Google+ PreOwnedWeddingDresses.Com Winners! - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

{PreOwnedWeddingDresses.Com} is the perfect website for recently married brides and newly engaged brides to check out. For all the engaged brides looking for their dream dress PreOwnedWeddingDreeses.Com is composed of over 15,000 gowns for sale! Vera Wang, Oscar de la Renta, J. Crew, Anne Barge, Rivini, Lazaro, Judd Waddell, and more designer gowns are available for resale. With a search engine that allows you to search for say all the dresses in one size, neckline or a particular designer, a brides is certain to find a dress to turn heads on their big day.

But there is another great side to PreOwnedWeddingDresses.Com, specifically for our recent brides looking to sell their dresses. The site allows for unlimited text and protects against giving out an email address. Also, the site doesn’t make a commission off of the money made on a dress sale but only requires a $25 listing fee for dresses.

Josie Daga, the owner of PreOwenedWeddingDresses.Com gave us a few free listings give away to recent brides to sell their fabulous wedding dresses. We asked recent brides to leave comments about how they felt in their wedding dress, why it was special and what they hoped for the next bride.  These responses were just what we were looking for. 

Ladies, you amaze me! What great answers and we think the brides that receive your dresses will be just as happy as you are.  Please email me {laura_e at swsmag dot com} with your contact information and I will get you set up on the site. Do you wanna win? You can.  Enter these contests now! {Beau-Coup} and {Custom Wedding Labels}.

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar jesi haack reply

    i LOVE this idea, it’s what we have ALL been waiting for, the new bride AND the former bride! Woo hoo!

  2. avatar Helene reply

    Brilliant idea! Especially in this economy but I would have loved th find that kind of site when I got married!

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