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Southern Weddings

Category: In The Office

Well, ladies and gents, this is a Southern Weddings first!  You’re getting an all-access VIP pass to step into the space where all the magic happens.  It’s cozy, warm and full of just what you’d expect: loads of personality!  We won’t let you peek in our fridge MTV Cribs-style, but feel free to leave a comment here with any burning questions!  Big thanks to Nancy Ray for these fun images.  Want more studio tour fun?  Check out our feature on Brooklyn Bride today!  Without further ado… welcome to our office, y’all!

From our interview on Brooklyn Bride

What is your aesthetic? Clean, warm, and personal.

How does your studio style convey your professional aesthetic? We have a very open, warm, fun office dynamic, so the space reflects that feel.  Each person’s desk space conveys their personality.  We like everyone to feel like they can kick off their shoes and get comfortable.  The couch gets a lot of use and we tend to all move around a lot during the day.  Inevitably, one or two people end up working there.  It’s important to that everyone is ultra-comfortable because we’ve found that it increases productivity and long-term happiness.  Whether that means bringing in family photos, a favorite pillow, or posting inspirational quotes on our white board, there are no rules.

Favorite part of your studio?
Lara:  My personal bulletin boards.  They are a collection of things that make me happy and make me feel refreshed when works gets crazy.
Emily:  Our office manager, Abby Kitty Pants, and the bow on Katharine’s bulletin board.  It makes me happy.
Katharine:  the couch.
Whitney: my bulletin board.
Apparently, we love our bulletin boards.  They really reflect who we are and make us feel at home.

Where do you go for inspiration?

As a group, we tend to get inspiration from bouncing ideas off of each other during our morning huddles.  We are also inspired by the creativity of the brides we feature, art, music, nature (living in Chapel Hill, the leaves are gorgeous right now!), relationships, popular culture, and exploring museums and non-wedding magazines like Architectural Digest, Wired and Veranda.

What tool do you use in your business that you can’t live without?
Our Mac’s and iPhones.  We’re all all-Mac office now and things are moving at lightning speed compared to our archaic PC days.

Is there anything you’d upgrade to? Yes, we need more space!  We’re taking on another full-time employee starting in January, and we’re out of room.  I’ve been dreaming of getting Emily and Katharine huge white table-top desks from Pottery Barn.  And Katharine wants a TV.  Don’t ask— she says she works better while watching Lifetime movies, so we’re gonna make that happen.

Any burning questions about our office?  Leave a comment here!  Happy Tuesday y’all!

xo Lara, Katharine, Emily, Sydney, Whitney (who wasn’t in the office the day we took these pics.. boooo), Alyssa and Abby K Pants

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar Joy Nudd reply

    Very nice! Thanks for sharing.

  2. avatar Kyle Barnes reply

    so much fun. glad to see you guys in your own element for a change. thanks for the peek!

  3. avatar Elizabeth reply

    What a beautiful space for such lovely ladies! Thanks for the peek.

  4. avatar Gwendolyn Tundermann reply

    Beautiful! It’s very cozy and charming! I bet you ladies have so much fun there!

  5. avatar Catie Ronquillo reply

    So fun! I’d have to agree with Katharine. Watching Lifetime Movies ups productivity! :)

  6. avatar Jenni Bailey reply

    Beautiful! Very inspiring. :)

  7. avatar Meghan reply

    Oddly enough, I have a cat whose nickname is Mr. Kitty Pants! Love your blog and I wish I worked in your office – it’s beautiful.

  8. avatar Lisa Lupola reply

    Def chick space….and I so relate to the Lifetime channel. Have a great week!

  9. avatar Jessica Jan reply

    Oh to be y’all! Working in such a fantastic environment :] Simply beautiful and fresh!

  10. avatar Pam Archer reply

    You ladies are refreshing! I enjoy the fresh approach that you bring to the industry, and the way you combine elegance with a down home feel. Thank you for the peek into your office. It’s exactly as I expected it to be…very hip, clean, and fun!

  11. avatar fatalefemme reply

    Have you hired your new fulltime employee? It’s dream-job quality to imagine working there…..Sigh.

  12. avatar Brittany reply

    Your office is lovely… a dream job for sure! Do you have a listing posted for the position you’re looking for fill?

  13. avatar Pensacola beach weddings reply

    We also have our mascots in our office, Mr. Boots and Cuddle Cat. These kitties were both saves. Mr. Boots was living on the street and was rescued and Cuddle Cat was about to go to the shelter. Now they live happy lives and are loved.

  14. avatar Abby reply

    Love the office ladies! I’m so curious about the SW Daily 10. Can you post about it? My poor little eyes can’t strain hard enough to read it in the picture.

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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The leaves have changed here in North Carolina, signaling holidays around the bend.  We have a lot to be thankful for.  A whole lot.  What better time than Thanksgiving to reflect on the many blessings we enjoy every day?  A short list…


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday! It combines all of my favorite pastimes–spending time with my family, watching parades, and eating. I could fill a book with all of the things I am grateful for. I am so blessed to have such an amazing family who supports all that I do. My mom is one of my closest friends and I am so happy to have that relationship with her. I also am thankful for my little brother, Alec. At fourteen years old, he might just be the funniest person on this planet. He is absolutely brilliant and can always make me smile. I’m still daddy’s little girl and I always will be. He has been begging me to ride his Harley with him forever. Maybe someday I will. I have five fabulous girlfriends that brighten my days. Megan, Elizabeth, Lindsey, Ilana, and Alyssa are all such amazing women and I know that I can rely on them in any situation. I am grateful for all of the opportunities that I have been given and I am also thankful that I will have plenty of delicious left-overs to consume this weekend! Happy Thanksgiving, y’all!


I am thankful for my family, for the fact that they always remind me who I am and who I want to be.  I am thankful for John, for his love and security.  I am thankful for my safety and my health, and the health and safety of all those I love.  I am thankful for food and shelter (and especially for the comparably low cost of living in North Carolina — beats the Northeast any day!).  I am thankful to live in America, a country of awe-inspiring freedom, bounty, and possibility.  And, of course, I am thankful for so many smaller things in life, including but not limited to Kraft macaroni and cheese, J. Crew and Target, government action movies, Duke basketball, and Martha Stewart.  And lastly, I am abundantly thankful to earn a living doing what I love, and to do it alongside talented and kind women. 


I’m thankful (and beyond thrilled!) to be back in the South and living the life I’ve always dreamed alongside some truly amazing women.  I’m proud to be a Virginia girl and am fortunate to remember that my roots are and always will be in the Commonwealth.  I’m grateful for my imperfections (short temper, freckles, bad eating habits and all), as well as for the people who love me not in spite of but because of them.  I’m thankful for the strong women who have come into my life and helped me grow up:  Grandma W., Mrs. Gibler, Mrs. Donovan and Molly – I can’t thank you enough.  I’m thankful for my siblings, Avery III, Christian and Bissy, who have confronted life’s most difficult challenges with me and emerged as better, stronger people.  I’m grateful for Kyle, my best friend and love, without whom my life wouldn’t be nearly as fun.  I’m so thankful I met you and love knowing I get to spend tomorrow with you.  And, as always, I’m especially thankful for my father, and for what he has done and sacrificed for me.  Most of all, I’m grateful I still want to be just like Daddy when I grow up.


How did I get so blessed to spend my days with these beautiful, genius, inspiring women?  I’m so thankful for their support, vision and drive.  They’ve made me see the world of weddings and my daily life with fresh eyes.  I’m so grateful for my husband who has weathered this busy year with me and kept me laughing and feeling loved through thick and thin.  I’m thankful for parents who believe in me and truly celebrate life together, a brother who inspires the daylights out of me, and my grandma who reminds me to laugh and enjoy life’s little pleasures.  Thank you, dear readers and friends, for making our jobs so gratifying.  I’m also thankful for sleep, watching the leaves change, snow, my gym, the kindness of strangers, my blog, laughter, Abby Kitty Pants, candles, my Bible, the Alabama Christmas Album, the ocean, old hymns, the inspiring photographers that I’m honored to call my friends, my health, my many travels and all they have taught me this year, sunsets, and that my best friend, Sandi, is moving to Chapel Hill in a few short weeks!  So much to be thankful for.  God, you are SO good!

Surprise giveaway!  Tell us what you’re thankful for today and we’ll randomly pick TEN lucky readers that will win a copy of the new issue!

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar Kathy reply

    This year,I am especially thankful for: all of my friends and family who have gone out of their way to help me while I deal with my broken arm and am unable to drive or do some of the simplest things on my own; my partners at Brides a la mode who have stepped in and managed things when I couldn’t be there and my husband for coming home from FL early to cook our family Thanksgiving dinner!

  2. avatar Shannon reply

    I’m thankful for my husband and puppy dogs. Thanks for such a great magazine and blog. I love "blog stalking" your blog–it makes my day!

  3. avatar Kawania Wooten reply

    First and foremost, I am so grateful for the grace given to me every single day. Second, I am grateful for my wonderful family, my health and the ability/opportunity to do what I love every day. I am overwhelmed with emotion often because I know what a blessing it is to be given so much.Love & Soul Always, Kay

  4. avatar Michelle reply

    I am thankful for a supportive & loving family, friends who keep me laughing and the opportunity to do what I love. God has blessed me with so much this year.

  5. avatar Laurie reply

    Thankful for family, friends, passion, and the fabulous inspiration I find each day in the world of blogs!

  6. avatar Aletha | Pearls Events reply

    I am thankful for my husband and our dog, Olive, who both make me laugh every day. Without them, life would be quite dull. And of course I’m thankful for our families, our steady income, the roof over our head, and the food on the table each night. Happy Thanksgiving, SW Ladies :)

  7. avatar Amy reply

    I am thankful for my husband because today we just have eachother after making a big move away from home and family! He is serving our country in the air force and I am especially thankful for my freedom because of the many others who are serving our country even far away from their families!

  8. avatar Robin reply

    I’m thankful for a wonderful supporting family that lets me be me and helped realize my dream of owning my own event company. I’m thankful for a guy who is actually willing to marry me. I’m thankful for great friends who are all coming over for dinner tonight…. if I can’t go home to Texas, they are the next best thing. I’m thankful for my cutie patootie pups that are sleeping on the couch as I write this. Finally, I’m thankful for AWESOME wedding bloggers (holla SW) that always keep me longing for more!!HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!

  9. avatar Jenny J reply

    I am thankful for the elasticity of the heart. Always love.

  10. avatar Christina B. reply

    i’m grateful for friends and family, for the roof over our heads and food on our tables, for our health, for having known the people that passed this year and prior years (they will never be forgotten), for our pets, and most of all i’m thankful for every day. and i’m thankful for this thanksgiving dinner that will not automatically stick to my thighs {positive thinking never hurts – right?!}happy thanksgiving to all!

  11. avatar Angie reply

    I’m so thankful for my husband. It’s our first Thanksgiving together married and I can’t imagine spending it with anyone else. I’m also thankful for delicious Thanksgiving food, weddings, blogs, and things that make me smile. Happy Thanksgiving SW gals!!

  12. avatar Sarah Boutwell reply

    I’m thankful for my fabulous husband/co-photographer, family, friends, amazing clients, freedom, God’s continued blessings in our life and the support of so many as we take T2 Photography to the next level. I’m also super grateful that we found the Southern Weddings Blog. Fabulous inspiration, and so glad to see someone represent our Southern charm and style so well! Happy Thanksgiving Y’all!

  13. avatar kristen reply

    I’m thankful for my hard-working husband, my sweet girls and the rest of my crazy family. I am very thankful for our church – especially our community group. I am thankful to have the most supportive friends (a true community), and the best clients I could ever ask for. I am blessed beyond measure. Good food and fine wine, cheering for Carolina, living in the city, coffee, mornings under down comforters, sweaters, chocolate… just the icing on the cake.

  14. avatar Shelagh reply

    I very thankful for my always supporting family and the strength they give me each and every day. But this year, I am most thankful for a month long trip to townships of South Africa where I was surrounded by some of the most loving, genuine, kind people of the world. I found beauty within tin walls of strong families and continually am inspired to give back someway, somehow, somewhere. Thank you Southern Weddings for inspiring me each and every day.

  15. avatar bmolavi reply

    I’m thankful for all the beautiful blessings God has provided in my life: my awesome family that i’ll be able to hug and kiss on this holidays. . .and a special mention to my adorable soon-to-be husband. . . exciting times are coming! and I’m so grateful for his presence in my life and all the beautiful things we’ll share together :)

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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As many of you know, we celebrated our fresh, fun and fabulous new issue with an authentic Southern celebration at wedding hot spot, Bridal Bar Atlanta.  We were so honored by the vendors, photographers, readers and well-wishers who stopped by to toast our new cover (Jeremy Cowart, we can’t thank you enough for this beauty!), and were beyond touched by the outpouring of support on the blog and Twitter.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Whitney, Emily, Lara and I wanted to share out thoughts from the weekend and to reiterate our gratitude for everyone who helped put together Southern Weddings Volume II.  So from all of us to you, huge hugs and big thanks!

…Thank you to the amazing people that made our launch party possible, from Whitney!

The Southern Weddings launch party was a huge success! Over one hundred of our favorite vendors, wedding professionals, and readers came out to the Bridal Bar Atlanta for a fun-filled night celebrating the launch of our latest issue. The night went by in a blur as I had the opportunity to mingle with some of the most talented people in the business.

Rebecca at the Bridal Bar Atlanta did such an amazing job coordinating everything for the launch party. She assembled a great team of vendors to make the evening absolutely fantastic.

The invitation by the Dressed Caterpillar was adorable and the red velvet cake (complete with “Butter My Butt and Call Me A Biscuit” topper, red wood background to match our cover, bow tie and SW logo!  WOW!)  from Sweet Sensations was to die for. I have literally never tasted a dessert so delicious in my life! Epting Events provided the oh-so-Southern food and it was delectable! (Katharine’s Kyle was a particular fan of the ham sandwiches.)

Katharine, Lara, Emily and I had a ridiculously good time in the Smilebooth. The backdrop by Ashley of Dolci Odille was adorable! Seriously, I would love to have a Smilebooth in the office (though I doubt we would ever get anything done)!  Many thanks to Our Labor of Love for all the fun!

I could not be more thankful for all of the amazing people that have enabled us to create this issue of Southern Weddings. Y’all are awe-inspiring. 

…Thank you to our loyal readers and devoted sponsors, from Katharine!

As the official office newbie who had never subscribed to any wedding magazines or followed any wedding blogs before joining Southern Weddings, my foray into the wedding world has been a whirlwind of new faces, projects and terms.  At our fabulous Atlanta launch party on Friday, I had the opportunity to thank two groups of SW supporters that not only helped make me feel wonderfully welcome in such unfamiliar territory but that also are the backbone of what we do.

I’m sure Emily would agree that one of the very best perks of our respective jobs has been our daily interaction with readers, whether online or in print.  Your enthusiasm, suggestions and loyalty is what motivates us to make each day at Southern Weddings better than the last.  This issue was made for you, with lots of love!

While it’s our readers who make us want to publish the best material we can, it’s our advertisers who make Southern Weddings (and everything we do here!) possible.  As the Managing Editor for SW, I’ve been lucky to get a behind-the-scenes peek at the business side of our glitzy mag and, in doing so, it’s become very clear that we have some of the most talented and dedicated sponsors out there!  This year, we’re especially grateful for our print sponsors, namely Big Events Weddings, of Nashville, TN, J. Malahy Photograhy, Asian Bees Photography and Modern Photographers, for sprucing up our inside and back covers.  After you’ve flipped through the November issue, I hope you’ll take a minute to check out our amazing sponsors and visit their websites; these ladies and gents do some of the very best work in the business and it’s always a treat to see the new and exciting things on their websites.  Thank you, also, to our loyal online advertisers, including Dede Edwards, Scarlett Lillian, Our Labor of Love, David Murray Weddings, W. Scott Chester and so many others!

…Thank you to the photographers and vendors who made this issue possible, from Emily!

Katharine, who ended her speech by introducing me as the “wedding guru” (some would say fanatic), gave me the perfect opening for my remarks.  I started by acknowledging that I’ve subscribed to Martha Stewart Weddings since I was a wee middle-schooler (true story!).  At the launch, it was my “job” to thank all of the photographers who contributed to the issue, either through a real wedding or just a single image.  I put job in quotations, because, in truth, it’s anything but — it’s been an absolute dream to get to know and have the pleasure of working with so many of the talented vendors that I’ve admired from afar for so long.  I finished by offering a personal thank you to Joy Thigpen, stylist extraordinaire, who worked with us on our cover shoot and WaterColor shoots and is a huge part of so much of the beautiful inspiration you’ll see once you crack open your copy of the new issue.

…Thank you to the people who have supported us from day one and our special guests, the Mammoth Men, from Lara!

It’s a week to give thanks, but we always feel overwhelmed with gratitude here!  As a small office, we can’t do anything without the support of so many.  Our launch party wasn’t about celebrating just the magazine, but rather, the community of people that has formed around it.  I felt incredibly blessed to celebrate the launch of this new issue in Atlanta where we had our very first premiere event in January.  So many people have supported us and cheered us on from day one: Jeannine, Eliana, Michelle, Joy, Ashley, Khadine, Whitney and Jesse, Sharon, Emily, Kristy, Cristen, Ashley and countless others.  I’m so thankful that Caroline from Paloma’s Nest, Cassandre from Fete Festa Fiesta and Kristy Rice from Momental Designs flew in from so far away to celebrate with us. My favorite part of the evening?  Hello!  The CAKE!  Sharon, I’m hereby dubbing you the Southern cake diva!  I owe a huge debt of gratitude to Jeremy Cowart for our gorgeous cover and for coming to share in the celebration with us. Thank you to friends who came from my hometown — I’m so floored by your generosity and good wishes.  It was such a blessing to have my husband and best friend, Sandi, there.  They made my night.  And of course, the party wouldn’t have been complete without the Mammoth Men.  Thank you Nate, Matt, Jeff, Kyle, Fred, Justin, Michael, Mark, and surprise last-minute guest Jory for bringing the dance party to Atlanta!  I had more fun than I can begin to explain. Thank you Rebecca, Epting Events, Our Labor of Love, and so many more for making our launch event a true celebration! 

And last but very not least on my thank you list…  to the amazing women of Southern Weddings for being fun in the office and out of the office.  I couldn’t ask for a better team to share such great memories with!

Want more party pic action?  Check out all the Smilebooth pics here

Happy Thanksgiving eve y’all!  We have a very special post coming tomorrow : )

Written with love by Southern Weddings
1 Comment
  1. avatar xoxo, C reply

    I just got my copy of the new issue and it is absolutely gorgeous. I didn’t know such deliciousness could be captured in a magazine! Fantastic job ladies!!

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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