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Southern Weddings

Monthly Archives: September 2011

We’ll be back with part two of Blake + Lisa’s lovely country wedding oh so soon, but before that, I wanted to let y’all know about some VERY exciting V4 updates!

We are in our last week of production for the new issue. We made the decision to push back the release date just a bit — to October 25 — but for a VERY good reason. Y’all, V4 is going to be more than 100 pages fatter than V3!!! We had so much amazing content we just had to push our page count higher. Seriously, you ladies + gents are going to die.

Lara’s desk this week, amidst V4 prep. She believes in controlled chaos.

Oh, you’d like a small teaser? Well, get ready for beyond-gorgeous and never-before-seen real weddings from Tec Petaja, A Bryan Photo, Jonathan Canlas, Tanja Lippert, This Modern Romance, Christian Oth, Adam Barnes, Sean Flanigan, Melissa Schollaert, Gina Zeidler, and Jodi Miller. WHEW!!

Also, be prepared to feast your eyes on unbelievably Southern editorial spreads from Jose Villa, A Bryan Photo, Joey + Jessica, Katie Stoops, Braedon Flynn, Corbin Gurkin, Trent Bailey, and Paper Antler. DOUBLE WHEW!!

Dapper bow ties, ready and waiting to be photographed for V4!

And possibly the most exciting part about all of these features? By my calculations, more than half were shot on film. Though we love all kinds of photos at Southern Weddings, we will happily admit to having an especially soft spot in our hearts for good old film — there’s just nothing like it’s soft, dreamy colors. Many, many thanks to our friends at Richard Photo Lab for helping make this possible!

Last bit of exciting news: with all these extra pages for gorgeous content, we do have just a few more pages for gorgeous ads. Four, in fact. Since we are SO close to our deadline and we’ve got to move these fast, we’re offering 25% off on these slots. The only catch? You must have your ad materials ready to go, and you must confirm by tomorrow (Friday). Sound like the perfect opportunity for you and your business? Just shoot Whitney an email (whitney at iloveswmag dot com), and she’ll get you taken care of.

WE CAN’T WAIT, Y’ALL!! Get excited!!!

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar emma @ w+e photographie reply

    i can’t wait to see v4! and the dapper bow ties are just perfect- i’d buy them all for my tie-loving husband if i could!

  2. avatar Em reply

    I can’t wait to see all the goodness!!

  3. avatar Southern Weddings Weekly Round-Up « Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] excited for V4?? Y’all, we’ve been working like crazy this past week to fit in all of the amazing features and photos into our magazine. (In between […]

  4. avatar Southern Weddings Weekly Round-Up | Gift Registry News reply

    […] excited for V4?? Y’all, we’ve been working like crazy this past week to fit in all of the amazing features and photos into our magazine. (In between […]

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Lisa + Blake’s Cedar Springs Farm wedding looks so vibrant and dramatic through Jamie Clayton’s lens. Lisa’s dark purple calla lilies stand out against her ruched Pronovias gown and play well off the yellow in her bridesmaids’ David’s Bridal frocks. I love the sweet details the couple included, like the curtain and fabric draping on the porch of the farm house and the mason jars filled with happy daisies. Lisa + Blake wanted a venue that matched their personalities and then spent the week leading up to the wedding decorating and crafting. Their genuine efforts look like a sweet Southern affair!

How did the two of you meet? Tell us your story. My best friend, Cassie started working at Barley’s in Knoxville, a restaurant and bar. Blake was working there as well, and when I would go visit Cassie at Barleys, I kept running into Blake. We spent some time together in passing, played pool, and eventually went on our first date to a Smokies baseball game in April 2008.
Describe the proposal. Blake took me out of town one weekend to see one of our favorite comedians in Greensboro, South Carolina. On our way back, he wanted to go to the Biltmore, so we did. We went on a walk down by the duck pond there and stopped and sat under a tree by the pond. He got down on one knee and proposed – he was so nervous, and I was completely surprised! I had no idea it was coming, but all of my family and friends did. After crying, laughing, and being mostly in shock, we came back to Knoxville that night. Cassie had cooked us dinner, and my family and best friend, Chelsea had come in from out of town to surprise us. We all had dinner together. It was a great day.
Three adjectives that describe the day are: Emotional, relaxing, fun!
Tell us about finding your wedding dress: The wedding dress was actually one of the first ones I tried on. My mom and I went to the White Room in Lebanon, TN, and I tried on a few dresses. The winner was a mermaid cut, oyster colored Pronovias wedding gown with lots of ruching around the middle. I think we both knew immediately that it was the one. I tried on several dresses after that, but my mind just kept coming back to that one dress. It was perfect!
Describe your wedding flowers: The bridal bouquet was simple, with dark purple calla lilies. The bridesmaids’ bouquets had both white and purple calla lilies. We also had lots of daisies, African violets, and other colorful flowers around the ceremony and reception area.
Did you write your own vows? If so, what was your favorite phrase, verse or line? No, we used traditional vows, but we both really liked the idea of having the guests participate in the vows by saying “we do” promise to support us in our marriage.

Photographer: Jamie Clayton Photography // Videographer: Joshua Cox // Planner: Linda Ligon (family friend) // Venue: Cedar Springs Farm // Florist: Oakley’s Flower and Gifts // Wedding Cake Baker: Patti Vaughn // Caterer: LaDonna Brown // Bride’s Dress: Pronovias // Bride’s Hair Accessories/Veil: bride’s mother’s // Bride’s Shoes: Nine West // Bridesmaids’ Dresses: David’s Bridal

nicoleyang Written with love by Nicole
  1. avatar Amber reply

    What a happy wedding! I love the color combination and the rustic feel really works well with it :)

  2. avatar Caroline Fontenot reply

    Yeah Jamie! Great wedding!

  3. avatar Jamie Clayton reply

    Thanks so much guys!!! This all looks so great!

  4. avatar V4 Behind the Scenes Update! « Southern Weddings Magazine reply

    […] be back with part two of Blake + Lisa’s lovely country wedding oh so soon, but before that, I wanted to let y’all know about some VERY exciting V4 updates! […]

  5. avatar Ulmer Studios – Nashville Indie Wedding Photographers reply

    Hecky yes!!! Jamie is my boy!!! Way to bring it bro!

  6. avatar Friday Flowers: Calla Lilies | Elizabeth Anne Designs: The Wedding Blog reply

    […] {yellow bridesmaids with dark calla bouquets by Oakley’s Flower and Gifts, photos by Jamie Clayton via Southern Weddings} […]

  7. avatar Monochromatic Monday :: Rosemary & Cream | Camille Styles reply

    […] covet garden; alessandra ambrosio street style via refined style; baby’s breath wreath from southern wedding; baguette favor from 100 layer cake; ‘yay’ flag, original source unknown; chevron […]

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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How-To with Nicole: Preserving

by in Main on

I love me some mason jars. Useful, versatile and cute, these glass jars often show up in the most unexpected places but seem to fit in everywhere. However, let’s not forget why we started using mason jars in the first place. As summer winds down and we start bunkering down for winter (I’ll be the first to admit, even an inch of snow means I’ll be hibernating), we begin the process of canning little pieces of summer to get us through the cold months.

In today’s How-To, I’ll be covering the basics of preserving fruits. So grab your apron, pick your peaches, and let’s get started! By the end of this post, you’ll be ready to make your own canned goods. And if you feel so compelled, you can even offer them to weddings guests as a favor!

You will need:

-Your choice of fruit
-Mason jars, sterilized
-1 pot to boil fruit and liquid
-1 large pot for water bath
-Wire rack for the bottom of the water bath
-Jar rack or jar lifter
-Ingredients to preserve (This changes based on your recipe or if you choose to make jams or jellies)

Image Credit: Steep Street via Green Wedding Shoes

What you do:

1. Pick the right mason jar. They should be made for canning, so buying Mason or Ball jar is ideal. Make sure there are no cracks or knicks in the jars. This can cause them to break or seal improperly.

2. Wash your mason jars well. Sticking them in the dishwasher is a good idea, since the heat and water pressure ensure that contaminates are removed. You don’t want that in your food! When they’re washed, try not to touch the inside of the can or the inside of the lid. You can also boil the jars. Make sure they stay hot so they don’t break when you pour your preserves inside.

3. Grab your fruit! Hardier fruits like apples and peaches can be preserved really well, as opposed to soft fruits like plums and figs. Although, any fruit can be preserved if you’re up for the challenge! Peel the fruit and remove the core and stem. Then, cut it the way you prefer — whether into chunks or wedges.

4. Follow your recipe here. Most of them call for you to boil the fruit in water and sugar so that it forms a syrup. You can adjust the amount of sugars and other spices you use based on your taste.

5. When you’re done making your syrup, pour the mixture carefully into your mason jars. Leave about a quarter of an inch of space on top, so the jars will seal correctly. Keep in mind that some recipes might call for a different amount of space.

Image credit: Josh Goodman via Style Me Pretty

6. Place the lid and band on top of your jar and tighten it (but not too tight!).

7. Place the jars in the water bath. Make sure they’re sitting on top of a wire rack so they don’t break while processing. There should be an inch or two of water about the mason jars.

8. Process your jars for the length of time recommended by your recipe.

9. After the processing time is up, carefully remove your mason jars from the water bath with a jar lifter. Let them sit and cool down, then wipe them down with a towel so the lids don’t rust. As the jars cool, the lids should seal with a “pop.” If you don’t hear a pop, then your fruit isn’t preserved correctly and needs to be refrigerated and used soon.

10. Label your jars and store them in a cool, dry place. Your preserves will last up to a year if preserved and stored properly. Just enough time to enjoy them until summer comes again!

Next time, learn how to pickle your veggies!

Anything you’d like to know how to do? Leave a comment or email me!

nicoleyang Written with love by Nicole

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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