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Southern Weddings

The SW girls love Spencer Brodsky.  (We’re also a little tiny bit star-struck whenever we talk to him or read about his exploits, but that is neither here nor there.)  I mean, the guy’s personally launched three international charities (Stoves for Darfur, Stoves for Rwanda and Tents in Haiti) and raised over $160,000 in the process, produced his own documentary (Never Again: Not On Our Watch), spearheaded a segment for CNN International and even interviewed Senator Hillary Clinton, so forgive us if we’re a little intimidated – I mean, impressed.

Did I mention that the social activist/interviewer to the stars is an eighteen-year-old senior in Potomac, Maryland?  (Yes, you read that right: high school senior, as in more-accomplished-than-we’ll-ever-be.)

Once we got over our collective shock that someone so young could do so much, we focused on the work Spencer was doing.  This kid’s launched one worldwide movement after another, folks.  His most recent undertaking, Tents in Haiti, seeks to provide temporary shelter to the displaced victims of the recent earthquake in Haiti.  While shelter, as Spencer points out, is a basic necessity for everyone, strong, sturdy tents are even more important to the Haitian population now that torrential rains have plagued the country.

To support Spencer’s cause and, most importantly, to help the people of Haiti, I’m going to give you the chance to win something (err, someone) very special.  Yes, ladies (and gentleman!) of Southern Weddings: I am auctioning off a date with my boss!  (Hi, Lara!)  Okay, so maybe it’s not a date-date, but I am giving you the chance to win an hour with her to spend however you’d like. 

Some options?  A candlelit dinner at her favorite place in the world, Whole Foods.  A rigorous morning workout at the gym, complete with a five mile run and personalized playlist.  A one-on-one conversation about why Emily, Whitney and I are so amazing – and trust me, we are.

None of these sound good?  How about an hour of free wedding planning and personalized event consultation by the Editor-in-Chief of Southern Weddings for all you brides-to-be?  (Didn’t know Lara planned weddings?  Well, she does in her non-existent free time… and they’re kind of ridiculously awesome.)  And for all you creative types (artists, photographers, wedding planners, you name it), Lara will spend an hour reviewing your branding material, going over your goals for 2010 and helping you come up with a kick-butt business plan that will make things happen for you this year.

Now that I’ve (hopefully) got your attention, the auction for Ms. Lara A. Casey ends at 2:20 p.m. on Saturday, February 27, so place your bids now!  Of course, all proceeds will benefit Tents in Haiti and CHF Interational, the organization providing the tents.

Let the auction for Lara Casey begin!  Going once, going twice…


P.S.  To give you a little background about our friend, Spencer, read his motivating interview later this afternoon!

Written with love by Southern Weddings

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