Google+ burlap bouquet Archives - Southern Weddings

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Tag: burlap bouquet

We loved bringing you even more super Southern ideas in our 2011 series the “Ultimate Southern Challenge,” and we’re excited to start it up again in 2012! In case you missed the festivities last year, we focused on mason jars and escort cards. The response to both Challenges was fantastic, and the entries, even better!

This time around our starting point is the perfect blank canvas: burlap! Burlap is an inexpensive material, and though it’s most often seen in rustic settings, we’re excited to see what possibilities y’all will dream up for this humble cloth! To get your wheels turning, here are a few of the favorite burlap details we’ve featured on the blog:

A burlap bouquet cuff (photo by Pasha Belman) and a burlap bouquet wrap (photo by Brion Hopkins)

Sweet burlap ring bearer pillows (photo by Landon Jacob Productions)

A burlap-covered bar (photo by 13:13 Photography)

Vendors, feel free to team up, though your submission doesn’t have to be anything elaborate — in fact, we want these ideas to be easily executable by brides everywhere!

A few details:

– Your submission can take any form (as long as it involves burlap!), but the most important piece is that it be SOUTHERN.

– Anyone can enter as an individual or a team — vendors, brides and grooms, and wedding or Southern enthusiasts alike. And you don’t have to be Southern to enter!

– To enter, please send 5-10 professional-quality photos at 600 pixels wide and a brief description of your submission to howdy at iloveswmag dot com. Subject line: “Ultimate Southern Challenge: Burlap.”

– Include the names and websites of all your team members, and a list of materials and links to sources used. Please include directions for any DIY projects you may have done.

All submissions must be received by 11:59pm on March 8, 2012. Submissions received after the 9th will not be eligible.

– Our favorite submissions will be posted throughout the week of March 12th, and the winner, who gets ultimate Southern bragging rights, will be announced the following week.

– Submissions cannot be posted or tweeted until published on Southern Weddings.

We can’t WAIT to see what y’all come up with! Questions? Leave them below, and we’ll do our best to answer them!

P.S. Want to check out the winners of our last two Challenges? Go here + here!

Landon Jacob Productions is a fabulous member of our Blue Ribbon Vendor Directory!

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Taryn reply

    Can you submit more than one entry into the contest?

  2. avatar Gina reply

    Hello! I love a challenge that involves creativity… I am portuguese from Portugal… can I enter the challenge?
    Love all your amazing work!

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