Google+ Details: Audrey + Paul - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

Audrey + Paul decided they wanted their wedding to be elegant but not to elaborate. Their advice for future brides and grooms is to have a couple own personality shine through on the wedding design.  With advice like that and photos by the amazing Nate and Jaclyn Kaiser of {The Image is Found}, we new this was one wedding we had to share with our readers.  For planning this wedding, Audrey + Paul got their family involved.  It wasn’t about just attending the wedding for this family as Audrey’s aunts Eugenia Sangines and Isabel Heckman did the catering, Audrey’s mom Lily Williams operated as the florist and planner and the wedding cake was baked by Marcelle Williams, another aunt to Audrey.  For the bridal wear, Audrey + Paul did do some shopping.  Audrey’s dress came from {Bridal Veil} and the bridesmaids dresses came from {David’s Bridal}.  One of the highlights of the evening was the smile booth by The Image is Found photographers.  Audrey + Paul and their guests got to take some hilarious photos of themselves and we invite you to check it out {here}.

How did the two of you meet? Tell us your story: From Audrey: We met for the first time November 2002. Paul came to San Diego with my brother and a bunch of my close friends who all lived in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. We always kept in touch sporadically, but only as friends. Our friends always joked and prompted us to get together but we both never felt the urge to take that next step. Then Paul moved to San Diego April 2007 due to a job opening at the church as a graphic designer. ( I got him the job.) He started seeing me a little more than a friend in December 2007. He said my long legs in skirts sealed the deal in his head. He sat me down at good ‘ol IHOP to tell me how he felt in March 2008. (It was late and nothing else was open). After he laid it out, I told him I would think about it but that we should hang out more. After many dinner interviews and me scrutinizing his every move, we became an official couple March 31st and the rest is history! ( I did break up with him a month after we got together cause I had a “freak out” moment, but I only lasted three days without him.)
Describe the proposal: In September 2008, we both went to a church conference in Hawaii along with our co-workers. We both were on different flights. I arrived before he did. He texted me as soon as he arrived and asked if I wanted to meet him to watch the sunset on our first night in Hawaii. I said yes, quickly got ready and met him down by the shore. He looked incredibly happy and extra handsome but I still had no clue! He walked me to the shoreline but the problem was that it was getting dark, and we were a little late to dinner, so I was trying to convince him that we should just come out a different night. He was persistent and than tried to get me to look out into the ocean and I turned around and he was on one knee holding a beautiful ring! I was so shocked, elated, knees knocking, etc. One of my best friends was waiting and hiding behind a tree and she jumped out and took a bunch of photo’s. It was such perfect timing cause all our close friends were there to celebrate this moment with us!
What attracted me to my husband was: His quiet strength, and how affectionate he is. He’s funny and very attentive to details about me
Why do you love your husband? He makes me feel like I’m the most important person in the world!
What attracted me to my wife was: There are many things, but a short list would be: her beauty, her love for people, she loves life and she never wants to settle for second best in anything.
A date we went on that we’ll always remember: One of our first dates we went on as a couple was a night we decided to go casual and get some great burgers down Hodad’s Burgers in San Diego. We just talked for hours and enjoyed the relaxed beach atmosphere, and then went for a walk along the boardwalk to take in the cool ocean air.
The weather on our wedding day was: 75 and sunny.
What was the design inspiration for your wedding? Elegant but not too elaborate. Like the bride. We wanted the design to reflect our personalities.
Favorite design element of your big day: The dress, of course!
Tell us about finding your wedding dress: I found it after the second day of looking. I bought it right of the rack. I was looking for more of a sleek, form-fitting dress, but my mom suggested I try on this pouffy, princess-style dress. I tried it on and lets say that the rest is history! I then had to fend off the women shopping cause they wanted to try it on after.
Describe your wedding flowers: A mix of blue hydrangeas, white spider mums, and white chinas.
Describe your wedding cake: It was a phenomenal looking Croqembouche. It is a French cake of pastry puffs filled with custard, all stacked into a tower. As a décor, there were chocolate covered strawberries.
Our favorite detail of the wedding was: The picture slideshow we had during the ceremony and reception.
What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome while planning your wedding? Having our ceremony and wedding dinner in two different locations. And not only that, but it was a 40 minute commute between the two.
Were there any special family traditions you included in the wedding? At the wedding dinner, the bride’s family served a favorite latin family dish called ‘Fricase’. My mom is from Bolivia, South America. It was a tad bit spicy but so flavorful!
What was your most memorable moment about your wedding day? Probably, our ceremony. We joked around a bit and had some laughs while we were on stage performing our vows.
Scariest moment? We didn’t have scary moments on that day. Do butterfly’s in the stomach count?
Funniest moment? Audrey: “I asked the best man to pose as me for the garter toss. He took off his pants and put on some nylons and we sat him on a chair and I stood over him so my dress folded over his lap draping down his legs. We blindfolded Paul, spun him around and told him to find me and go for the garter belt with his teeth. It was hilarious seeing him tuck his head under my dress, feeling up the best man’s leg. Everyone in the room was rolling!
Hardest decision you made in planning? Who to invite and being okay with possibly offending someone for not inviting them. That was the hardest part for us.
The most unexpected event on our wedding day was: Having our close friends and family tell embarrassing stories about us at the wedding dinner.
Three adjectives that describe the day are: Momentous, breath taking, fun.
Did you write your own vows? No. my pastor comes up with the best flow.
What advice would you give to someone planning their wedding? Create your wedding day according to the flavor you and your spouse-to-be carry. Personality in a wedding is everything! Take time and prioritize to make sure the little details that reflect who you both are happen. It makes your day become more meaningful and memorable!
Best advice or most memorable comment someone made to you during the wedding celebration. Take time out a couple times throughout the day together to look around and soak everything in and make mental snap shots so you remember. The day goes by so fast!
Who was your most honored guest at the wedding? We didn’t have just one honored guest. We both have some of the most incredible family members and they went all out to help make sure our day went exactly how we wanted it to be!
What’s next for you as a couple? What are you looking forward to in the future? Two can be more impacting in life than one. We both don’t want to live selfish lives and believe giving and serving others however we can leads the most fun and fulfilling life. We’ll see where God takes us and how life unfolds, but whatever which way, we are excited about the ride!

Congratulations to Audrey + Paul.  We wish you a life that is filled with happiness and an enjoyable ride!

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar Sarah reply

    That picture with them laying under the stars is fantastic! I’m in love!

  2. avatar Audrey Churchward reply

    Thank you southern wedding for choosing and posting such an incredible day for us! My friends and family were stoked to see this!! Man, I miss my pastry puffs….

  3. avatar her uncle reply

    I was there and it’s all true. You guys are so well spoken too!?! Shouldn’t be surprised being artists ‘n musicians and all. But the last wedding I go to I always think as the greatest. Your brother and sister had awesome weddings too! The LORD brings it all together like no one can :-)

  4. avatar Liliana – bride’s mom reply

    Both Audrey and Paul and very artistic – musicians, graphic artist, drawing/painting, ballet (Audrey, of course) so it was fun to hear the details they came-up with. We knew the music would be terriffic. The color palette was very original, specially when Audrey first presented it – so original that we could not deliver just what she wanted, so we worked with what was available and we were pretty impressed with the results. Someone described our family as people that definitelly color outside the lines – it has been a wonderful adventure to dream and implement things we had never seen/done before just to show Audrey and Paul how much they are admiored and loved.

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