Google+ Contest : Corey Klein Fitness Giveaway - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

We know last week was jam-packed on the blog and in our office, so we wanted to give you another week to enter this fun fitness giveaway!

So, your big day is coming up and you want to look your very best. Who doesn’t? Many brides embark on a wedding dress shape-up to look absolutely stunning on their big day. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to stick to a fitness plan when you are rushing back and forth between cake tastings (yum!), dress fittings, and location scouting.

Corey Klein is a personal trainer in the Memphis area and he is here to help! Wouldn’t it be nice to have some fitness accountability to keep you on track? Need someone to show you how to best target those trouble spots?

Win: A lucky winner will receive free fitness training before their big day from Corey Klein. The winner will receive a personal consultation with Klein to assess their wedding workout goals. Workouts will be conducted via web-cam and through prerecorded workouts. In addition, winners will receive nutrition advice to help meet their goals and yoga videos to help de-stress during the undoubtedly busy wedding planning season.  Sweet!

To Enter: To win a series of free sessions with personal trainer Corey Klein, send a photo to whitney {at} iloveswmag {dot} com with a paragraph explaining how you think you would benefit from a trainer, why you want to win this great prize, and your wedding date. Please also comment on this post to let us know you’ve emailed Whitney!

This contest ends Monday, June 14 at midnight!

Written with love by Katharine
  1. avatar Morgan reply

    I just sent my e-mail! Can’t wait to see my name as a winner :)

  2. avatar Krista B. reply

    Hi Whitney! I just sent you an email and a picture! :)

  3. avatar Nancy Elizabeth reply

    Hi Whitney! I sent in my email! Thank you!

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