually shared this photo from the big meeting day on instagram way back, with a cryptic caption. See what I mean about not being able to keep a secret??

Lara and I traveled to the Birmingham headquarters of Southern Progress a few weeks later to meet Lindsay (Southern Living’s Editor in Chief) and other members of the SL team, and it was quite the experience! We of course immediately had to update the other gals as soon as we arrived at the airport at the end of our whirlwind two days of meetings:

After many conversations internally and between our two teams, we settled on an arrangement for our partnership.

What does “partnership” mean? What can I expect to change or stay the same?
It’s really very simple — we are sharing content. We have no formal ties to SL and nothing is changing on our end except sharing what we already do with more people! We are still just six ladies (see our recent office tour here!) making a magazine and running a small shop and shipping orders from Lara’s garage. For this, we are so grateful.

Today, we posted our first blog post on The Daily South. Going forward, you’ll see us post there a few times a month, sharing real weddings and highlighting beautiful Southern wedding details — much as we do right here. Come over and say hi! :)

We have a special weddings page on the SL site here with lots of goodies. We also have a joint Pinterest board where you can find even more great Southern wedding content.

The most exciting part of this partnership: three times in 2014, we are providing 18 pages of Southern Weddings content for a special weddings section in Southern Living. We’ve already sent our first one to print. We couldn’t say anything at the time, but we were designing TWO magazines at once this season. This was us trying to learn the SL style guide and do layout for our section in October…

You won’t be able to find the insert on newsstands, but it will go out with their January issue to about 400,000 subscribers who have been earmarked as being in the marrying (or mother of the bride!) stage of life. If you aren’t a subscriber, there will still be a way to view it digitally. Details coming soon!

Remember this instagram? That was Lara and I being photographed for the editors’ letter in the insert! Lindsay was photographed in Birmingham, and then the three of us got sandwiched together by the Photoshop wizards at Southern Living HQ!

And that’s it! :) We haven’t been bought by them, and have no plans to do that. We are still producing our own gorgeous magazine once a year. We aren’t changing a thing. We just have new folks who believe in us, and want to help us spread the word about the beautiful, meaningful celebrations that are happening here in our neck of the woods. For us, that is the most exciting part of all of this — we consider it a huge opportunity (and honor!) to spread our heart for strong marriages and meaningful weddings farther and faster. THAT is something to celebrate!

Friends, we are so grateful for you. We are grateful for the way you’ve followed us and encouraged us throughout the years, and we are so grateful to be taking this step alongside you. We know you might have questions, so please, ask away! And if you feel so moved, take a moment to do a little happy dance in honor of our announcement sometime today — you know we will be!!

Landon Jacob is a delightful member of our Blue Ribbon Vendor Directory!

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Melissa Oholendt reply

    LOVE THIS. So well deserved and such a perfect partnership! Congrats lovelies!

  2. avatar Kat reply

    Ladies OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! So, SO excited for you!!! Now, I must go add another blog to my bookmarks:)

  3. avatar Leigh Pearce reply

    So exciting!!!! Congrats gals!! xo

  4. avatar Danielle reply

    Wonderful to hear! Congratulations to y’all from Texas!

  5. avatar Katie Bond reply

    Chills!!! What an incredible new partnership. Congratulations to y’all. Well-deserved recognition!!

  6. avatar Stephanie Creekmur reply

    Eeeek! Too much excitement to handle for one day! CONGRATULATIONS! This is truly a partnership made in Heaven! So happy for y’all! <3

  7. avatar Lorelei reply

    This is such wonderful news and can’t wait to see how this partnership develops. I think the only thing that bothered me about reading this blog post was the horrible “Diamonds Wholesale to the Public” ad at the top of the page. It doesn’t seem to fit your brand image and just makes the webpage look weird compared to other ads on the right side of the page.

    • avatar Emily reply

      Hi Lorelai! That is one of our served ads, but it’s one we’ve never seen before, so we’re checking into it! Just a coincidence that it showed up today, so don’t worry that it’s a new direction for our advertisements :)

  8. avatar Amber Housley reply

    Congrats to the whole team on this exciting news! Love that more of the South is going to share in the great content your team develops and cultivates! xo

  9. avatar Dana Laymon reply

    Yay! congratulations!! that is so exciting! I love SL so I know it will be a great partnership!

  10. avatar Elizabeth Howard reply

    A huge big southern hug of congratulations for you on this very exciting announcement! XOXO The Cordial Cricket

  11. avatar Christina L. Frederick reply

    Happy dance, happy tears, I am just HAPPY! Congratulations ladies on this amazing partnership! The SL readers are in for a huge surprise if they haven’t read SW yet. Your mission is clear and what a wonderful way to share it with so many more from the south! Big hugs!
    xo Christina

  12. avatar ALICIA ROHAN reply


  13. avatar Ryan Ray reply

    Congratulations!! So so happy for y’all. You all are such a remarkable group of ladies. Love everything you represent. You are going to touch and inspire so many more people. Your new site looks beautiful as well. Cheers to great things happening to great ladies!

  14. avatar Laura Bitler reply

    Oh my! What an amazing announcement for all of us SW fans out there! CONGRATS Emily and Laura and the whole SW team. Can’t wait to keep my eyes out for the SL magazine. A quick peek at your new page on the Southern Living page and I am quite impressed. Keep the good news coming. With love and admiration, Laura

  15. avatar Carly reply

    Congratulations, ladies! This is nothing short of amazing. We are so excited and can’t wait to see what the future holds for Southern Weddings!! :)
    Carly & the Blueberry Creative team

  16. avatar Latrice – Opulent Couturier reply

    You ladies never cease to amaze me! WOW what an awesome partnership! Congrats!!

  17. avatar Lauren reply

    This is amazing news! Y’all are such a beautiful example to so many and so, so excited that Southern Living recognized this too! What a wonderful opportunity! My two favorite magazines collaborating couldn’t be better news!

  18. avatar Joan reply

    Congratulations!! Recognition well deserved and I couldn’t be happier for you ladies. I am a long-time subscriber to Southern Living, so here’s to hoping that your lovely insert makes it into my copy in January :)

  19. avatar Ashleigh – Lust Creative reply

    Oh my goodness!! What wonderful news!!! Congratulations to you all for all your hard work! I cannot believe you were secretly designing TWO magazines this year! Now wonder you were so busy! This is such exciting news. I’m so happy for the SW team!
    Ashleigh xxoo

  20. avatar angela conklin reply

    So honored to know you! Can we say F A M O U S ????

  21. avatar Linda at Cedarwood Weddings reply

    An exciting partnership! Southern Weddings does the best southern wedding editorials. Period. Congrats.

  22. avatar Southern Weddings Weekly Round-Up – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] Then, as if that wasn’t enough excitement, we were finally able to spill the news about our exciting partnership with Southern Living!! You can read all of the details right here. […]

  23. avatar Southern Weddings V6 Launch Party Recap – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] pretty new home with you after months of behind-the-scenes effort, and then happily shared another big announcement. In the midst of all the busy, we would have been remiss not to take time to celebrate the release […]

  24. avatar Behind the Scenes of Sweet Corn Sweethearts – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] editorial highlighted in our Southern Living insert! (See the back story on that partnership here!) With 19 models, many of whom were readers (plus one SW editor!) and three amazing locations, we […]

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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Friends!! We are so very, very excited to welcome you to our new home on the web! Isn’t she pretty??

One of our 2013 company goals was to launch an updated website that reflected our Southern core and greatly enhanced the experience of our users (y’all!). After many months of brainstorming and many weeks of manually reformatting six years of content (mercy), we’re so proud to debut our new design.

A few things to note as you take a stroll around our new digs:

Our newest friends now have a one-stop shop to get acquainted with all things SW. Our Newly Engaged page points you to the most popular parts of our site as well as links to some of our most helpful advice posts.

The Blue Ribbon Vendor Directory has been COMPLETELY revamped. It’s now much easier to sort and search for vendors — yippee!! I also love that each vendor’s listing now includes a few sentences on why, exactly, the SW gals love him or her, as well as links to any past posts featuring their work on our blog.

The Weddings section has also undergone a complete overhaul! With so many hundreds of gorgeous celebrations under our belts, it was a shame they weren’t more easily searchable. Well, no more! We’ve added improved color and season filters, and my personal favorite — the Southern Thang filter!! You’ll just have to go explore than one yourself to see what it’s all about :)

The Honey List is now infinitely more user-friendly — simply refine by state to find magical destinations, then click on the photo to go straight to our original posts with the full scoop.

I’ve saved the best for last — the Editorial section has undergone a complete reinvention. Our former editorial galleries were, unfortunately, pretty much a waste of space. They did nothing to show off the gorgeous work of so many talented folks! Now, though, I could not be more proud of them. In addition to showing off the images, they do an amazing job of telling the story of each editorial — from inspiration board through to completion. You can also sort by color and volume to find just what you’re looking for. If you only explore one part of the new site, make it this one!!

And holy smokes, y’all! I haven’t even mentioned our new LOGO! Many thanks to the talented Jess of Magpie Paper Works for that beauty!

With this revamp, our goal was to make everything about the site simpler, easier, and, gosh darn it, just a little bit more Southern and adorable. Thanks to the help of the talented team at Flosites, we think we succeeded. And we VERY much hope y’all enjoy the changes.

We’re still working out bugs here and there, but be sure to let us know if you see something wonky! And stay tuned — our brand new mobile version is coming soon! For now, tell us — what’s your favorite part of the new site?? We’d love to hear!!

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Angela reply

    Oh my stars I absolutely adore the re-design! Loving the clean yet playful /southern aesthetic, the adorable gingham comment button, easy to navigate for inspiration, the vendor picture layouts, the list goes on! Congrats ladies!

  2. avatar Marilisa Schachinger reply

    Oh my stars my jaw has hit the floor. The new website is GORGEOUS, SEAMLESS and all around CHARMING! I can only imagine the labor of love this has been so cheers to your team for working so hard to make this an even more enjoyable online experience!

  3. avatar jenn reply

    I love the new site! I especially love the newly engaged section. I just went through tons of helpful links you have on that page. Nice work!!

  4. avatar Lucy Taylor reply

    CONGRATS LADIES! What a beautiful site update. I’m so proud of all of your hardwork and your commitment to making marriages more beautiful than our weddings! Congrats! Celebrating with you today!!

  5. avatar Kat reply

    LOVE IT ladies!!! The playful, southern details, the “top” peach… it’s all so great!! Congrats!!!!

  6. avatar Carly reply

    I love the new site’s clean and bright design. I also love your “Hi Y’all!” page. It’s such a unique idea to be able to roll over your gorgeous image to be able to learn more about each editor. Congrats, ladies!!

  7. avatar Blythe K reply

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the updates!!! :)

  8. avatar Lara Casey reply

    AHH!!! I know it’s weird to comment on our own post, but I’m SO excited! Thank you everyone for all of the kind words. HOORAY for our new web home!

  9. avatar Kelly Scarborough Watson reply


  10. avatar Stephanie Creekmur reply

    Congratulations, ladies! The entire thing is fabulous! <3 I have to be honest when I kept seeing the new logo pop up I thought you were going to announce that Emily was behind it but Jess did a beautiful job! I love it!!

  11. avatar Harmony reply

    Loving the new clean design

  12. avatar Christina L. Frederick reply

    BEAUTIFUL! I love the new site, the new logo and our brand new BRV profile! I love that your heart has gone into every page! Congratulations on your launch ladies!
    xo Christina

  13. avatar Jess reply

    Oh my stars, Ladies, the new site looks absolutely gorgeous!!! We’ve been waylaid by a winter storm so I’m exploring everything a day late & loving EVERY page. Wow wow wow!!

  14. avatar Bridget reply

    I love the new design of the Editorial section – it really showcases the beautiful wedding shoots y’all have featured.

  15. avatar 12 Days of Southern Weddings Christmas: Ashley Brooke Designs – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] gravy, y’all! Friday was quite a day for our team: we launched our gorgeous new online home as well as an exciting partnership! And to keep that fantastic momentum going, we’re […]

  16. avatar Southern Weddings Third Annual Gingerbread Barn Building: Recap – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] V6, a brand new website and our exciting Southern Living announcement brewing, the holidays snuck up on us this year! […]

  17. avatar Southern Weddings Weekly Round-Up – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] blur of excitement around the SW office! We’re still tickled pink about our beautiful new site and our posts on Southern Living’s The Daily South, and as some of you found out yesterday in […]

  18. avatar Introducing Best of the South! – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] in December when we introduced our pretty new website to y’all, there was one part that was not quite ready for its close-up. We added a “Best of the […]

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

Reply to:

Happy December, belles! In case you missed it in your turkey-induced haze, be sure to check out the collection of #SWV6 reader pics we posted on Friday — y’all are too much!!

In other news, I am SO happy to be sharing today’s sponsor with you. Nicole and I had the privilege of traveling to the Oldfield Club in Okatie, SC (near Hilton Head) for one of our V6 shoots, and we were raving about it the entire time we were there — and in the weeks and months that followed. Driving onto their property is like driving into another world — one filled with unbelievably huge old oaks, gracious front porches, and meandering inlets. It would be an AMAZING place to hold a weekend wedding celebration.

Jen Huang (a sneak peek at our Southern Charm shoot, coming to the blog soon!)

The Oldfield Club has two unique Lowcountry venues to offer couples. The River Club is a grand plantation home on the waterfront with gorgeous old oaks and Spanish moss galore — the perfect spot to welcome your guests in true Southern style! The Outfitters Center is more rustic, with brick floors, shucking tables, and fire pits. It’s also on the waterfront, and would be an fabulous option for a rehearsal dinner or a more casual wedding.

Jen Huang

All catering on the property is by the Club’s executive chef, ensuring delicious eats no matter your menu.

Jen Huang

The Oldfield Club also has a variety of gorgeous large and small river cottage homes for guests to rent for the week or weekend. They’re the perfect jumping off point to experience all that Oldfield has to offer, including kayaking, biking, fishing charters, golf, and horseback riding. Nicole and I stayed in a cottage while we were on site, and truly, we did NOT want to leave! They’re each beautifully appointed, oh-so-comfortable, and outfitted with every guest comfort in mind. The staff at Oldfield truly goes above and beyond for each guest.

Photos by Our Labor of Love and Suggs Photography

Need some more inspiration? We’ve featured two beautiful weddings that took place at the Oldfield Club on the Southern Weddings blog: Geneva + Luke and Laura + Chad! Both should give you a hint at what’s possible at this magical venue.

You can learn more about the Oldfield Club property right here. Don’t hesitate to leave any questions we might be able to answer in the comments, and tell me: Are you holding your wedding somewhere guests can stay overnight, or make it a weekend? I love the idea of my loved ones getting to know each other in a beautiful place!

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Marilisa Schachinger reply

    That drive to Oldfield was truly magical! What a memorable day. I can’t wait to see more of the pictures from the Southern Charm shoot :)

  2. avatar Jessica B reply

    I am getting married at Oldfield Club in May and I honestly feel like the luckiest girl in the world!! I’m also happy to report I discovered Oldfield through a previous post on Southern Weddings, so I must say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Seriously though, it is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen, the epitome of Southern grace, charm, and elegance. And the staff there has been SOOO wonderful to work with, especially since I am planning long distance. We are planning to stay in the river cottages for the weekend, and I absolutely can’t wait to relax by the river with our families and friends before, during, and after our special celebration.

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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