Google+ Candy-Coated Photo Contest: Winner Announced! - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

Happy May, y’all!  I don’t know what things have been like in your neck of the woods, but down here in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, it’s like we magically jumped from a dark and chilly winter to a hot, hot summer.  Not that I’m complaining or anything…

Another recent discovery: our readers love candy (almost) as much as I do, hence the eager voting on our recent Candy-Coated Bling Contest.  We narrowed down our submissions to our fave five, and y’all voted to pick our winner. 

And what a close vote it was!  Julie Harmsen’s cotton candy goodness, Abby’s Demonic Bunnies and Dana Goodson’s piece of chocolate heaven all were within one (yes, one) vote of each other!  So who came out on top?

#1!  Congratulaitions, Julie!  We love us some cotton candy – and diamonds.  Definitely diamonds. 

I’ll be sending you a bag full of my favorite sugary treats.  Email me with your address!  But hurry… I’m not sure how long I can hold onto this candy without dipping into it myself…

Thanks again to our entrants and to all our readers who voted.  Have a great week!

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar Ashley HH reply

    Oh yeah, Florida is HOT already! I think it was 92 today? Something ridiculous.

  2. avatar Jacquelyn reply

    Its still wishy washy here…60’s one day, 80’s the next. Congrats Julie! I like to think that one winning vote was from me!

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