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I’m just going to come right out and say it: I am smitten with Leah and Austen’s wedding! From the most charming location (Fearrington is an office favorite–we even took some of our V6 team pictures there!), to the prettiest bouquets, to Austen’s sharp Southern seersucker, to the sparkling reception, there are so many details to love. Even more than that though, my heart absolutely melts seeing their faces in these pictures. All of their big wedding moments–the first look, the vows, the dances, and so much more–were so clearly full of true love and overwhelming joy. Plus, I can’t help but have a soft spot for emotional brides, considering there is about a 99.9% chance that I’ll someday be one of them! :)

Big hugs to our lovely and talented friend, Nancy Ray, for sharing Leah and Austen’s wedding with us!

Austen and I met in class at the University of North Carolina. The summer before my junior year, I was living with one of my closest girlfriends, and we both decided to pick up a summer session class at the last minute. The stars must have aligned to make us choose that class, I swear. Austen and I were randomly paired up for a partner project in that very class. We had both noticed one another earlier in the semester–he sat diagonally to my front left–but hadn’t talked that much, and after the project was done, we didn’t go out of our way to stay in touch. He was always just the cute, funny guy from class. We’d see each other out and about around Chapel Hill, but that was it. Or so I thought–apparently, he’d called his mom at the start of the class to tell her about “a pretty girl who wears sweatpants to class.” Ha! I never thought my casual attire for early morning classes would be a good thing! A few weeks after our fall semester classes started, Austen got in touch with me to give me a hard time about my favorite football team. I’m a Green Bay Packers fan, and he pulls for their conference rival, the Minnesota Vikings. After some banter back and forth, he finally asked me for my number, and our “first date” was a trip to the grocery store in his old Jeep Wrangler. I was officially hooked!

Describe your wedding flowers. I wanted a fresh, just-gathered-from-the-garden feel for our flowers. Our “official” color palette was blush, peach and gold, but we didn’t want everything to be too matchy-matchy. My bridesmaids were wearing beautiful beige chiffon dresses, and Austen and his groomsmen were in blue seersucker suits, so I wanted simple, muted flowers that would pair nicely with everything without taking over. Our florist did an amazing job, especially considering I’d given her basically zero input! The bouquets and centerpieces were exactly how I had pictured them, and I could have never articulated that to her–she just “got it.” They were textural, asymmetrical arrangements in hues of pink, peach, ivory, and fresh greenery. My bouquet was wrapped with sparkly gold ribbon, which I loved!

Did you decide to do a “first look”? Why or why not? We did! At first, I was against Austen seeing me before the ceremony. I thought it would “take away” from the moment he saw me walking down the aisle, but he convinced me that our ceremony would be just as special, even if we’d seen each other first. And I am so, SO glad we did. We’re both pretty emotional people, so doing a first look was the perfect way to ditch the pre-ceremony jitters and get the “ugly cries” out of the way. As soon as I stepped out of the bridal suite and saw Austen standing with his back turned to me, the waterworks started. We laughed a lot, hugged a lot, and prayed a lot–it was absolutely perfect. It’s one of the only moments from the day that didn’t go by in a complete blur, and one of the only times reserved for just the two of us. The photos from our first look are some of the only ones we were able to take outside, thanks to the rainstorm of the century that rolled in right as the ceremony began, so I am so, so grateful for them! The lighting was beautiful, and the emotions we felt were so perfectly captured in the photographs. They are definitely some of our favorites from the wedding day!

What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome while planning your wedding? The weather! It had been the rainiest summer I could remember here in North Carolina, and a few weeks out, Austen and I talked about having rain on our wedding day. We both decided to just roll with whatever happened, so I was mentally prepared when rain was in the forecast. The morning of the wedding, it was overcast and drizzly, but we held out hope that it would clear. It did, for a few beautiful hours before the ceremony when we were able to get some stunning outdoor photographs, but then the sky darkened again, and it rained on and off (mostly on) throughout the rest of the day. If that old saying holds, we’ll have our fair share of good luck! Thankfully, our venue was great with a last-minute change to the ceremony location to accommodate the weather. Honestly, I loved the space where we ended up getting married even more than the outdoor location we’d originally chosen. It was an huge terrace with all the windows and sliding doors open so that we could hear the rain falling softly. The plethora of natural light pouring in was just the icing on the cake. Our wedding planner did such a fantastic job decorating the space and dealing with the crazy weather (not to mention shuffling 175+ guests around in the rain!) that when Austen and I look back on our wedding day, we forget that the weather wasn’t cooperative!

Did you write your own vows? If so, what was your favorite phrase, verse or line? Yes, we knew as soon as we got engaged that we wanted to write our own vows, and since Austen’s grandfather married us, we were able to completely customize our entire ceremony. We kept our vows a secret from each other until the big day–we had my maid of honor proofread them to make sure they were similar in length and seriousness, and agreed to both use the phrase “I promise” as a general structure. Standing in front of all of our loved ones, saying the words we’d written to each other was one of my absolute favorite moments. They were incredibly personal and very “us”–we both made each other laugh and cry. I don’t think we stopped smiling the entire time. My favorite line from Austen’s vows was: “I promise to never settle for less for our family, and to conduct myself in a way that you will always be proud of. But most importantly, I promise to never let us forget why we love each other.” His favorite line from mine was: “Life will take us on many journeys–some good, and others not so good, but I promise to spend the rest of my days making sure you know how much I love you, and appreciate you loving me.” We also both ended up referencing the other’s football preferences, which I think is hilarious, because that’s how we really started “talking” in the first place!

What Southern details or traditions did you include in your celebration? What was Southern about your wedding? Austen grew up in Iowa before moving down to North Carolina in high school, but let me tell you–he’s a Southern boy at heart! I have lived below the Mason-Dixon my entire life, and I always knew that I wanted a sweet, Southern soiree on my wedding day. Fearrington was the perfect place for us to tie the knot–we fell in love with the beautiful pastures, the gorgeous barn, and the sweet Beltie cows! It exuded Southern charm effortlessly, and needed very little decoration on our part to be stunning! Austen chose blue seersucker suits for him and his groomsmen (which made me swoon!), and rounded out the look with pink linen bow ties and classic white bucks. They looked so dapper on our wedding day. The seersucker ended up being a fantastic decision because we had some serious humidity to deal with, so I was relieved the boys weren’t melting in tuxedos! We served Southern food and local NC brews at the reception, and I surprised Austen with a groom’s cake.

What is the one detail or vendor that you were so happy to have as a part of your wedding?
There are two that I just couldn’t have gone without–Erin of Erin McLean Events and Nancy of Nancy Ray Photography. Originally, my mom and I thought that since we had a year and half to plan the wedding, we could handle it without a coordinator. Wrong! Planning a wedding is a full-time job, and hiring Erin literally took every ounce of stress out of it. I work for Southern Bride & Groom, a local wedding planning magazine, and I found Erin through their vendor recommendations, and thank goodness for that! I truly enjoyed the entire process, and I would do it again and again if I could have Erin by my side! She came up with absolutely wonderful ideas, sweet details, and took care of everything, while being honest about what details we should and shouldn’t skip to help our budget. My maid of honor introduced me to Nancy Ray’s blog right after Austen and I got engaged. I fell in love with her sweet story, her business ideals, and of course, her gorgeous photography. Nancy and her husband (who was also her second shooter!) also got married at Fearrington (in the rain, too!) so I knew they’d have beautiful ideas for our wedding photography. They captured our wedding day so perfectly–every time I look at the photographs, I relive every detail, and that’s something I will absolutely treasure forever. Not to mention, she’s one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met!

Toward the end of the reception, our DJ played some Carolina favorites–“Wagon Wheel” and “Carolina in my Mind.” Most of the crowd had whittled down, and it was mostly our college friends and immediate family left. Everyone linked arms in a circle around Austen and I, and I just felt so, so loved!

Tell us all about the proposal! After about two years of dating, Austen and I talked about getting engaged. I made the decision to graduate from school a semester early so that we could move in with one another and start our lives together, so I knew that a proposal was on the horizon. I just didn’t know when or how it was going to happen! On January 30, 2012, we were watching a movie at his apartment and talking about when we were going to get engaged. Austen mentioned he already had the ring, and it was just sitting in his closet. He knew that would be a successful way to completely throw me off, and he was right! I knew, I just KNEW, he’d want to follow tradition and ask my parents before he popped the question, and with his crazy work schedule, I thought there was no way he’d had time. Of course, I was wrong! That same night, he got down on one knee beside his bed and asked me to marry him. I’m pretty sure I said yes at least three times before he even finished asking. The moment was just so true to us–we were both in our pajamas spending a quiet night at home, and I had my hair piled in a messy bun on top of my head. Looking back, it makes me smile every time, because I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. The diamond in my engagement ring has been in my family for generations–it was the stone in my grandmother’s engagement ring, and she was married to her husband for over 50 years, so it made the moment even more special. For graduation, my dad had given me the stone set in a necklace. I had thought that I lost it, and was so distraught, but it turned out that Austen had snagged it when I took it off before going to bed one night to have it set in a ring!
When did y’all get married? May 19, 2013
How many friends, family members, and loved ones attended your wedding? 178
Tell us about finding your wedding dress. I have a long-standing love affair with weddings. My friends in high school and college always joked that I would be the first to take the trip down the aisle. I fell in love with TLC’s “Say Yes to the Dress” in high school, and my mom and I had a running joke that when I got engaged, we’d go to Kleinfeld in New York to look for my dress. After Austen proposed, my mom surprised me by saying, “Well, when are we going to the city?!” I was absolutely giddy–I love New York, and of course, I was thrilled to get the chance to look for my dress at the famous bridal salon. We made a weekend out of the trip, and my mom, my maid of honor, one of my bridesmaids and I had a blast looking at all of the gowns. I had very specific instructions for my consultant–I wanted all lace, no beading or embellishments, and absolutely no dropped waists. Well, sure enough, she brought in a beautiful, all-lace gown that I immediately loved on the hanger, but when she told me it had a dropped waist, I almost refused to try it on! She urged me to just try it, and thank goodness she did, because I completely fell in love with it as soon as she zipped me up! It was only the third dress I tried on, and it had a gorgeous train and the most delicate scalloped hemline. The consultant added a thin tulle sash, and it was absolutely perfect!
What readings, if any, did you have at your ceremony? One of my best girlfriends from college read Tyler Knott Gregson’s “Typewriter Series No. 1,” because when I first saw it, I fell in love with the line: “I am filled with wonderings, questions, and doubt, but of one thing I am certain: it will always be you that gives flight to the butterflies inside me, calm to the sea I have become, and hope to the darkness all around us. It is you, and it has always been you.” The rest of the piece is just so beautifully written, and it really stirs something in my soul. I feel like it describes love so perfectly, and how when you meet “your person,” you just know. Then, after we said our vows and exchanged rings, my cousin read Colossians 3:12-17, which has always been one of my favorite Bible verses.
Tell us about some of the songs you used throughout your wedding and why you chose them. Austen and I (and many members of our bridal party) either graduated from UNC or are diehard Tar Heel fans. We wanted to give a nod to our alma mater, so my bridesmaids walked down the aisle to James Taylor’s “Carolina in my Mind,” played by a violin and guitar string duo. I walked down the aisle to Christina Perri’s “A Thousand Years.” Honestly, I was hesitant to stick with my selection once I found out it had been in one of the Twilight movies, but I just loved the song so much. I am so glad I didn’t change my mind–it sounded so incredibly beautiful on the strings, with the rain falling outside as I walked in with my dad (the rain stopped just long enough for us to walk the 50 or so yards from where we were waiting to the ceremony site, but started up again immediately after we got under cover!) I still get goosebumps whenever I hear it! We walked back down the aisle to “Here Comes the Sun,” which is hilariously ironic, because it was absolutely pouring! Austen and I did our first dance to Zac Brown Band’s “Free.” We both love the guitar in the song, and felt like the words really fit our relationship as young newlyweds.
Describe your wedding cake or dessert. Our wedding cake was pretty basic–a tiered vanilla cake topped with white, whipped buttercream and fresh flowers. What I was really excited about was Austen’s groom’s cake, which was a total surprise! As a student at UNC, he’d frequented an old dive bar called He’s Not Here with his friends, going almost every Monday to watch football. I knew their iconic “blue cups” would make an adorable cake, and it came out perfectly! Not to mention, it was absolutely delicious!
Our favorite detail of the wedding was: Austen’s grandfather, Buddy, performed our ceremony, and it was such a sweet detail. When I met Austen up at the altar, all three of us shed a few tears. Because of the change to the ceremony site, we were unable to have a sound system. At first, I was upset by the fact that all of our guests would be unable to fully hear all the words we’d so carefully put together, but in the end, I think it was a blessing in disguise. It allowed the ceremony to be incredibly intimate, despite having almost 180 people present.
Did you have something borrowed, blue, old, and new? If so, do tell! Yes! My something borrowed was a pair of earrings from my great grandmother. They’re simple stud earrings with a cluster of three pearls, and they’ve been worn by several women on my mom’s side on their wedding days. My something blue was an embroidered handkerchief I carried that belonged to the great grandmother I was named after. My something old was a sixpence that has been worn in the shoe of brides on my dad’s side of the family for generations. It’s a Southern tradition for good luck, and I was so honored to be inducted into the wonderful group of ladies who have worn it before me! My something new was my wedding dress, my gold heels (which I’m absolutely obsessed with!), and a pearl bracelet my stepdad gave me the Friday before the wedding.
What was your most memorable moment about your wedding day? There were so many! But one of my favorite moments was having both my dad and my stepdad give me away. I walked down the aisle with my dad, but when we reached the end, my stepdad stood up, and Austen’s grandfather (our officiant) asked “Who has the honor of presenting this woman to be married to this man?” and they responded, in unison, “We do.” I thought it was the perfect way to honor both of the men who have been so integral in my life, and I thought it was a great spin on tradition for less-than-traditional families. Austen’s favorite moment was when Nancy (our photographer) and her husband snuck us away during dinner for a few photographs outside between rain showers. Not only are the photographs absolutely beautiful (we got some with Fearrington’s famous Beltie cows!), but it was so nice to take a moment away from the craziness of the reception and just enjoy each other, and the fact that we were finally husband and wife. I loved that moment too…it was totally worth getting my dress completely filthy!
What advice do you have for folks currently planning a wedding? Everyone warned me that the actual wedding day would fly by in a complete blur, but I thought they were exaggerating. Well, they weren’t! There are several, extra special moments that really stick out in my mind, but until Austen and I got our photos, I couldn’t have told you if half the details we’d planned actually became a reality.
So, my advice would be to try and take a breath, look around, and soak it all in. The craziness of having all your loved ones in one place, of being shuffled around on a schedule and being overwhelmed and anxious and over-the-top excited. Of being so happy, and so in love. Just enjoy it all…every single second. Even the ones you don’t think will matter in the long run, because trust me, they will. Everything about that day matters. And it will fly by faster than you could ever imagine!
What’s next for you as a couple? What are you most looking forward to about married life? Austen and I just moved into our second apartment together. He’s got a little less than a year of school left to become a math teacher, and I’m working as the lead blog writer for Southern Bride & Groom. We’re so looking forward to expanding our family beyond us and our two sweet rescue pups, eventually. But for now, we’re just enjoying this season of our lives–this post-grad, sometimes unstable and almost always unpredictable, but absolutely wonderful season.

Photographer: Nancy Ray Photography / Planner: Erin McLean Events / Ceremony Venue: The Garden Terrace at Fearrington Village / Reception Venue: The Barn at Fearrington Village / Florist, Caterer and Wedding Cake Baker: Fearrington Village / Groom’s Cake: Simply Cakes / Rentals: CE Rental / Band: Liquid Pleasure / DJ: Ryan from SPIN / Bride’s Gown, Sash and Hair Piece: Kleinfeld Bridal / Paper Products: The Green Kangaroo / Hair and Makeup: MakeUpForYourDay / Bride’s Shoes: “Charm” by Kate Spade / Bridesmaids’ Dresses: Bari Jay / Men’s Attire: Jos. A. Bank / Bridesmaids’ Gifts: Kate Spade “As Good As Gold” Bangles / Groomsmen Gifts: Engraved Case Pocket Knives / Ceremony String Duo: Arioso Strings / Calligrapher: Calligraphy by Carrie / Pie Pops: Raleigh Cake Pops

lisa Written with love by Lisa
  1. avatar Leah & Austen • Wedding Day | Nancy Ray Photography reply

    […] bit thank you to Southern Weddings for featuring their beautiful wedding today. Be sure to leave a comment over at Southern […]

  2. avatar Emily reply

    Love the video message from the groom!! That must have been so emotional to watch on the morning of the wedding!

  3. avatar Emily reply

    AHHHHHH, I cannot even tell y’all how loudly I squealed when I saw this feature. Being the maid of honor in this wedding was literally a huge honor for me and seeing these beautiful images from Nancy again I can just barely contain my smile! Thanks so much for featuring Leah and Austen, they deserve it!

  4. avatar Leah reply

    Still makes me giddy to see this — thank you so, SO much for featuring me and Austen, we love getting to relive that day through Nancy’s beautiful photographs!

  5. avatar Weekly Link Love » Colorado and Texas Wedding Photographer: Dash Photography reply

    […] Southern Weddings Mag-Glitter and Seersucker Wedding I love LOVE love this wedding. I love the glitter, the outdoors, love love and the girls praying together just melts my heart!! […]

  6. avatar Dana reply

    the seersucker suit and bow tie are perfection

  7. avatar The World’s Longest Blog Post — 2013 Year in Review and 2014 Goals | the organized chicken reply

    […] during the rainstorm of the century. Our wedding was featured on several wedding blogs (here, here and here), fulfilling a silly, girly dream of […]

  8. avatar Orangerie Events – NC Wedding Planner reply

    I love the elegance mixed in with the DIY! Everything is breathtaking. Thank you for sharing!

  9. avatar Happy Birthday, Lisa! – Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] at a first look (like in Leah + Austen’s wedding by Nancy […]

  10. avatar Marcie reply

    I love the wispy twiggy lights? What kind are those and do you know where I could buy some? Just breathtaking !

  11. avatar Chelsea reply


    I absolutely love the color scheme of this wedding. Can you tell me the brand/style of the bridesmaids dresses?

    Chelsea Putnam

    • avatar Lisa reply

      Hi Chelsea! They’re mismatched styles in beige by Bari Jay :)

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I’ve never been a big fan of flowers (crazy, right?). I’ve always thought they were beautiful, mind you, but after reading about the incredibly sweet and personal blooms in Taylor + Chris’ wedding, I think I might be having a change of heart. Taylor and her sister/maid of honor’s bouquets were wrapped with trim from their mother’s wedding gown; the centerpieces were held by family heirlooms; and Chris’ boutonniere including a calla lilly, the same flower his late grandmother carried down the aisle on her wedding day. Unsurprisingly, the flowers weren’t the only thing that had special family ties in this wedding: all the linens were vintage and borrowed from family members, and even Taylor’s going away dress was constructed from her mama’s own wedding gown! Heavens, I love weddings in the South!

We’re tickled pink that three Blue Ribbon Vendors contributed to this wedding — special thanks to Theo Milo, Social Butterfly Events, and Heirloom Vintage China!

I went shopping for my dress with my mom and sister, and the moment I put on my dress, I knew it was the right one for me. There were no tears or drama, I just felt very much like myself when I was wearing it. I never expected to select a lace dress, but the unique, crochet-like quality to the lace appealed to me instantly, and I love that I was able to customize it with a low back and buttons.

I must admit, I LOVE the bows on Taylor’s shoes! So cute!

Our flowers were completely perfect. I didn’t give much direction besides “lush, romantic, and peonies,” but my mom and our floral designer worked together to create stunning arrangements and bouquets that were more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. I also love that our florals incorporated personal touches: my bouquet and my sister/maid of honor’s bouquet were wrapped with trim from the dress my mother wore for my parents’ wedding in 1972, and Chris’s boutonniere included a calla lily, which is the flower his late grandmother carried in her own wedding in 1944. The reception floral centerpieces were arranged in antique silver serving pieces belonging to my parents and their friends, including a large punch bowl, dessert trays, and even a cocktail shaker!

Did you decide to do a “first look”? Why or why not? We decided not to do a first look. It was important to both of us that our first glimpses of each other on our wedding day occurred as I was walking down the aisle. As a wedding guest, I’ve always found the moment when the groom sees his bride for the first time so romantic, and I’m glad we experienced it for ourselves surrounded by our friends and family.

Our favorite detail of the wedding was: Our wedding could not have been the beautiful and special day it was without special touches contributed by our friends and family, and the very, very hard work that my mom put in to bringing them all together with our wedding planner. All of the linens (napkins, tablecloths, etc.) were vintage pieces that belonged to my grandparents, Chris’ grandparents, and my godparents’ family. My mom also constructed a beautiful going away dress for me out of the wedding dress that she wore when she married my dad in 1972.

Incorporating personal family touches made our wedding feel very Southern and traditional, without feeling stuffy or cookie-cutter. We used heirloom linens loaned by family members, arranged the floral centerpieces in vintage silver serving pieces, and my mom made my going away dress out of her own wedding dress from 1972. Guests were served a family-style meal on mismatched vintage china at oversized wooden farm tables. Chris and I met in college at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, and it was so fun for our college friends to dance together to “Wagon Wheel” and other country songs that became anthems for our friends when we called the South our home.

How did y’all meet? Tell us your love story. Chris and I met during freshmen orientation at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC. We had both been assigned to Babcock residence hall, and he caught my eye while playing lacrosse on the lawn in front of the building. I mistook his shyness for disinterest, so I was stuck in the “friend zone,” but after getting to know each other for a few weeks, we had our first kiss on Babcock’s roof, with the campus and its iconic Wait Chapel in the distance. We’ve been together ever since!
Tell us all about the proposal! In the spring of 2012, Chris and I were living in Charlotte, NC and preparing to move to New York City. During a trip to New York to look for an apartment in the city, Chris and I found the perfect place, signed a lease, and went off in search of a drink to celebrate. Chris suggested we visit the High Line, a linear park on the west side of Manhattan built on a section of what used to be an elevated railroad. While looking out over the Hudson River, Chris completely surprised me with a beautiful proposal and stunning engagement ring. It was the perfect beginning to our new life in our new city.
When did y’all get married? May 26, 2013
How many friends, family members, and loved ones attended your wedding? 160
What readings, if any, did you have at your ceremony? My godmother read a passage from Louis de Bernieres’ novel, Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, and Chris’s father read Colossians 3:12-17.
Tell us about some of the songs you used throughout your wedding and why you chose them. The guitarist and saxophonist from our reception band, GrooveTown, performed acoustically for our ceremony and cocktail hour. Most of the ceremony music was traditional, but once we were pronounced husband and wife, we recessed down the aisle to an instrumental version of “You Are The Best Thing” by Ray Lamontagne, which set a celebratory tone the evening. GrooveTown absolutely brought down the house during the reception, and played excellent covers of “FM” by Steely Dan for the father/daughter dance, “I Hope You Dance” by Lee Ann Womack for the mother/son dance, and “That’s How Strong My Love Is” by Otis Redding for our first dance as husband as wife. GrooveTown played a great mix of our favorite oldies/Motown songs and more contemporary pop and country songs, and we had a blast dancing the night away with our closest friends and family.
Describe your wedding cake or dessert. Our white cake with strawberry and lemon filling was simply decorated with white buttercream frosting and fresh flowers.
What is the one detail or vendor that you were so happy to have as a part of your wedding? I can say with all honesty that we were incredibly impressed with all of our vendors, but we were so thrilled with the family-style meal that Christi and her team from Pine Valley Market prepared and executed. We also absolutely adored our stunning venue, Brooklyn Arts Center at St. Andrews. I also have to mention my photographer, Theo Milo. Obviously his photos speak for themselves, but Chris and I adored working with him during our wedding and our engagement session in NYC.
What was your most memorable moment about your wedding day? Dancing for hours on end with all of our very favorite people under one roof.
What’s next for you as a couple? What are you most looking forward to about married life? Chris and I are still living in Manhattan, in the East Village apartment we found the day we got engaged. We’re enjoying our city with our friends and our sweet, goofy black lab, and looking forward to facing together whatever life throws at us next!

Photographer: Theo Milo Photography / Videographer: 7 Season Films / Planner: Charyl Williams of Social Butterfly Events / Ceremony and Reception Venue: Brooklyn Arts Center At St. Andrews / Florist: Verzaal’s / Wedding Cake: Apple Annie’s Bake Shop / Caterer: Pine Valley Market / Rentals: Heirloom For Hire / Band: Groovetown / Bride’s Gown: “Quinn” by Modern Trousseau / Going-Away Dress: Handmade by Mother of the Bride / Paper Products: Heather Ivady / Bride and Bridesmaids’ Monogram Bracelets: Marinette Jewelry on Etsy / Hair Stylist: Nsalo / Makeup Artist: Maari Wohlhueter / Bride’s Shoes: Valentino / Bridesmaids’ Dresses: “Aiden” by Jenny Yoo / Groom’s Attire: Bespoke Tuxedo by Suit Supply SoHo / Groomsmen Attire: Their own

Theo Milo, Social Butterfly Events, and Heirloom are delightful members of our Blue Ribbon Vendor Directory!

marissa Written with love by Marissa
  1. avatar Lisa reply

    LOVE her style–her dress, shoes, bouquet, all of it!–and their romantic NYC proposal story!

  2. avatar Lasting Bridal Couture reply

    Loving the lace work on the brides gown. The flowers are beautiful and go perfectly with the decor. A very sweet wedding.

  3. avatar /2013/10/04/simple-north-carolina-wedding-by-theo-milo/ | Heirloom Vintage China Hire reply

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  4. avatar msdressshop reply

    The dress is very beautiful. The fabric is very smooth and it is very shining.

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Friends! Welcome back to the Southern Weddings blog! We sincerely apologize for any downtime you might have experienced over the last few days, and thank you kindly for your support during these exciting changes. Speaking of exciting things, be sure to come back tomorrow, because we have an announcement you will NOT want to miss! Hint: It involves a certain magazine that is in the making :) Now, onto today’s wedding. I don’t know if Robyn Van Dyke just happens to work with super-emotive couples, or if she’s extra-talented at bringing out emotion in her couples (I think it’s probably a little of both!), but I love how her photographs so clearly translate the emotion of a wedding day. And of course, as someone who married her own high school sweetheart, I have a soft spot for Tori + Will’s story.

Will and I met our senior year of high school at our youth group senior beach trip. Ironically, we had grown up in the same church and had never really spoken to each other! We hit it off immediately and started dating a month later. We dated for over four years before we tied the knot. It is so neat to be able to say that I married my high school sweetheart! While visiting Will’s grandparents and touring graduate schools in Florida, Will convinced me to get up early and have a sunrise photo shoot on the beach. While we were being photographed by his grandmother, we read from the Bible and Will shared his heart with me in the form of a letter. The last line of the letter read, “I have one more question to ask you, but you have to stand up first.” He then got down on one knee and the rest is history! Fortunately, we have some really awesome photographs of the whole thing.

Did you decide to do a “first look”? Why or why not? We decided not to do a first look. In my opinion, there are only a few truly pure surprises in life and the moment when a groom first beholds his bride has always been one of those moments in my mind. I am so glad that we decided to be traditional and not do a first look. Seeing my groom at the end of the aisle was one of the most exciting and peaceful experiences of my life.

What readings, if any, did you have at your ceremony? We had my brother read 1 John 4:7-19 out of my grandfather’s Bible. Since he is no longer with us, we felt like this was the most perfect and meaningful way to honor his memory. We chose the verse because we wanted our wedding to be centered around our love for the Lord and how His love for us has changed our lives and brought us into a covenant with Him and with one another. Our favorite detail of the wedding was: There were so many physical details that we loved about our wedding day, but our most favorite detail was the fact that our ceremony incorporated so many of our loved ones. Will’s brother, Chad, officiated the ceremony, and did such a wonderful job. My brother Josh read scripture and my sister-in-law Kelsey sang. All of our siblings were part of the wedding party and Will’s adorable nephews, Griffin and Caedmon, were our ring bearers. We were also so blessed to have our parents and members of the wedding party gather around us for a time of prayer during the ceremony. This was one of our favorite moments. Tell us about some of the songs you used throughout your wedding and why you chose them. Most of the ceremony was traditional. I chose to walk down the aisle to the Bridal March and the wedding party entered to the ever-so-elegant Canon in D. My sister-in-law sang “Be Thou My Vision” during the ceremony and it was absolutely beautiful. We chose this song because the lyrics mean so much to us and because we want them to be representative of our marriage and our lives.

Did you have something borrowed, blue, old, and new? Being from the South, all of these traditions were important to me because they honor the people from the past who have molded and shaped my family. There were too many options for me and in most cases, I doubled up! I borrowed something from both of my grandmothers. From my maternal grandmother, I borrowed her beautiful pearl cluster earrings and from my paternal grandmother, I borrowed her pearl bracelet. My something blue was my garter with blue ribbon. My something old was a cameo from my great grandmother that I carried on my bouquet and the penny that my mom wore in her shoe on her wedding day. For something new, my mom had a handkerchief embroidered with mine and Will’s names, in hopes that I could pass it down to our future children.

What Southern details or traditions did you include in your celebration? What was Southern about your wedding? Well, first of all, we had an incredibly Southern venue! The beautiful, majestic Belmont Estate was a breathtaking backdrop to our ceremony and it captured the perfect Old South feel that we wanted. In my opinion, part of being Southern is honoring the past. We incorporated lots of antique milk glass in our centerpieces and old fashioned depression glass on our escort card table, some of which belonged to my great grandmother. And of course, you can’t forget the bow ties! Our Southern gentlemen wore their pink bow ties with such class.

We had a traditional wedding cake with sweet, Southern-style flavors. We had a layers of strawberry shortcake, pink lemonade, and tres leches. The cake had a ribbed texture and had a cascade of our wedding flowers. It was breathtaking and even more beautiful than I had ever imagined!

When did y’all get married? June 1, 2013
How many friends, family members, and loved ones attended your wedding? Around 150
Tell us about finding your wedding dress. I found my wedding dress at the very first bridal store my mom, my sister and I ever visited. The dress was on display and I stared at it for a little while before the consultant finally said “You want to try it on, don’t you?” The dress was not at all what I was picturing for myself at all, but once I had it on, I couldn’t imagine anything better or more beautiful for my big day.
Describe your wedding flowers. From the very beginning, I knew I had to have two flowers present at my wedding–peonies and ranunculus. Sure enough, these flowers made up my beautiful white bouquet and were woven into our centerpieces, bridesmaid bouquets, and boutonnieres. I could not have envisioned more beautiful flowers or floral details. Our florist, Just Priceless, completely captured the sweet, Southern elegance that we wanted.
What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome while planning your wedding? The most challenging part of the wedding planning process was being apart. Will was still in Boone finishing up college in the months leading up to the wedding and I was living at home student teaching. Though it was challenging, being apart only solidified our relationship and made the reunions all the more sweet.
What is the one detail or vendor that you were so happy to have as a part of your wedding? We were blessed with some of the most phenomenal vendors! From the florist to the cake baker, each played a part in making our wedding day truly beautiful. We honestly do not have a single complaint about any of the vendors who shaped our day. However, we cannot express how much it means to have beautiful photographs from Robyn Van Dyke Photography. Having Robyn and Jordan with us on that day was wonderful, and now, we have the most stunning images to keep forever! They are phenomenal.
What was your most memorable moment about your wedding day? There are so many moments that stand out from that day: Will’s face as he looked up at me for the first time, our behind-the-door gift exchange, and the countless connections with loved ones. However, I will honestly say that my favorite and most memorable moment from my wedding day was driving away from the reception with Will. The joy that we shared as we were on our way to starting our lives together was intensely sweet and we both just basked in memories from the day.
What advice do you have for folks currently planning a wedding? Be sure to prepare for your marriage far more than you prepare for your wedding. Leading up to your big day, it is important that you spend time with one another in ways that don’t always revolve around wedding planning. Embrace the sacredness of this season of life and enjoy the excitement and anticipation
What’s next for you as a couple? What are you most looking forward to about married life? Will and I look forward to pursuing our dream careers for awhile before we begin a family. I will be in my first year of teaching second grade and Will is beginning to explore graduate school options. Most of all, we just look forward to making a home together. We are already loving being able to come home to one another each day. It makes life so much sweeter to be able to do that!

Photographer: Robyn Van Dyke Photography | Ceremony and Reception Venue: Belmont Estate | Florist: Just Priceless | Wedding Cake: Edible Artistry | DJ: Complete Music | Bride’s Gown: Ellis Bridal | Hair Stylist and Makeup Artist: All About You Salon & Day Spa | Bridesmaids’ Dresses: Dessy After Six | Men’s Attire: VIP Tuxedos

Robyn Van Dyke is a delightful member of our Blue Ribbon Vendor Directory!

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Lisa reply

    Gorgeous, prayerful, classic, and Southern–all my favorite wedding things! And I am dying to know, where did that cute rabbit come from??

  2. avatar Lauren reply

    Absolutely LOVE the colors.

  3. avatar Faith reply

    What a beautiful wedding!! Robyn’s images are absolutely gorgeous!! :)

  4. avatar Robyn Van Dyke reply

    Lisa, the ADORABLE rabbit was hiding in their getaway car as a surprise!!! ;)

  5. avatar Two Wed Wedding reply

    So sweet with each other. Every splendid moments were captured. I love the cake.

  6. avatar Leigh Pearce reply

    how cute are those clutches!? and lovely blooms as always, sami + nancy!! :) so proud of yall!!

  7. avatar Hannah reply

    Hi, Would you mind sharing the style/designer of the dress? So gorgeous!!

  8. avatar Erin reply

    What a stunning bride! I love her classic hair and veil, and that dress, oh my Lord!!!

  9. avatar Jessie at Gramercy Studio reply

    This looks like the type of wedding you leave a changed person. This couple seems to have a lot of depth – I love how much emphasis they placed on involving their families.

    Thank you Southern Weddings for stories like these. It is nice to read about more than just the decor and dress, but to actually be inspired by such pure love.

  10. avatar Caryn reply

    I love the clutches! Where did you have those made?

  11. avatar Southern Wedding Tradition: A Father’s First Look | Your Hub for Southern Culture reply

    […] See the rest of this North Carolina wedding by Robyn Van Dyke on! […]

  12. avatar Anna reply

    I would really love to know the designer of this dress.

  13. avatar 2014 Wedding Cake Trends #3 Buttercream Beauties | Bridal Musings reply

    […] Photo by Robyn Van Dyke Photography via Southern Weddings. […]

  14. avatar E em 2015… |  Simplesmente Branco  reply

    […] Style me Pretty; 2. Style me Pretty; 3. Southern Weddings e 4. Elizabeth Anne […]

  15. avatar Twelve Ways to Add a Monogram to Your Wedding Day – Bridal Musings Wedding Blog reply

    […] Photo by Robyn Van Dyke Photography via Southern Weddings […]

  16. avatar Sandra – Li’l Inspirations reply

    Love all the monogrammed details, especially the custom monogrammed wedding handkerchief. Li’l Inspirations created it for Tory’s mom to give to her.

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