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Category: Southern Etiquette


Hi friends!  Last time on Southern Etiquette we went over a few key maid of honor responsibilities.  Check out the comment section — you guys had some great suggestions as to how a maid can not only fulfill her basic duties, but go above and beyond.  Y’all are sweet!

This week I have a funny little question for you.  It seems like such a small thing in the grand scheme of a wedding, but I’m wondering how you feel.  It’s about clapping at the end of a wedding ceremony, as the recessional music swells and the bride and groom kiss, then trot back up the aisle in wedded bliss.  Do you do it?  Do you not do it? 

Image by Kate Murphy.  See more from this sweet wedding on Once Wed here!

Here’s what Emily Post has to say:

“Religious and secular ceremonies sometimes end with the guests clapping for the couple when the officiant introduces them to the guest assembly.  The applause should be initiated by someone who knows the couple’s preference, and the guests should follow that lead.  Otherwise, don’t clap.”

I’ve always wanted people to clap at the end of the ceremony.  It seems so celebratory!  Plus, it seems (to me) kind of awkward to do the big kiss in front of a silent room.  Music and clapping to accompany the kiss?  So much better!  I guess this means I’ll be alerting my friends and family to my wishes. This being said, I would never start the clapping at a wedding where I wasn’t sure how the couple felt.

What do y’all think — do you want clapping at the end of your ceremony?  Do you want just music?  Are you planning to “seed the audience” to get the reaction you’re hoping for?  Let me know!

All header images c/o Millie Holloman

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar A reply

    I think clapping should be mandatory! It's so weird when the couple is announced, the music plays, and everyone kind of walks out awkwardly. LIke when do we show that we're happy? I feel like clapping marks achievement and celebration! From a photo standpoint, the pictures of the couple and the attendants recessing are ALWAYS better when the guests are clapping and cheering. When the guests are silent, the bride and groom and attendants walk out with subdued if not stone faced expressions. When everyone claps or cheers, everyone walks out with a big smile on their face! Makes better pictures :-)If you can't clap and cheer at a wedding, when can you? It's supposed to happy!

  2. avatar kaity reply

    DEFINITELY clapping and music! it's such a happy moment!

  3. avatar Ben Finch reply

    Good post Emily! I say go for it! It seems appropriate, after all, it is such a wonderful moment & would seem a pity to not be able to express excitement toward the couple. I am frequently asked by brides on their wedding day, "should I smile for this picture?" I always respond, "It's your wedding day, of course you should!!"

  4. avatar Stacy Reeves reply

    Definitely clap. Every bride deserves to be applauded :)

  5. avatar Grace reply

    I come from a religious background and all the weddings I ever attended ended with cheers, whistles and applause (a standing ovation, really) from the moment the couple kisses til the entire bridal party has walked back down the aisle. I've never seen it done any other way and I really enjoy the celebratory mood it evokes– essentially an overflow of love and affirmation for the marriage that took place. I guess I'm fortunate that my friends and family all will do this without me having to hint at my preference at all.

  6. avatar Little Miss Wonderful reply

    For a more casual ceremony, it's fine. However I wanted a more formal feel and our ceremony was in a formal church setting, so to avoid the applause, I instructed the organist to hit it BIG – immediately after the priest said, "I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Wonderful" – We also had the groomsmen "bow-out" the pews, after the wedding party and mothers had recessed, therefore not leaving anyone standing around. When we entered the reception – THAT was the time for cheering and applause. . . thank you very much.

  7. avatar Lynn reply

    Such a funny question, but I would have never have though of it except for what happened at my wedding. I had a rough morning of my wedding day (crazy weather, crazy vendors), but I was so shocked when my dad and I headed towards the aisle, ALL my guest stood up and started clapping like crazy as I walked down. It really was shocking and so wonderful and I felt like everyone was celebrating such an amazing day. I started smiling so big! And then the same thing happened after we kissed and did our recessional. Our guests clapped for us and all our bridal party. It really was so wonderful. I don't know who iniated it, but I'm so glad they did!

  8. avatar Emily reply

    YES!! I think it would be just awkward to kiss and walk out in silence, well with music of course. But if people aren't clapping, it would have me a bit worried whether they were happy for us or not. :) So at my wedding, I hope there will be a boisterous applause!

  9. avatar Amy reply

    I knew I wanted clapping, but I didn't let anyone know that. And in all honesty, I didn't even know that people clapped. I only knew when we got the pictures back and we could see everyone clapping with huge smiles on their face. We chose a really different song to walk out to as well. We had a musical friend play Tom Petty's "Wildflowers" on the acoustic guitar. We had so many compliments about how sweet it was.

  10. avatar Emily reply

    Clapping and shouting are a must! It's such a happy moment and people should be excited. On a side note I really hate when I see wedding photos where the congregation is seated as the bride and groom walk out! Am I the only person who thinks that a standing ovation as the bride and groom exit is a necessity?

  11. avatar Little Miss Wonderful reply

    Actually, the correct form of etiquette states that the congregation stands when the bride enters the church and remains seated during the recessional. Only performances warrant a "standing ovation" not a ceremony. (Unless not running away counts as a major achievement). Clapping, stomping, hooting, hollering- whatever the bride wants lends a personal touch. My cousin's wedding actually elicited a few "yee-haa's" and "roll tide's". Alas, it's a do-as-you-please era. Just smile and join in.

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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Last time on Southern Etiquette we reviewed Bridesmaid Responsibilities 101.  Y’all made some fabulous suggestions in the comment section, including helping to wrangle guests to their places for a grand exit at the end of the night (so difficult!) — go check them out!

This week I’m back with additional duties for the maid of honor.  MOHs share all the duties of regular maids, but they also go above and beyond in a few key ways. 

{Image by Stephanie Williams via Southern Weddings}

Maid of Honor Responsibilities:

Be willing to help in whatever way possible with wedding planning.  If you live nearby, this could mean helping to address invitations and placecards.  If you don’t, you might offer to set up vendor appointments or research florists.

Lend an ear during the engagement.  Separate from the toils of wedding planning, even the most happy-go-lucky brides will likely need an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on at some point before her wedding.  Weddings can be stressful — do what you can to alleviate that stress.

Help bride select bridesmaids’ attire. Listen to and, if necessary, help squash, unreasonable grumblings from bridesmaids about said attire.

Organize bridesmaids’ gifts to the bride (if you’re giving one) and organize the bridesmaids’ luncheon (if you’re holding one).  Brides sometimes like to host the luncheon themselves as a thank you to their maids, so check with her before making plans.

Go into the wedding day super prepared.  More than any of the other maids, it’s your responsibility to make sure you are aware of the timeline for the day, the order everyone will be walking down the aisle, where you’re taking portraits, etc.  This way, the bride won’t be the only one fielding questions on her wedding morning, which can be very stressful.

Take control of the bride’s cell phone on the wedding morning.  Of course, you’ll want to consult with the bride about this before you attempt to commandeer her phone, but setting up a sort of electronic forcefield around the bride while she’s getting ready means that only the truly important calls will get through, and nothing unnecessary will ruffle her bridal bliss.

Hold the groom’s wedding ring and the bride’s bouquet during the ceremony

Witness the signing of the marriage certificate.

Help the bride change into her going-away clothes and take care of the bride’s wedding dress and accessories after the reception

What do you think?  Anything you’d add to the list?  Let me know!

All images in the header c/o Millie Holloman

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar JTP reply

    And plan the bachelorette party :)

  2. avatar Linzi reply

    Make sure that either you are able, or appoint the next girl in line, to reposition the bride’s train during the ceremony if necessary. I thought this was a given until I went ot a wedding this weekend and watched the poor bride almost trip on her train b/c no one thought to fan it for her as she turned during the ceremony to hear the music, reader, etc. Run interference. Between bride and groom, between bride and bridesmaids, between bride and mother in law, maybe even mother of the bride. Learn to be gracious, but firm. I’ve been maid of honor, oh, about 6 times, and I find that being a diplomat is essential to successfully fulfilling this role and alleviating some of the bride’s pre-wedding and day of stress. Anticipate the bride’s needs. Make sure she eats something on her wedding day so her blood sugar doesn’t bottom out. If she has mentioned little things (having a bottle of champagne in the dressing area, wanting a through-the- door convo with her groom before the wedding, wanting a moment alone with her new husband just following the ceremony) execute her wishes to the best of your ability. Once you accept the role of MoH — basically, step UP. JMHO

  3. avatar Polished Wedding Planning reply

    Ask the bride if she will need your help to bustle her gown. If so, it would be very beneficial for you to attend her final dress fitting to get the bustling lesson.

  4. avatar Lisa Jefries reply

    Actually, I think a lot of these should be shared by everyone in the bride's party. I actually came here and reviewed these posts because I'm part of a wedding now where the MOH and other bmaids don't have a clue :-( Heck, replying to all on bmaid team emails is even a "must do" in my book when the bride is trying to pick dates for dress shopping, etc. that fit everyone's schedule!

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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Welcome to another round of Southern Etiquette!  This week, I thought we’d focus on those lovely ladies who help ensure a smooth and fun wedding day: the bridesmaids.  We hear from a lot of younger brides who are the first in their group of friends to get married, and are dealing with a gaggle of maids who are eager but slightly clueless as to the ins and outs of bridesmaidhood.  Those who are struggling, consider this your print-and-save guide to being the South’s best bridesmaid.  And my experienced maids out there?  Feel free to chime in in the comment section.  We’d love to hear from you!

Image credits: Millie Holloman and Alders Photography

Bridesmaid Responsibilities:

Pay for own wedding attire and accesories.  You can read more about what to do about an outrageously expensive gown here… and an ugly one here.

Attend pre-wedding events, especially the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.  Send your regrets promptly if you won’t be able to attend.

Arrange and pay for own transportation, both on the wedding day and to travel to the wedding. If the bride and groom are arranging transportation, you’re expected to partake.

Contribute to attendants’ group gifts to the bride and groom, if applicable, or give an individual gift

Understand specific duties and follow instructions.  Very important!  As fun as the whole Pam-and-Jim-Office-wedding-Chris-Brown ceremony entrance was, it could have been devastating for a less-relaxed couple.

Arrive at specified times for all wedding-related events.  Again, very important!  A bride has enough potential stressors on her wedding day without adding tardy maids to the list.

Assist the bride throughout her wedding day.  Yes, this might require an accompanied trip to the restroom.  Such is life as a bridesmaid.

Be attentive to other guests at the wedding and reception.  Help make the day a Southern wedding to be proud of: assist the elderly when they need it, lend a hand with young children, be gracious, get on the dance floor, alert guests to reception events like the cake cutting and first dance, and generally lend a hand when you can.

–Nice, but not mandatory: host or co-host a shower or bachelorette party

What do you think, ladies?  Anything you’d add to this list?  Something you’d remove?  Let me know!

All images in header c/o Millie Holloman

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar DCbride reply

    Thanks! Now, can you anonymously email that to my maids?

  2. avatar Southern Weddings reply

    You got it, DCbride! We’ll make it look like a newsletter. Better yet, just print this post and slip it under their doors at night. Slightly creepy, but maybe necessary? :)

  3. avatar F and S @ sanebrideadvice reply

    We would add to also check in with the bride from time to time along the process to ask if any help is needed. Many times people tend to forget about all the planning that goes on during the lull periods and brides really appreciate knowing and being asked without feeling like bridezilla!!

  4. avatar Emily @ Southern Weddings reply

    Ooo, good one, ladies! I’m sure DIY brides in particular would appreciate a buddy on especially long craft nights. :)

  5. avatar Anonymous reply

    Probably the #1 thing a bridesmaid can do on a wedding day to make the best day for everyone is to get herself ready (hair/makeup/dress ON) quickly so that she can help the bride. Soooooo many times i see bridesmaids spend hours getting themselves ready and then its down to only 30 mins before the ceremony and the bride MUST get dressed and there’s no one to help her because the bridesmaids are all still primping.

  6. avatar Dennis @ Wholesale Fresh Flowers reply

    Admittedly I have no experience as a brides maid so I cannot offer any insights as to what it must be like to be one. With that said, I do want to say that tips/tricks/advice posts like this one can be very helpful. I appreciate that you take the glitz and glam out of it and let the ladies know that being a brides maid is a job and there are real responsibilities that go along with it.

  7. avatar Bridesmaid’s mom reply

    I just found this site and read it with interest since my daughter just graduated from college and is beginning to be asked to be in her friends’ weddings. The first one was reasonably priced and thoroughly enjoyable. The second one is 6 hours away and the bride has about 4 showers coming up, wants a bachelorette weekend with shopping and a spa visit, none of which she will pay for!!!! Meanwhile her bridesmaids are just out of school, starting jobs or graduate school, have little or no vacation time or extra money. To top it all off she’s already living with the groom. When did a wedding become all about a big show and inconveniencing your friends instead of the celebration of a new life started with someone you love? My husband and I had the wedding we could afford (small) and paid for almost everything ourselves. These first two weddings my daughter has been in will leave the parents in debt for quite awhile. To all brides reading this, before you get carried away with the "big day" think about the rest of your life, your friendships and what is really valuable. It’s not a big show and a dress.

    • avatar Laura reply

      Bridesmaid’s mom: I have been a bridesmaid 9 times since college and that wasn’t that long ago. Sometimes the weddings are expensive and sometimes they are more laid back. When my brother was getting married she had a bridesmaid who couldn’t afford the dress so she stepped down from the role. My sister in law did not take offense and she understood that not everyone is in the same place financially. Showers are usually given to the bride or couple by others so you can’t blame the bride and groom for having too many events. You daughter may not be invited to them all and even if she is she may not be required to come. I am getting married in May to a man I have lived with for 5 years. We are having a very big wedding after all it is “our” day. We each have 10 bridesmaids/groomsmen in the wedding and they are located all over the country. I have invited all of my bridesmaids to the engagement party, the bachelorette party, and 2 showers out of three that are being given to me. Only about half of my girls will be able to make it and that is fine with me. I simply wanted them to know they are included even if they can’t make it. Even though my fiance and I have lived together for 5 years doesn’t mean we don’t deserve the big wedding of our dreams with all of our friends and family. I am paying for most of my wedding but even if I wasn’t I am sure my parents would graciously give me the wedding of my dreams. It is about a big (or small) party and a pretty dress and LOVE!!!! After all you only do this once and then you do have the rest of your life. If your daughters friends don’t understand that maybe she can’t come to everything or maybe she can’t afford to be the bridesmaid that they want then maybe they aren’t true friends in the first place. One day it’ll be your daughters turn!

  8. avatar Bride reply

    Thank you for this post. For the bridesmaids out there remember one day you will likely be the one wearing white and hoping a best friend will help hold your dress while you go to the restroom. Trust me, the current bride will be your wonderful, helpful bridesmaid in the future! Help make this special time as easy and enjoyable as you would want for your own wedding day!

  9. avatar Christine reply

    Help get the guests outside for the exit – if there is a coordinator, they have already gone off with the first guests to the door for the grand exit. Meanwhile, there are stragglers just hanging around, talking with the couple inside the reception. In this Southern heat in the summertime, it isn’t fair to the guests already outside to be left waiting! Help get them out the door so the couple can go enjoy their wedding night!

  10. avatar Southern Weddings reply

    Christine, you are SO RIGHT! SO right. Having worked at a wedding, I can say this is a huge help — corralling guests at the end of the night is one of the most difficult tasks, and a great thing for bridesmaids to lend a hand with.Emily @ SW

  11. avatar Michael and Anna Costa reply

    Interesting read. Thanks!

  12. avatar Lisa Jeffries reply

    Just being an active part and a good friend is important, too! Going on my own version of 27 Dresses here, I'm always surprised to be part of a wedding and see other bridesmaids who have to be coaxed into doing or being a part of anything! I still to this day consider it a huge honor to be asked to be a part of someone's big day… and that includes all parts of the process, where the bride wants you to be a part, leading up to the reception ;-)

  13. avatar Southern Etiquette :: Who’s Invited to the Bridal Shower? « Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] shoot me an email! If you liked this post, you might want to check out past etiquette columns: Bridesmaid Responsibilities Tuxedos with Navy Dresses? Who Gets a Save the Date? xo Emily June 20, 2011 | view Emily's blog […]

  14. avatar LL reply

    I’d be interested to see the flip side of this list – what is too much to ask of a bridesmaid? Where do brides know when to draw the line? (had an intensive 5-day wedding weekend full of manual labor, and am just wondering ;)

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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