Google+ In Remembrance - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings


In Remembrance

by in In The Office on

{Image c/o Philipp Klinger on Flickr}

Pausing for a moment to remember those who lost their lives in the September 11 attacks eight years ago, and to thank all those civilians and servicemen and women who helped out on that day and the days that followed it.

God bless America.

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar Coretta reply

    Thank you for doing this post. I’m active duty in the Air Force and was a little surprise about the lack of even a mention of September 11 by most of the blogs.

  2. avatar Michelle Guzman Photographers reply

    Yes, thank you for reminding us to be thankful. I feel so blessed to be an American.

  3. avatar bridal girl reply

    Yes, a pause for those who left us…

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