Google+ Lucky 13 Contest: ENDS TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

{Lucky Designs} has generously donated a set of 25 custom monogrammed note cards for one lucky winner. Just leave a comment on this post telling us about your luckiest experience or moment in life.  Be sure to check out the {Lucky Me BLOG} for daily inspiration and exciting new designs.  Contest ends TONIGHT!

About Lucky Designs:

SWS: You are such a creative talent. What inspired you to start designing for weddings?
LD: My own wedding! I had such an incredible time designing my stationery for my own wedding (and so many compliments from my guests), that I wanted to continue being involved in the wedding planning process. I love that I get to “be a guest” at many other beautiful events.

SWS: We love your blog. How did you get started with the blog and how has it grown since you began?
LD: I started reading blogs during my own wedding preparation. It did not take me long to gravitate toward the most creative and informative blogs. I was struck by the support bloggers offer their readers and by their ability to reach such a huge, diverse audience. I wanted to offer up my own thoughts and sort of “pay it forward” by documenting ideas that I had or had borrowed. Feedback from blog readers is a very powerful incentive. Gradually, it made more and more sense for the blog to support our family business, Lucky Designs as well. All in all, my blog, Lucky Me, has been a very positive experience.


SWS: Favorite invitation designers, blogs, wedding designers?
LD: Favorite Invitation Designers – {Ceci New York}, {Vera Wang}, {Kate Spade}
Favorite Blogs – {Creature Comforts}, {Masterpiece Weddings}, {Soiree Special Events}, {Eco-Chic Weddings}, {Corsentino Photographer}

SWS: What inspires you?
LD: I am inspired by how much the people behind these blogs and companies care about their clients. I have a deep-seated conviction that the caring and personal involvement is what makes their writing, products and services remarkable.

SWS: What’s next for Lucky Designs? Any future projects you are excited about?
LD: I am very excited to announce that we are currently working on a standard set of invitations for our clients. We want to offer unique designs that will be transformed with the couple’s colors for their event, but without the price of custom invitations. In the next year, I am also hoping to introduce eco-friendly paper options as well.  In terms of projects, we are so flattered to be a part of Masterpiece Weddings’ “Let’s Eat Cake” fundraiser for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Lucky Designs is in the process of creating the Save The Date cards for the event which will bring pastry chefs from around the country together in a bake off to be judged by celebrity judges. We hope to actually attend the event as well – talk about inspiration! In the interim, we are determined to keep the blog and our products worthy of all the wonderful compliments we have received. It is a huge responsibility to create a product for an occasion like a wedding, but it is also very rewarding to be a part of a momentous day.

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar David [C+D Photography] reply

    The luckiest moment in my life for me has to be meeting my wife. I know that sounds cheesy but hear me out. I met her in poetry class in college and one day decided to ask if she would accompany me back to my car, as I couldn’t find my keys and might need a ride. She accepted and when we got there we discovered my car was still on with the keys in the ignition. It had sat that way for three classes (about 4 hours). No one had stolen anything from it and it was just sitting there purring away. Not only was I lucky enough to not have my car stolen but for some reason Cathy stayed interested in me. 6 months later we were engaged and have now been married for over a year and together for over three. I say that’s pretty dang lucky, don’t you? :-D

  2. avatar Amy reply

    My luckiest moment isn’t just one moment – it’s been the entire past few months. I just graduated law school after working my butt off for the past 3 years, and got engaged! I am on top of the world! (Except for right now while I study for the bar – I’m hoping for some luck come the end of July so that I pass this thing!)

  3. avatar Katasha {at} K Sherrie+Company Weddings reply

    My luckiest moment has been starting my event planning business. It is such a 180 from what I am by education (Doctor of Pharmacy) but I have sooooo much fun doing it! Planning the events AND running the business.And I LOVE Lucky Me Designs! She has done some great work for me.

  4. avatar Diana reply

    My luckiest moment was when I found my sweetheart!

  5. avatar Kelsey reply

    I am Irish. But the "Luck of the Irish" should really be the "unluck of the Irish" as I find we Irish are usually unlucky. However, my one luckiest moment was when I met my fiance. It was a total fluke (My company hired his band for a show) and we never saw each other again…until he randomly found my number in their booking contract and decided to call. I never thought I’d hear from him again and then I did! Lucky Me!

  6. avatar Kat reply

    My luckiest moment stemmed from a horrible experience. I had just lost my first job out of college due to conflicts with my coworkers and was living on severance while trying to find a new career. A long-time blog reader who had recently moved from the East Coast to my city heard that I was looking and told me that there was a great opening at the company where he worked. This company was less than a mile from where I lived in a great waterfront neighborhood. Needless to say, I got the job and it was everything I’d been looking for in a career all along. I have great coworkers at a company that does great things… all because of a blog reader. How lucky is that?

  7. avatar kristin @ the fairmount bride reply

    Aside from the obvious, I would have to say it was when I was in the 5th grade. I won the "Guess the Amount of M&M’s in the Jar" contest in my math class. I got to take them all home! :)

  8. avatar maryclaireb reply

    My luckiest moment, by far, was winning a game show in college! It was definitely luck and not skill…

  9. avatar Lauren reply

    My luckiest moment was when I got back to my apartment in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and found that I hadn’t lost a thing! It felt especially lucky because so many others weren’t so fortunate. Looking back a few years later, I realize I was extra lucky, since my evacuation buddy is now my fiance.

  10. avatar Rae reply

    I have had my moments of luck. I have always won those "guess how many are in the jar" things. Seriously…I have won 5 of them. I won a camera once. I won a folding chair at a convention too. But, my luckiest moment of all was getting pregnant with my sweet daughter. If you know anything about conception, it’s kind of a chance thing, but my story is a little different. My hubby and I tried to get pregnant for 3 years with no "luck." I have an endocrine disorder called Polcystic Ovary Syndrome that causes a bunch of problems, the biggest being infertility. We went to a reproductive endocrinologist (fertility specialist) and we did several rounds of fertility treatments that failed. My body just did not respond to the different pills. The doctor decided to go a more aggressive route and I had to give myself injections. YUCK! I was so excited to see that my ovaries were responding, but not enough. The next cycle, we went super aggressive and I finally had some mature eggs. I was elated. Unfortunately, my doctor wasn’t as happy as I was. He said I now had too many eggs and I couldn’t complete the cycle. WHAT?! Too many?? He said that he couldn’t take the chance of me getting pregnant with sextuplets. I was devastated. But, my luck turned around. The nurse mentioned switching me to in vitro fertilization and the doctor agreed to do it. I was their first patient to switch from a conventional fertility cycle to in vitro. I was so lucky to have had THAT nurse in the room that day! Two days later, I was undergoing the egg harvesting surgery. I had six mature eggs that were fertilized. Sadly, only 2 survived the 3-day wait and one of those was lagging behind. My "good" embryo was only given a mid-range score. It wasn’t a great day for me. The doctor tried to remain hopeful, but I knew the odds were stacked against me and I could read his face. He also started talking about "next time." I went home and cried for the 2 days of bed rest. But, 2 weeks later, my pregnancy test came back positive. I WAS PREGNANT. I was so excited. I didn’t know if I would be pregnant next month or next week even, but I was pregnant that day. Eight months after my positive pregnancy test I delivered the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen. Her cry was the sweetest sound I had ever heard. On April 4th, 2007, my prayers had been answered and I felt like the luckiest person alive. I was chosen to be the mommy of a miracle. I go back to the clinic often to make sure they remember us. That mediocre embryo turned into the most beautiful baby. She even has her own blog!! So, was it luck or divine intervention? I don’t know, but I am guessing it was a mixture of the two!

  11. avatar Lucky Lupe reply

    Nice to see a contest centered around something positive! I loved reading the comments. As part of Lucky Designs, it is gratifying to see my daughter’s talented designs featured on such a terrific blog.

  12. avatar Jessica Lynn reply

    I could easily say that going to the Rascal Flatts concert back in September 2005 was the luckiest day of my life because I met my fiance there. But I’ll go another route. I am SO lucky to have my little blog. Everyday I get some 300 readers that tune in, and sometimes comment, on my wedding planning. Even if they don’t comment and leave words of advice or inspiration, they are there. My blog gives me a daily outlet for my wedding thoughts, inspiration, and stress. I don’t know what I would do without it! Annnnd Lucky Designs designed our monogram, so it wouldn’t hurt to have matching monogram notecards!! :)

  13. avatar marriah reply

    I’ve never really considered myself a "lucky" person, but then again, I’ve never been particularly unlucky, either. Probably my most lucky day was the day I met my fiance, although I didn’t really know it until about 1.5 years later when we finally started dating! Nothing too particular to remember, but we became good friends pretty quickly!

  14. avatar Michele reply

    So my luckiest day will be April 4th, 2009 – our wedding day. And I actually plan on incorporating that in my vows! (I can tell you this b/c my FI doesn’t read blogs). =) I am not a lucky person. I enter raffles for the donation aspect, not because I have a shot at winning. When "winning" names are called, I am never paying attention because I know its not me; it never is. But I don’t think I’m unlucky. I think everyone has an allotted amount of "lucky" points for life, and I have just been saving mine up. I never bothered to cash them in on raffles or lotteries. Instead, I choose to save my points and cash them all in on April 4th 2009 when I hear him say "I do."

  15. avatar lindsey reply

    I have to say I am not 100% sold on the whole "luck" thing. I think that every one is blessed in certain ways and with certain gifts and we may percieve this as luck when that is not what it is at all. That being said…I was all set to leave for college in a new state. My mom prayed that I’d find a reason to stay since she didn’t want me to leave. A few months before I left I began dating my future husband and college out of state was no longer an option because I couldn’t leave him. I’m quite blessed/lucky that I had a mom wishing + praying for me to stay or I’d never have met my hubby!

  16. avatar Lauren reply

    The luckiest moment in my life is when I knew, that I knew, that I knew, that my sweet Rodney was the one. He was coming to pick me up for a date, I walked down the stairs, saw him talking to my family members, and he looked up at me… our eyes locked, and I just knew. "This is the man I’m going to marry. I’m such a lucky girl!"1 year and 14 days later, he purposed on the lake in a gazebo… my thoughts again… "I’m the luckiest girl!" Rodney is an amazing man. Kind, loving, understanding and compassionate… when I’d think of the perfect fit for me and the kind of man that I want to go through life with, Rodney is the perfect match for all those wishes. I am, the luckiest girl :)

  17. avatar Ley reply

    What a fun give-away! Well, aside from meeting my fiance, which was amazingly lucky, I’d have to say my luckiest moment is something many people would find decidedly unlucky: being diagnosed with cancer. I say it is lucky, though, because it was a very rare cancer in a very early, hard-to-detect stage, and it so just happened that the pediatrician who saw me that day had recently diagnosed another child with the cancer (an atonishing improbabilty), so had I not gone in to see that doctor on that day, I couldn’t have not been diagnosed until it was in a much later stage. That was probably the luckiest moment of my life!

  18. avatar Noelle McCoy reply

    My luckiest moment was when I finally decided to sign up for guitar lessons, my assigned teacher turned out to be totally hot. Guess he thought I was totally hot as well, because after a few months he ended up asking me out, and it was my last first date for the rest of my life!

  19. avatar Noelle McCoy reply

    My luckiest moment was when I finally decided to sign up for guitar lessons, my assigned teacher turned out to be totally hot. Guess he thought I was totally hot as well, because after a few months he ended up asking me out, and it was my last first date for the rest of my life!

  20. avatar Noelle McCoy reply

    My luckiest moment was when I finally decided to sign up for guitar lessons, my assigned teacher turned out to be totally hot. Guess he thought I was totally hot as well, because after a few months he ended up asking me out, and it was my last first date for the rest of my life!

  21. avatar Le reply

    Getting into Grad school and getting out with no debt. It changed me in more ways than I can count, including leading me to my current job and future husband.

  22. avatar Fabulously Lizy reply

    The luckiest thing that has ever happened to me is attending a company sales rally and meeting my fiance. It was luck to meet and connect amidst the hundres of people there. And meeting him has changed my entire life. We will be getting married in September and I feel like the luckiest person ever!

  23. avatar Blaire reply

    My luckiest moment is when I realized how much my Mom and her heritage mean to me. My Mom’s family is from Eastern Europe. As a child, I took her traditions and beliefs for granted. She would tell my sisters and I stories of how close her family was before they passed away and of life growing up in a Russian Orthodox Church. Five years ago I began the tradition of celebrating Russian (Little) Christmas (January 7) at my house and inviting her extended family to celebrate traditions. My mom, sisters and I bond in the kitchen over my great grandmother’s recipes and share stories over dinner. We are very blessed to grow more each year as a family.

Southern Weddings reserves the right to delete comments which contain profanity or personal attacks or seek to promote a business unrelated to the post.  And remember: a good attitude is like kudzu – it spreads.  We love hearing your kind thoughts!

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