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Southern Weddings

Author: Lara Casey

There’s just something about bright colors that automatically puts me in the party mood! Our wonderful guest blogger, Karen Tran, offers some creative and colourful touches to add pizzazz to your wedding. Be sure to take a look at Karen’s wedding and other inspiring posts: I, II, III, IV, V, and VI.

To brighten or liven up your wedding, simply use color! Select from any one of hundreds of color combinations for your wedding flowers to accent your neutral color palette, to liven up wedding photos or to simply infuse energy into your wedding theme. Colors say celebration! Cheerful and bright weddings saturate their décor with splashes or bright, vivid color variations.

credits: First Row {Darin Fong Photography}, Second Row {Darin Fong Photography}, Third Row {Darin Fong Photography}, Fourth Row {Darin Fong Photography}, Fifth Row {Karen Tran Florals}, Sixth Row {Karen Tran Florals}.  

lara Written with love by Lara Casey
  1. avatar Micha Everett reply

    Wow amazing colors! I love this post

  2. avatar Annette reply

    Beautiful colors! Love this post!

  3. avatar Emily @ Peach and Pearl reply

    The combination of the orange and magenta flowers against the kelly green dresses is striking! I love how unexpected it is.

  4. avatar Teresa reply

    wow! makes me reconsider my "white flowers only" decision for centerpieces and bouquets!

  5. avatar Oakstream Photography reply

    I completely agree about color! LOVE LOVE color. LOVE the pics of this wedding!!!

  6. avatar Nelly721 reply

    I love your blog! Im a bridal consultant and a senior at North Carolina State University. I check your blog everyday and Im a follower of you on twitter! Thanks for sharing your brilliant visions and for brightening my day everyday!

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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Contest: Lilah Paper

by in Contests on

I’m so excited about this week’s contest! One lucky bride-to-be will win 50 gorgeous Save the Dates from {Lilah Paper}’s custom design studio! Since Save the Dates provide the first glimpse your guests will have into your big event, it’s important to make it count. Lilah Paper’s attention to detail and unique designs will ensure you set the tone early, and make your first impression a lasting one! They offer custom design services and a collection of invitation suites for you to choose from, and can create beautiful coordinating ceremony programs, menus, place cards, thank-you notes, and favors that we just love. Every celebration is worthy of a beautiful design!

Win: 50 letter pressed Save the Dates with coordinating blank envelopes from one of the following collections: The Vintage Lace, The Garden Variety, The Florish, or a brand new collection called The Vintage Floral Suite! The winning bride can choose from any one of these four designs in one or two color options, to match her wedding colors.  The STD are A2 in size and printed on beautiful Crane’s Lettra with coordinating envelopes.

To Enter: Leave a comment on this post telling us why you picked your wedding date.  Is it significant within your family?  The anniversary of your first kiss?  Or did you simply want to say “I do” in springtime?  We want details!

Contest Ends Tuesday, March 24th at midnight!  Best of luck to everyone!

lara Written with love by Lara Casey
  1. avatar Nicole-Lynn reply

    We have set a tentative date for sometime in the spring 2010/2011. We both love the weather during the spring months, considering we live in Florida, the summer is full of rain and uncertain weather brought on by hurricanes and storms. We feel having a wedding in the spring is perfect for an outdoor ceremony seaside. We also want our guests to be comfortable, so having it in the summer heat may not be the best choice. Love Lilah Paper products… what great stuff! Their coral and starfish designs are stunning!

  2. avatar Genna reply

    We chose October 17 for several reasons. First of all, we met in October of 2007 (Oct. 13, as a matter of fact). Secondly, I always envisioned myself getting married in the fall, and since we are having our wedding at my fiance’s family’s farm in Eastern NC, I didn’t want to do it in the blazing summer heat and humidity! Finally, I just plain love the fall…it’s my favorite time of year, and I love that I get to say "I do" during my most favorite time of the year!

  3. avatar Felicity reply

    We choose our wedding date because we wanted our out-of-town guests to enjoy a long summer weekend and because we knew that my fiance’s brothers would both be home from their deployments and able to celebrate with us. We can’t wait!

  4. avatar Allison reply

    My fiance and I will be married on September 5, 2009. While many couples shy away from holiday weekends, we decided it would be a wonderful opportunity for family and friends to enjoy three or even four days of events and activities. With many guests coming from out of town, an extra day will provide more time for them to relax and enjoy rather than rush and stress. But the "true confessions" reason that we chose the date is so that my fiance can wear his seersucker suit! It was my birthday gift to him last year, and he’s so excited to wear it. I never dreamed of planning a wedding around my husband-to-be’s attire, but happily, I am!

  5. avatar katie reply

    We wanted to get married in September for many reasons things start to cool down in NC, the lease on my apartment would be up, plenty of time would be able to be put into renovating our new house. So when I called the church where I teach preschool on Wednesdays to find a date I was upset to learn that there was nothing available until 2010!!!! I knew I had to get married in the church where I spent my time so I added my name to a "waiting list" and the following week was called with an opening….for SEPTEMBER 19, 2009! We knew it was meant to be!

  6. avatar Mel295 reply

    Don and I are getting married at the beginning of October. There are a ton of practical reasons for the date: outdoor weddings in Florida aren’t pleasant during muggy Summer months and have too many mosquitoes, it’s the only time we could both take off of work, we’re trying not to go into debt and wanted time to pay for things before the wedding. but, the most important reason for choosing our date is that we wanted our far-flung family and friends to have time to make travel plans. Both Don and I have traveled extensively with our jobs, and we have friends in many states and countries. We want our day to be a celebration that includes ALL of our loved ones, so we’re waiting to give them enough time to find a way to the ceremony by plane, car or donkey, if necessary :)

  7. avatar Pearl reply

    We chose our Sept wedding date since it’s right around crush time in wine country! Everything is so vibrant and beautiful at that time of year, and we wanted to share it with our guests.

  8. avatar Francesca reply

    Even though we are past the Save the Date portion of the wedding planning ( we are getting married in August and starting the invitation process currently), I wanted to share the significance of how we chose our date. We will be getting married a day after what would be our ten year anniversary from the first night we met, which also marks my fiance’s parent’s wedding anniversary. Since his father passed about seven years ago, it is a way to commemorate him, and their marriage, as well. We are so excited to be able to have such a special date to mark this new chapter in our lives!

  9. avatar Melissa S. reply

    My fiance and I are having our wedding at a Georgia winery on Sunday, May 30, 2010. Almost all of our guests are from Florida so we figured Memorial Day Weekend would allow everyone to fly in Friday night or Saturday and spend the entire weekend getting to know each other and enjoying Georgia’s wine country. Another plus is no one has to use vacation days and miss work!

  10. avatar Lauren D reply

    We chose our wedding date, October 17, because it is plenty of time after I graduate from my undergraduate program (in May) to finish up all of the last minute plans, find a place for the both of us to live together, and the same month that his lease runs out on his apartment. :) It has given my parents PLENTY of time to grow accustomed to the realization that their little girl is getting hitched and has really allowed me to embrace planning with an excited ease. Not to mention the Berry College Campus (in Rome, GA) is absolutely stunning in Fall!

  11. avatar B Kotal reply

    We set our date for August 22 for several reasons. We knew we wanted a wedding in August, and we were shooting for the 23rd, the date that we first started dating, but it wasn’t on a Saturday. 22 is my favorite number, so we decided to go with it!

  12. avatar Jac C reply

    We choose 4-6-10. My father passed away when I was 22, and can not be there. This is his birthday, so I can always celebrate his day.

  13. avatar Megan reply

    For us, it was ALL ABOUT OUR FABULOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS!!! September 26th was one of the only weekends that they had available…we wanted to get married in the it all fell beautifully into place! Check em out at and be impressed! ;) Love em!

  14. avatar Sarah reply

    We haven’t set the date yet- but we’re aiming for a couple: April 3rd, 2010 because it’s my parents anniversary; July 3rd 2010 because it’ll be 7/3/10 and I think the adding is cute; Or just a weekend in May, our anniversary and my birthday are in May and I loooove spring flowers (peonies, tulips, lilies)

  15. avatar Patty reply

    Seeing that I could not afford letterpress anything — letterpressed Save the Date sound perfect! Thank you!Our date is in the summer, on a Memorial Day weekend. Although the location was convenient for our family, all of our friends would be coming from out-of-town. We thought our friends might appreciate the long weekend, and leisurely see the sights before returning home. After all, the point of our wedding was to celebrate with our loved ones. We’re so thankful for our friends, and have told them that their attendance at the wedding is their gift to us! Thanks :).

  16. avatar Erika reply

    We chose our date because we love the Spring. It is April 24, 2010. Our anniversary is Feb. 23rd, but we aren’t winter people. We love to get out and fish or camp in the Spring so we wanted to make sure that part of us was incorporated in our wedding. There was no significance to the exact day, though. My birthday is March 24th, so why not April 24th?

  17. avatar Erin reply

    We knew we wanted a fall wedding, but football in Oklahoma is HUGE. We picked our October date because it was the one day both state football teams were playing away on a Saturday!

  18. avatar Morgan reply

    We originally wanted an late August wedding, but after a long list of our family’s’ conflicts, we finally settled on June 5, 2010. I know people says you can’t please everyone and to stick to what you want… but having everyone there was the most important thing for my fiance and I.

  19. avatar Katie reply

    We are getting married September 5, 2009. We chose this date not only because were both of our parents married in late august and labor day weekend but because we were long distance while I was away for college and graduate school that September was always a really sad month for us. We wanted to celebrate that as of this September we would never have to dread this month because we will no longer be saying "good-bye" but actually starting a while new life–TOGETHER–finally!!!!!Great giveaway as I struggle with making a decision on the design for our save the dates which need to go out this month!

  20. avatar Kelli reply

    We chose our wedding date because simply my fiance plays football. We did not want to rush it and it be in the summer and his final football season is in the fall. So then I said ok first of January. Well incase they make it to a bowl game or the championships we had to push it back to the first available date after all the bowls game are over. So yes we set the most important date of our live around his football season so everyone could be there and I would have to stress about them making it all the way to the national championships on my wedding day! I so thankful though and excited for a Winter wedding!

  21. avatar Natosha H reply

    We chose October 10, 2010 because, like us, its quirky and a once-in-a-lifetime date. We met in October 2008 and both think fall is the perfect time to wed. 10/10/10 can also be translated as binary code and my fiance is a mathematics and computer geek. I am a graphic designer and thought the numbers would typeset nicely in many unique ways. From the beginning, we are making sure that our date and celebration reflects both our personalities. It also gives us plenty of time to plan ahead for those special touches that will make our day wonderful!

  22. avatar Jordie reply

    Our original wedding date was in October. We were trying to work around my fiancee’s work schedule. However, due to the economic struggles everyone is experiencing the agency put on a hiring freeze. Because of this, we moved our wedding day up to June 13th (no need to wait anymore). It has worked out for the best though! I’ll just be graduating from college and won’t have to wait the additional time to start our life together. Plus, summer is my favorite season and I’ve always pictured myself getting married in the summer.

  23. avatar Damia reply

    We’re getting married on 10-10-10, since it’s easy for people to remember, and it also looks very cool as a graphic! Plus, since it’s getting towards off-season in northern california, it makes it easy for us to find vendors who we really love. Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons and I can’t wait to see our pictures with the beautiful foliage!

  24. avatar Erin reply

    We choose July of 2010 because by then I will have finished my Master’s degree and my fiance won’t be starting his until August. We originally picked the 17th at random, but now we’ve realized that we’ll be moving during the last week in July, so we have to decide whether to move the wedding up a week and pack after the honeymoon or move it back a week and pack before we get married.

  25. avatar Nicole Allman reply

    We live in the mountains of western NC and wanted to have our outdoor wedding during the ‘peak leaf season’ when the vegetation is at its peak fall color. That is usually the last couple of weeks in October and the first week or so into November. We thought an outdoor wedding in November might be too cold and we didn’t want to have our wedding on Halloween, so we settled on October 24th. It took us a while to nail that date down, but I’m so happy with it and can’t wait!

  26. avatar classicpearls reply

    We chose the month of December of 2009 for many reasons. December 09, 2001 was when he had asked me to be his girlfriend. December 9, 2007 was when we got engaged. The number 9 has been very special to me. It was the number I had all my jersey when I played sports. For some reason the number 9 has followed me and given me happiness. We knew our wedding would be the month of December. We wanted the ninth as our date but it doesn’t fall on a Saturday so we realized 2009 has a nine in there so it will still be perfect.

  27. avatar Hayley reply

    We are planning on getting married on May 22, 2010. My fiancee and I decided that it would be nice to have our honeymoon week and then the following Monday off for Memorial Day. We both wanted a late spring or early summer wedding and holiday weekends tend to prevent some people from coming who would have otherwise, especially memorial day. We are also looking forward to the long weekend after we return from our honeymoon to get settled into our new home, and to have a few days to ourselves before reality really hits! It’s a shame that I’m already sick of waiting since we have more than a year to go!!

  28. avatar Liz reply

    We wanted a fall wedding because we love the fall! October seemed like the perfect month- not too hot, not too cold, and right before the holiday season starts. We chose the 24th because, being from Austin, this was one of two Saturdays that did not coincide with an at-home Longhorn football game :) I’m looking forward to our fall wedding as it keeps getting closer and closer!

  29. avatar Anita reply

    My sister and her family live overseas and it’s about a 24 hour plane ride for them to get home, so we picked our date around her kids’ Fall vacation. This way they’re traveling, but they at least get to spend a week here instead of hopping right back on an airplane the day after the wedding! I can’t wait to see my adorable little nieces in their flower girl outfits!

  30. avatar Mtt10 reply

    We chose December 2010 because that’s when several of our loved ones will be coming back from deployment overseas. We wanted to be able to share the holidays with the people we love most, and celebrate our wedding with everyone present.

  31. avatar Melia reply

    We chose to get married in October because we started dated in the month of October and we both love fall. We chose our specific date based on the peak of fall leaves here in Virginia. I decided I would rather go a bit early and take a chance on all the leaves not being at peak yet, than waiting too late and taking the chance of all the leaves being on the ground already!! We have set our wedding for October 17! We can’t wait!

  32. avatar Kelly Merill reply

    My birthday is 9-9, his is 7-7. My first thought? 8-8. The church we wanted was booked. Sigh. Okay, 10-10 then? Booked as well. At first we thought they would fiddle around with it for us but the bride for 10-10 refused and I was heartbroken. And my photographer was booked for 8-8. I got over it, and have fallen in love with our date… 10-3, which was decided after meeting with my photographer and remembering that Alabama’s football schedule would matter around here. It’s an away game with UK (another date we were considering was a home game with Tennessee…if you know football that would have been just awful). So there you have it! I know October will be beautiful and not so hot…and fall is my favorite season!

  33. avatar Mary Kate Raffetto reply

    We chose our wedding date for so many reasons! Our date is June 5, 2010. I’ve always wanted to be a June bride, there’s just something so romantic and classic about it! Also, we’re getting married outdoors in Austin, TX, and didn’t want to wait until the end of June because it would be so hot. Finally, my fiance will have officially finished graduate school about two weeks before. I’m so excited!Also, I LOVE Lilah Paper!! Their work is always exquisite. I would be so thrilled to win this.

  34. avatar Alexis reply

    Everyone knows that a true fall Southern Wedding has to take place on a bye weekend- that’s how we found our date!

  35. avatar Stephanie reply

    Our wedding date was not very inspired, I hate to say. It just happened to be a Sunday in October that was available and right before Columbus Day (hello, three day weekend!). We did want a fall wedding and it happened to work out for us. So, 10 – 11 – 09 it is!

  36. avatar Elizabeth reply

    I chose our wedding date, June 5, 2010, because it was the soonest we could possibly get married! My fiance is attending a service academy which means he is prohibited from having any dependents while attending school. Ultimately, I’m glad to have the time to plan my dream wedding and I like the idea of both of us being college graduates by the time we marry, but I would take an afternoon in a courthouse anytime if it meant not having to wait for another year!

  37. avatar Ida reply

    We’re getting married in February because it’s our anniversary month!

  38. avatar Katie reply

    We picked January 2010 because my fiance will FINALLY be done with graduate school in December of 2009. We figured it would be a good time to celebrate both things. Plus, I love winter, and booking vendors has been stress free since it is their off season.

  39. avatar RTW reply

    Our birthdays are in Sept and Nov, so we picked October. This way we get to celebrate 3 months in a row, then holidays!

  40. avatar Jenna reply

    April 24, 2010 – to Ben and I this will be a day we will never forget! April is our ideal wedding month and is so special to the two us as well as our families for multiple reasons. First and foremost, both Ben and I were born in April. While I am an Aries and believe in celebrating all month long, Ben is a Taurus and has always shared his special day. Ben is so fortunate to share his birthday with his father – just another great bond between father and son. Additionally, both of our siblings are also born in April while Ben’s parents were also wed in April! To us, our special day needs to be held in our special month, with the special friends and family that will be in attendance.

  41. avatar Chen reply

    September 27, 2008 we got engaged! 27 is our anniversary date and we had always dreamed of having our wedding on the 27th. As the wedding planning began, we decided on a full year to pull together our wedding. Unfortunately September 27, 2009 lands on a Sunday, so we opted for the 26th of September of this year to tie the knot. We also figured that once midnight hits and we’re relaxing in each other’s arms after a long and exhausting day full of wedding extravaganzas, we’ll be able to truly embark on our new lives together! <3

  42. avatar Sandra reply

    I am currently not engaged, but I hope that when I am planning a wedding that I plan a late Spring/early Summer. However, I have a very dear friend getting married in July. I would love to give this to her as a gift. She has been such a good friend to me and I am so excited that she will be marrying a man who makes her better!

  43. avatar Krystal reply

    We picked our wedding date October 18, 2009 for many reasons. But mainly because my mom’s birthday is October 20 so her only daughter’s wedding will be the best wedding gift ever and because our 1st wedding anniversary will be my mom’s 50th birthdat celebration. So our wedding celebrates our love, but always reminds me of the love my mom has shown me my entire life.

  44. avatar Lauryn reply

    We were going to have a pretty outdoor autumn wedding, but the venue we really wanted didnt have any dates available in October. September leaves in VA arent fully colored yet, and in November its too cold for outdoors at night. SO! We decided to get married as soon as possible, June 5th 2009. Its the weekend after my finace graduates from college! Im so glad we changed the date because if I had to wait until October, I would die!

  45. avatar Anne reply

    I would love to win this prize for my brother and his fiance. My brother is graciously letting me, his little sister, get married first. We got engaged around the same time and were trying to figure out how to fit two weddings into a year. My wedding is August 29th, 2009 and he has chosen October 4th, 2009 to give me my moment and for my parents and family to have a little recovery time. He and his finance deserve something glamorous and I know that they would appreciate Lilha Paper’s save the dates!

  46. avatar Katie reply

    My fiance, Jeremy, and I chose the date of May 8th, 2010 because we both LOVE the month of May. Jeremy and I met in March and dated until he officially asked me to be his girlfriend in May of 2007. My parents also met in the month of May through the newspaper classified ads. We have also decided to get married on the beach which will be beautiful in May and all of our friends from Colorado can be there to enjoy the wonderful weather!

  47. avatar TandM reply

    It was hard to decide on a date since our only criteria was that it be an outdoor celebration, and that doesn’t really narrow down our timeframe in California. So, we decided to personalize our date by averaging the months and days of our grandparents’ wedding dates (5/25 and 9/09), and came up with 7/17… I can’t wait for 2010!

  48. avatar Hannah reply

    We’re using our meet-a-versary: 2/20! I also love planning for a winter wedding since our vendors are so easy to schedule.

  49. avatar Renee reply

    We’ve known each other since high school, although we didn’t start dating until a couple years ago. Our friends always predicted that we would end up together and we were so sure it was never going to happen! Anyways, he played baseball and I played softball in high school… and we still play together on a co-ed team during the fall, using our old high school numbers. He’s 12 and I’m 9, so we’re getting married on 9/12/09. Luckily for us it worked out to be a weekend!

  50. avatar karen reply

    we picked sept 20 for our big day. mostly for one reason–dahlias! i love dahlias and wanted to wait until they would be in season for our rustic backyard wedding. we have a list a mile long to get the yard ready for the event, but it’s nice to have an incentive. can’t wait to start planting the dahlias and other flowers–we’ve been saving glass jars for a year now–for flowers and candles.

  51. avatar Alison reply

    We are crossing our fingers for October 17th (things aren’t totally set yet, yikes!) for a couple reasons. Mainly, it’s usually gorgeous that time of year in the South; and because we are both living in New York now, we’re totally excited about the scenery, minus the heat! With any luck it will be crisp and cool mid October, even at the beach where we’ll be. It’s also our favorite time of year, and we want the wedding to be outside, definitely, in the place where my grandparents spent their honeymoon…

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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Karen Tran: Green

by in Inspirations on

There’s just something about a green spring wedding, and guest blogger Karen Tran of {Karen Tran Florals} has so many great ideas! Don’t forget to check out her wedding and other inspiring posts: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII.

Green, the color of nature, offers a modern simplicity when combined with white accents for a wedding. Green cymbidiums capture green’s simplicity when integrated into a bridal bouquet or when draped as centerpieces for an elegant affair. Whether chosen as an accent color to be carried throughout the bridal and reception flowers, or as an elegant touch to linens, green offers a fresh, crisp look, symbolizing the natural romance present during a wedding.

credits: First Row {Tim Otto Photography}, Second Row {Rippee Photography}, Third Row {Rippee Photography}, Fourth Row {Darin Fong Photography}, Fifth Row {Darin Fong Photography}

lara Written with love by Lara Casey
  1. avatar Julie Gandy reply

    Oh…. My…. Goodness…what a lovely display of flowers!!! I have never seen a table runner like that!

  2. avatar K @ Blog Goggles reply

    The orchids are pretty, but is that bride in the first pic wearing a backless dress?

  3. avatar Wedding Fall Flowers reply

    I have been looking around for this kind of information. Will you post some more in future? I’ll be grateful if you will and thanks for sharing! From: Wedding Flowers

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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