Google+ Contest: Canditto Photo Kiosk Winner - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

Wow! I received some FANTASTIC responses to this week’s contest. Picking one winner was nearly impossible! The Canditto Photo Kiosk is a great new gadget for any wedding! Who wouldn’t want all of the photos taken of your wedding from friends and family immediately? Fabulous!

This week we asked contestants to send in an email describing one word that described them as a couple and a picture to illustrate it. After much deliberation, we have chosen Abby Bowersox and her fiancé! Check out their response:


I would say that the one word that describes our relationship is: supportive.

My fiancé and I have been through some pretty big ups and downs, and he has been there through all of it, supporting me and loving me, always holding my hand.


Congratulations to Abby! She will win 1 free rental of the Canditto Photo Kiosk!

lara Written with love by Lara Casey