Google+ The Southern Weddings Office Reno: The Crew - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

By now, I’m sure y’all have seen on Instagram that we’ve been knee-deep in renovations at the Southern Weddings office for the last month! While we’re overjoyed that there are only a few more projects left to be completed before we can get settled in and start decorating, we have certainly enjoyed getting to know the gents who have been working so hard to bring our office dreams to life. Our spring interns, Kane and Megan, interviewed our contractor, Michael, and carpenter, Travis, last week so that y’all can get to know them, too!

Name: Michael
Are you from the South? Yes, I’m from Virginia.
What do you love about the South? Hot summer days and going to the lake.
What is your favorite part of a wedding? The reception.
Ultimate song to dance to at a wedding: I’m a big fan of the chicken dance.
Wife’s name: Amanda
How long have you been married? A year and a half.
Most memorable moment from your wedding: Exchanging our vows.
Best piece of marriage advice: Listen more than you talk.
Best thing about working on the Southern Wedding renovation: All of the wonderful Southern Weddings staff!

Name: Travis
Are you from the South? I’m originally from Richmond, Virginia
What do you love about the South? Southern hospitality! Being kind, no matter what.
What is your favorite part of a wedding? An open bar and the gathering of family and friends.
Ultimate song to dance to at a wedding: Why don’t we go with the chicken dance, because you don’t want to get too serious with that song. You’re at a wedding and you’re having fun!
Best piece of marriage advice: Communicate and compromise.
Best thing about working on the Southern Wedding renovation: I have a great client!

We can’t wait to share all of their hard work soon! Take a look at the progress on #TheOfficeReno!

lisa Written with love by Lisa

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