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Southern Weddings

Author: Lara Casey

Most people go for white on their wedding day, but now you can go green too! This week’s contest will give one lucky winner a copy of {Kate L. Harrison}’s brand new book, {The Green Bride Guide: How to Create an Earth-Friendly Wedding on Any Budget}. The Green Bride Guide covers eco-friendly engagements, gowns, registries, and even gives you insight on planning an eco-fabulous honeymoon! This book is a great resource for couples aiming to create a stylish and special event that doesn’t leave a lasting impression on the earth, and it even includes a great list of vendors to help you create your dream wedding! We love that Kate provides low, medium and high-end choices for each aspect of your wedding, proving that you don’t have to break the bank to have a gorgeous green event!    

Win: One lucky winner will receive a copy of The Green Bride Guide

To Enter: Leave a comment on this post letting us know the ways in which you’ve incorporated eco-friendly habits into your home, wedding or lifestyle.  Winner will be chosen at random.

Contest ends Tuesday, March 17th (yes, that’s St. Patty’s day!) at midnight.  Have fun going green!

lara Written with love by Lara Casey
  1. avatar Liz reply

    i ride my bike to work everyday (unless it’s raining in which case i take the bus)

  2. avatar Jen G. reply

    I have been recycling more trying to bring my own bags to the store and reducing my electricity.

  3. avatar Genna reply

    Instead of having an out of town florist for our country wedding, we are getting our flowers from a local organic flower farm and arranging them ourselves.

  4. avatar erin reply

    I am not using any rentals (at least that’s the goal-we might have to get a few pieces of silverware). Also, we’re planting trees in lieu of favors!

  5. avatar Brittany reply

    I’ve been using canvas bags for groceries and nylon bags for produce.

  6. avatar Lisa Michelle Jeffries reply

    Fabulous – what a COOL giveaway! I love that you pointed out that this includes low, mid, and high-end options. In a world where being eco-friendly can also be a budget buster, it’s nice to know that some have thought out all the options!As far as my green habits go, my dearest other half usually wants to wring my neck over the great lengths I’ll go to to keeping recyclables out of the trash and thus, out of the landfill! From cute buckets by every trashcan in our townhouse to collecting every beverage can that our friends empty at tailgates, that has to be the biggest contribution I’ve made to personally being a little more eco-conscious.

  7. avatar Nicole-Lynn reply

    I incorporate a eco-friendly lifestyle by carpooling as much as I can, recycling, and purchasing organic groceries when I can.

  8. avatar Jace reply

    Our whole wedding will be green, accidentally, but what a wonderful accident. We’re having a vintage country feel, so we have been salvaging old and forgotten about items instead of buying new things off the shelf. I’ve always though we should try to reuse before we recycle.

  9. avatar Cori reply

    As an grad student in environmental policy, I am trying to make my Mississippi wedding as green as possible. We are getting organic flowers and food from Vicksburg and family friends (local, of course), we are supporting a public garden by holding our reception there, printing our invites on 100% recycled paper, and I am wearing my mother’s gown. Finally, in honor of our guests, we will be donating to an environmental nonprofit as their "favor".

  10. avatar Patty reply

    My lifestyle: separate trash cans for paper, plastic, and general trash, recyclable green Whole Foods bags for groceries, walk or ride the bus to run errands (mostly walk). My wedding: flowers are from a local florist, the flowers will be donated to the church to enjoy for their services, all of bridal party’s clothes are rentals. Thanks!

  11. avatar jhoysi reply

    Placing full water bottles in the toilet tank to reduce water used during flushing; composting organic kitchen waste, as well as used bunny bedding; canvas/re-usable totes at the grocery store; using the occasional plastic shopping bag as garbage bags around the house and puppy poopy bags on long walks; actively requesting "no bag, please" when buying a handful of items at a time; using vinegar for household cleaning.

  12. avatar Erinne reply

    Going green is something I try to incorporate in many different ways in my life. For me personally, I recycle, I use the reusable bags when I go shopping, I use the energy efficient light blubs around my house, try to unplug all electronics when they are not in use to name a few things. As far as my business goes, I am a wedding coordinator and focus on promoting Green weddings as one of my specialties. My business cards are printed on recycled paper; I have invitation books with recycled paper invitations and soy inks to name a few things. Weddings leave a huge carbon foot print and there are many things that we can do to try and offset the impact. The book you are giving away is one that is actually on my list of ones to get! I know it would be a great resource for my business.

  13. avatar Damia reply

    well, we live off the grid so we’ve got photovoltaic panels, rainwater collection set up, and a gray water organic purification system using plants for filtration. I compost, take public transit to work, and reuse durable goods like bags whenever possible. for our wedding, we’re doing a lot of electronic correspondence (it took a while for me to get over it but I’m ok now), and for the invites that we are printing, we’re using soy ink on recycled paper. Our caterer uses only local, organic ingredients and for decor we’re using fruits and veggies and leaves, instead of shipping flowers. Soy candles are also part of our green effort. Oh, and we’re also getting a large bus to transport our guests to the site so that they don’t all bring their cars at once.What a fantastic giveaway, I would love to see some of the ideas Kate has!

  14. avatar em reply

    i also use my own bags at the grocery store, carpool, ride my bike to work when possible, use recycled paper and recycle paper, and buy local!

  15. avatar Leah reply

    I work in habitat restoration and plant trees on a daily basis!

  16. avatar Clara reply

    I made my own bags to bring grocery shopping and I recycle. I even bring items my city doesn’t recycle to a center.

  17. avatar AngieL17 reply

    I work at local chain store that I will keep it nameless they carry a few products of eco-friendly and organic. Somehow those items always end up in clearance rack. Of course I take advantage and purchase most of them and give them out as gifts to my friends and family. I try incorporate everyone that being green is not just products that look like cardboard but it can be stylish too. I think being GREEN is sexy.

  18. avatar angelica09 reply

    Going green has changed my life style for the better. I used all my totes when I do my groceries, shopping, and my errands. I started by having my parents get adapted with the tote bag and little by little I got my entire family and friends to use tote bags. At work I incorporated not to print too many papers and if needed to use both sides of sheets. I also took a bin to work where everyone could throw their cans or bottles so I can recycle them. When purchasing items I always read labels to see ingredients and to see if the item can hurt our environment. And last my fiance has accepted for us to have a GREEN wedding and our favors we are giving away tote bags with dove design and the words LOVE.

  19. avatar M and M Wedding reply

    We have tried very hard to make out wedding and life eco-friendly. Although we certainly could to more. We are cutting down on our extra purchases, trying to reuse or repurpose as much as we can. We are having very few fresh flowers, real plates and flatware, and my ring is even recycled – an antique.

  20. avatar Kathryn reply

    One way we’re going green at our wedding is by having a comprehensive Web site. We posted maps, accomodation information and links to area attractions on our Web site, so we will not have to print hotel or direction cards with our invitations, saving paper.

  21. avatar Angus reply

    At trees4scotland we have planted trees for weddings – usually as wedding favours. We create a commemorative certificate that all the ladies get with a thanks from the bride and groom and the date etc – goes down really well – plus it makes the wedding carbon neutral!Cheaper than most other wedding favours as well! –

  22. avatar tandm reply

    I’m using vintage and non-disposable products wherever possible, and instead of giving out customized water bottles, we’re offering jars of lemonade and iced tea so that guests can be refreshed without creating more landfill waste!

  23. avatar Bethany reply

    At home, I recycle everything that I can! We have labeled bins for everything. I also love using reusable bags! I teach Kindergarten and have taught my students to recycle things that we use in our classroom. They love looking for things to put into our recycle bin! I’m newly engaged, but hope to plan an eco-friendly wedding as well. :)

  24. avatar classicpearls reply

    I recycle everything that I can! That is why we decided to do a GREEN wedding. We are having our invites be made by eco-friendly site. As our favors we are giving away flower seeds and tote bags.

  25. avatar mara wong reply

    I’ve switched to reusable shopping bags, I recycle what I can & use Method cleaning products throughout my house.

  26. avatar Sandy reply

    I incorporate an eco-friendly lifestyle in every aspect of my life. I take short showers, use Brita filtered pitcher and fill up water on a re-usable water-bottle instead of buying bottled water. At work, I avoid printing unecessarily and, when I have to, I re-use paper: Instead of shredding old sheets, I flip the pages over and print on the blank side of each sheet. Once done, I recycle it! For our wedding, my fiance and I have decided to have a "green wedding". We will not decorate much, instead, we will let the beauty of nature shine through. For our centerpieces, we will fill up vases with real limes; this way my guests can take them home and use them to make lemonade or margaritas!!

  27. avatar famouslinnet reply

    I always have a tote bag or two in my purse, I recycle everything I possibly can, I bring all of my compostables to the farmer’s market every Sat morning – where I do as much local shopping as possible… and I’m trying to figure out great eco-friendly ways to host my wedding!

  28. avatar mcl2008 reply

    I try to save on electricity by bundling up in layers instead of turning on the fireplace =D. Plus, we recycle everything that can be recycled. You’d be surprised how much room that leaves in the trash bin!

  29. avatar Junage reply

    We recycle and bring reusable bags to the grocery store. I also have a plastic cloth bag that folds up into a little pack that I keep in my purse for purchases when we’re out shopping.

  30. avatar pearl reply

    I recycle whatever I can, and we’re making our wedding green by using groups of potted succulents as centerpieces, then giving them out as favors (score one for reusing!), plus buying carbon offsets for the the travel of our guests. Our honeymoon is going to be at an eco-resort in Costa Rica– it’s so fun planning!

  31. avatar Abigail reply

    We are having a destination wedding and In lieu of favors we are planting trees in honor of the guests to offset the carbon footprint of everyone’s travel. Also, we are using reusable grocery bags for the welcome bags – that way guests will be able to think of us everytime they grocery shop and save a plastic bag!

  32. avatar Hil reply

    I am currently a college student, and in order to incorporate more "green" into my daily lifestyle, I ride my bike on campus, recycle, use reusable grocery bags, cook with fresh foods, cut out paper and Styrofoam dishes completely, eat organic foods, and carpool.

  33. avatar Caitlin reply

    Here are some of the ways we hope to achieve a "green" wedding1. engagement ring is an antique2. hope to use as much locally produced food as possible3. will have limited fresh flowers at website (or i might try to grow my own, but that’s crazy . . .right?)4. I plan to have a "green’ favor, I am thinking wildflower seeds that are native to the area where the guest is from (about 90% of guests are from the same area)5. hopefully the site will let me compost leftover food Thanks!

  34. avatar Jamie reply

    My fiance and I are both doing our part to help out in the "go green movement" in our daily lives! We both ride bikes around our small town whenever we can and we were instantly inspired by the new SW cover. Currently, in my kitchen there stands a tandem bicycle waiting to be painted pastel green that we are going to ride off on after our July wedding!

  35. avatar Annie reply

    It is really important to us that our wedding reflects our values, so…we’ve tried really hard to think of ways to be "green". Here are a few examples, recycled platinum rings, canadian diamond from a eco-friendly jeweler and we will be using a 100% organic caterer for our wedding!

  36. avatar Ida reply

    Our escort cards/favors are little seedlings, with a tag made out of plantable paper that includes wildflower seeds.

  37. avatar Ruby reply

    We’re trying to be as environmentally friendly as possible, so we’re having a morning/afternoon wedding outdoors so we can take advantage of the site’s natural beauty. Our decor is minimal; we’re staying away from cut flowers and using recycled paper products like tissue pomanders. Afterwards we’ll hang them up in our house! Our caterer also uses only organic and local ingredients.

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I’m so excited to announce our latest contest!  We’ve teamed up with Adorn Brides as part of their “Borrow Your Baubles” Blog Week to give one lucky reader the chance to “borrow” a stunning piece of jewelry for their wedding day! Through Adorn Brides you can rent gorgeous pieces of fine jewelry for your wedding or other special events, allowing you to look extravagant while sticking to your budget. Why should celebrities have all the fun?  Their website features earrings, bracelets, necklaces, and coordinating sets made of genuine diamonds and pearls that will add some sparkle to your big day!  Lara, Kirstin, and Laura all had the chance to meet the lovely VP of Adorn Brides, Laura Marcusse, at Engage08, and are thrilled to be able feature her line. 

Although it’s nearly impossible to pick favorites with so many amazing pieces, we decided to give it a try. We love the Denton Bridal Jewelry Set (these pieces are so delicate and extravagant!), Hartley Earrings (for those who love classic and romantic jewelry!), Galliton Pendant (if you simply can’t decide between yellow and white gold!), Silverwin Diamond Bracelet (perfect for a vintage affair), and the gorgeous Abingdon Jewelry Set (to add some serious sparkle). Be sure to check out the details of our top picks and select your favorites on their website.

Adorn Brides has been featured on The View, CBS’s The Early Show, and in The New York Times, Modern Bride (as #1 out of the 50 best web sites to help plan your wedding), Inside Weddings Magazine, Wedding Style Magazine, In Style Weddings, and in my favorite magazine (ok, I’m biased), Southern Weddings! Check out Adorn Brides’ jewelry as it appears in our premier issue below.

Win: The winner will receive a $150 gift card to, where you can shop to your heart’s content!  Keep in mind that a handful of the pieces available for rent are $150 or less, which means you could rent for free if you win. To keep anyone from feeling left out, all of our readers (that’s right, each and every one!) can get 10% off rentals for any 2009 weddings reserved by June 09. Simply enter the promotion code SOUTHERNWED09 here to receive your discount!  As an added bonus, you can also enter to win a diamond necklace worth nearly $10,000 as well as free hair and makeup HERE. To top it all off, Adorn Brides will give everyone who signs up and opts-in a $50 gift certificate code to be used toward a jewelry rental. We have so many opportunities to win this week!

To Enter: We want to know what piece would be the perfect match for your wedding attire. Email us a picture of your dress with a description of the piece you would love to wear, and get ready to sparkle!

This contest ends Wednesday, March 11 at midnight. Good Luck, everyone!   

lara Written with love by Lara Casey
  1. avatar Nicole-Lynn reply

    All of the jewlery is so beautiful! I especially adore their Danielson Earrings {cluster diamond}. They are simple, classic, and add just enough sparkle. It also doesn’t hurt that their name has my significant other’s name in it {Daniel}, how fun. What a generous giveaway!

  2. avatar Lauren D reply

    I am enamored with the Hartley Earrings (Pearl Drop Earrings) and the Coleman Pendant. I had never thought of renting jewelry before. What a fantastic idea!

  3. avatar Swasti reply

    I love the earrings, they are very pretty. And the candle, I think its romantic. Great work!

  4. avatar Diamond Bracelets reply

    The Silverwin Bracelet is fantastic. The design is really perfect for a wedding jewelry. It’s beautiful!

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There is no way I can choose one favorite thing about this Florida wedding! I really love that Kathy wore the earrings her great grandmother wore on her own wedding day. Another favorite is the traditional Cuban wedding cake in honor of Kathy’s roots. Also, there are all the neat DIY ideas! The bridal party canned 4 gallons of Georgia Honey as party favors. Everything came together at the {Perricone’s Marketplace and Cafe} and Kathy looked stunning in a dress by {Maggie Sottero}. Other fun details: Flowers by {Gerardo}. Catering by Perricone’s Marketplace and Cafe. Wedding cake by {Sweet Art by Luclia}. Thanks to Karen at {The Wedding Couple} for sending these images our way!


How did the two of you meet? Marshall and I had both just started our first year of graduate school at UGA. It was the first week of classes and all the first-years went out to eat at a local restaurant. While standing in line, we introduced ourselves to one another. Marshall told me he had just received his masters from Duke and I told him I’d just graduated with my bachelors in chemistry. I asked him what he had done over the summer. I don’t know what I was expecting, but when he told me he had spent his summer landscaping, I realized how down-to-earth he was. I told him I spent my summer working as a waitress at a restaurant in my hometown. We hit it off instantly and haven’t been apart since.

Describe the proposal: It was perfect and a complete surprise for me. Marshall had been away for a month on a research cruise in the Gulf of Mexico, so we planned a camping trip at Bahia Honda in the Florida Keys to celebrate his return home. After snorkeling all day, we went back to our campsite on the beach for a picnic on the shore at sunset. It was a romantic candlelit dinner of sandwiches, baked beans, and beer. After dinner, we were sitting and looking out over the ocean, admiring how dark it was and how many stars we could see. Marshall pulled out the ring box and I was speechless. So much so, I think I frightened him a bit. Of course it was a, “YES!”

A date we went on that we’ll always remember: Our first surf-trip to Cape Hatteras. We were camping on the beach and it was insanely cold and wouldn’t stop raining. Still, it was the best trip ever.

What was the design inspiration for your wedding? Rustic and earthy

Favorite design element of your big day: We had two antique, nine-pane windows that we used as picture frames. Each pane held a different picture from our childhood. It was a big hit.

Describe your wedding flowers: We had a lot of green and white flowers in mason jars. Chrysanthemums, orchids, and hydrangeas were the main flowers but we had many others. The floral arrangements were absolutely gorgeous and our florist was amazing. We’ve recommended him to everyone we know.

Describe your wedding cake: I come from a Cuban family, so Marshall and I wanted to have a traditional wedding cake. It’s customary to have a three-layer cake from which a ribbon hangs for each of the bride’s single girlfriends. During the reception, all my single girlfriends pulled a ribbon from the cake. The tradition is, the girl who pulls a wedding ring is the next to get married, and the one who pulls a thimble will be an old maid. I didn’t include a thimble, but my younger cousin pulled the wedding ring. It was a wonderful moment, and our guests really enjoyed it.

Were there any special family traditions you included in the wedding? My great-great-grandmother bought a pair of earrings that she gave to my great-grandmother on her wedding day. Since then, they’ve been passed down to the first-born daughter on her wedding day. On our wedding day, my mother passed them on to me and they were the earrings I wore.

What was your most memorable moment about your wedding day? Cutting the cake with Kathy. We were busy for so much of the wedding, but at that moment I felt it was only us two.

What advice would you give to someone planning their wedding? Focus on the moment and on each other. Also, choose a photographer, vendor and florist who you can really relate to. Marshall and I are so very grateful to them all; without them, we wouldn’t have had such a memorable and wonderful wedding to remember.

Any DIY items? Marshall, my bridesmaid, Rachel, her husband, Aaron, and I canned 4 gallons of Georgia Honey to be given as favors at the wedding. It was a tribute to my late-grandmother. My mom and I decorated the favors, and made the place-card holders. For the place cards, we bagged M&M’s with special messages in small burlap bags and attached a small wooden name-card on each bag. My mom has beautiful penmanship and so she wrote everyone’s name on each card.

Congratulations, Kathy + Marshall!

lara Written with love by Lara Casey
  1. avatar angela reply

    can you tell me where the flower girl dress is from? I love it!!

  2. avatar Roger Ramirez reply

    Beautiful photos. All the green flowers are gorgeous.

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