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Tag: rose

Red rose round-up — say that three times fast!

The Kentucky Derby isn’t called “The Run for the Roses” for nothing — the blanket of blooms that’s draped over the winning Thoroughbred’s neck is made up of 554 red roses! We’ve rounded up a few of our favorite red rose inspiration, and though one-bloom, one-color bouquets like these are not as popular as they used to be, we think there’s something beautiful and classic about them when done right! Red roses can also look beautiful in cakes and table decor.

Image credits, top to bottom: Amanda Watson, next two Gabriel Ryan (floral design by JL Designs), Melanie Mauer, next two Melanie Mauer (floral design by Best of Flowers), Olivia Griffin, Olivia Griffin (see more from this wedding here!), Sarah K. Chen, Ivy Weddings via The Bride’s Cafe

For those of you looking for a twist on the classic red rose, we thought we’d include some of our favorite updated designs. These bouquets mix roses with other bloom varieties, and often choose garden roses over more traditional “Valentine’s Day” roses.

Image credits, clockwise from top left: Char Beck via Coco + Kelley (design by McKenzie Powell), Meg Smith (design by Ariella Chezar), via Martha Stewart Weddings, design by Ariella Chezar, Jose Villa (design by Flowerwild), Elizabeth Messina

What do you think, ladies? Would you go for red roses at your wedding?

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Brittany reply

    Although I don’t see red roses at my wedding, I am from Louisville, Kentucky and every year the garland of roses is created at my local Kroger Store. It is truly incredible to see first hand how large it is and the effort that goes into making it. For anyone who visits Louisville for the Kentucky Derby, I recommend taking a short trip to see it! Not to mention it smells really good!

  2. avatar Kelli Taylor/Daniel Taylor Photography reply

    So pretty! Love the flowers on the back of the chair.

  3. avatar melanie mauer reply

    oh emily!

    you can’t know how excited i am to see our images at southern wedding…particularly on our favorite kentucky-esque holiday (i’m in lexington)! anne, the bride has iconic style and we’re pleased as pie to see her images featured amongst your red rose round-up! merci and kudos for the wonderful inspiration you provide! warmly, -melanie-

  4. avatar beka stays creative : valentine’s day pins | beka stays reply

    […] pinned here via here […]

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