Putting together Southern Weddings V3 was such a beyond awesome experience and the very best part of the process (in my humble opinion) was that we got to learn about every inch of the South and how Southern culture differs from Texas to Florida to North Carolina.
We’ve loved having the opportunity to explore and learn about all of the corners of the South and what better way to commemorate all the Southern Weddings explorations than with map cuff links from Etsy favorite Tomato-Made? Tomato-Made creates cuff links, necklaces and rings from vintage maps. Believe me, they are so original and just plain cool! I’m definitely thinking about getting a vintage Tomato-Made map necklace for myself.
Win: Three lucky winners will each win a pair of map cuff links from Tomato-Made. They make great gifts for your groom-to-be.
To Enter: If you had a free plane ticket to travel absolutely anywhere in the South, where would you go? Why? Leave a comment below for your chance to be one of three winners!
This contest will end at midnight on Monday, October 18th. Enter now!
New Orleans! I would love to explore the history that created the beautiful city.
I would have to say Nashville. I'm from North Carolina, but I've never been. I'm a huge music fan and a photographer, so there would be plenty for me to see and hear.
If I had a free plane ticket anywhere? I'd go back home to Texas. See my best friend again, meet my nieces and my cousin's daughter for the first time, and see family I haven't seen since I was ten. Yeah, I'd go back to Texas. :)
Chapel Hill, NC. I want to take my fiance back to her alma mater for a football or basketball game!
If I had a free plane ticket to visit any city in the South I would head to the Big Easy. I have never been to New Orleans but I have heard some wonderful things about the atmosphere. From what pictures I have seen, the city looks like it makes for a wonderful backdrop for photos of you and your significant other.
Sea Island, GA….So beautiful!!!
I would go to Charleston, SC. I absolutely love the city for the great food and shops. My fiance has never been so it would fun to show him the city for the first time.
I would probably go to Savannah, Georgia and go visit Paula Deen! Love her!
I would take my fiance to Savannah, GA. We have lived in the South for 5 years, and this is the one city we've wanted to go to but just haven't made it to yet. I have heard that the food, culture, and people are just lovely. I can't wait to go!!
I would fly to NOLA! My fiance and I started dating on a trip to New Orleans, and the next time we went back, he told me "I love you" for the first time. It is an amazing city with an even more amazing culture.
I would go to Austin tx. I have heard that it is pretty awesome.
I would go to Charleston, I've never been but it looks as though it has such a wonderful and romantic feel to it.
Sea Island, GA. Or Savannah and then just drive down to Sea Island :) It is so romantic!
I would go to Dallas — it feels like an East Coast city, but with Southern flair!
Bainbridge, Georgia… I lived there for a while when I was a little girl and absolutely loved the serenity and beauty of the place. My home had the most amazing and beautiful trees, BIG trees which I dearly miss ever since moving to (way) south Texas.
I would go HOME (Columbia, SC)! As a displaced Southerner living in Washington DC, there's no place I'd rather go. (If I could pick WHEN, this past weekend's win against Bama would definitely do the trick!)
I would have to say Lexington, KY – it's my home! I moved away about three years ago and that is always the first place I'd go back to.
Nashville TN. I've never been but it seems to be a beautiful city and it's definitely on my top ten list of places to visit!
If I could fly anywhere in the south, I would want us to go to Figure Eight Island, NC to a lovely home on the shore so that we could have a pre-wedding honeymoon weekend away together to de-stress and relax before our November wedding.
I would love to visit Austin, Texas! I have heard it's such a unique city!
Austin, TX as well. The FI's brother just moved down there and loves it, and we can't wait to visit!
I would go to Wilmington, NC to visit my family that I have not seen in years and that way I could introduce them to my fiancee before our big day next summer!
Well, I'd fly to RDU to visit you guys, obviously!
I would go to NOLA because I've never been and heard it's wicked cool! We are having a map theme at our wedding because we love to travel & I would love to give these to my man!
I would fly straight to Savannah, Ga. We've actually been tossing this idea around for our honeymoon. I'm a lover of all things southern like magnolias, moonpies, Harry Connick, Jr., old plantation homes, moss trees, anything antique…you get the drift! I'm just in love with Old South. I finished reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil a few months ago, and it made me want to visit ol' Savannah that much more!!!Not to mention, this is the very gift that I have already picked out for my fiance for our wedding day:)
I'm not sure if SOUTHern Illinois counts as the South, but that's where I would go! I have been in a long distance relationship for two and a half years, so you can imagine how easy of a decision it would be if someone asked me where I'd travel to. That being said, how symbolic would map cufflinks be at my wedding?! Symbolizing the courage, determination, exhaustion, and the power of love that long distance couples possess. I would love to treasure these years from now when we look back on the distance that brought us closer than we could have imagined. Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway SW!
Charleston, we are getting married there next May. How can I say no to the city where I will wed my best friend? It's charm pulls me in. . again and again
I would go to Nashville to see country music at its finest at the Grand Ole Opry.
I would for sure visit New Orleans! I have never been, and would just love to go!!!
I would travel to Pass Christian, Mississippi. My fiance' Craig was one of the first medical repsonders on the scene after Hurricane Katrina and spent nearly two months taking care of patients in that area. He took me to visit the area last year and I fell in love with that area of the South.
Charlottesville, VA, the sweet little town where I will say "I do!" in September. I'm all the way up in Boston and just dying to get back to VA to do some wedding planning and eat really really good food.
I would visit Oxford, Mississippi. The first time I saw it was when I was visiting my fiance at Ole Miss, where he is starting law school. It was like stepping into Mayberry- beautifully coiffed southern belles, magnolia trees that stretched out over Greek Revival homes … you can almost imagine William Faulkner strolling through the streets in a perfect, white seersucker suit. With a bowtie, of course.
Raleigh-Durham, NC! Mostly because one of my best friends lives there and I haven't gotten to see her enough lately :) But also I think I want to move there someday – so we could check out houses, too!
If I could hop a plane to anywhere in the South, it would be to Charleston, SC. The last time I was there, I was probably 9 years old and to young to really appreciate the beautiful architecture and history!
Austin, Texas all the way, such a fun, cute, unique place!
I would go to New Orleans. My parents have been there multiple times and listening to them talk about all their experiences and looking at their pictures make me want to go there ASAP!
Charleston! So I can grab some yummy pancakes and jam from Hominy Grill and then spend the afternoon strolling along King Street. My favorite city :)
I would head on down to Corpus Christi for some family fun and sun!
I would buy me a plane ticket to Austin, TX… because I have never been anywhere in Texas that I was particularly fond of – and I have heard Austin is AMAZING. I'd love to see for myself :)
I would fly to Savannah, Ga. I am from the south and I have always considered Savannah the quintessential Southern town even though I've never been! Being an architecture student and loving the southern vernacular, I am certain I would learn a lot and enjoy it!
I'd love to visit New Orleans. I've never been there, but it seems like a very interesting place, different from any other city!
I would love to visit Durham, NC and attend a photography workshop by the great Ms. Tamara Lackey!
Seriously? OK, don't make fun… I would go to Disney World! I want to go SO badly! Andy has been there 17 times! I've been twice, but don't remember! So, if I could go anywhere, right now Disney World is on my mind. I need a little magic right now. There's been too much serious stuff in my life lately and it would be nice to live in a fairytale world for a little while.
In the South? That's easy – I'd go home to visit my family in Edmond, OK… we consider ourselves the South and NOT the Midwest. I didn't have enough money to fly home this year (let's just say it was an off year for good luck), but I wish that I could have. I haven't had the chance to go wedding shopping with my mother or sister… but I guess Christmas is right around the corner and a relative was kind enough to donate plane tickets. So in other words – I'd love to win this!
I would LOVE to go to Cape Hatteras, NC. My fiance spent the best 6 months of his life there kiteboarding, and has been trying to convince me to move there since we got engaged. I'm looking forward to someday seeing if it lives up to its reputation.
I would probably visit Savannah, GA… I have yet to meet someone who has not fallen in love with Savannah shortly after arriving there. Plus, one of Paula Deen's restaurants is there, y'all :)
Nashville! My fiance and I have tried to come up with a way to make it possible to go there for our honeymoon, but finances are not going to make it possible. Music is a big part of our lives and Nashville is a place where "the south" and music come together, which is like our relationship.
I would have to go with Nashville! I have only been once, a long long time ago, and only for a night, just passing through. I wanna experience all of that country music!!
I would go home to Atlanta! I moved to Washington DC recently and this Georgia girl would like to go home for a visit.
My future husband was a history major and he loves maps, so I would love to be able to give these cuff links to him! His sister's boyfriend just moved to Georgia for a job, they are doing long distance right now, so I think if I had a plane ticket – or three! – to anywhere in the South I would fly us to Georgia for a reunion. That said, I would also love to visit my friend who lives in Chapel Hill, my aunt in Easton, Maryland, or just experience New Orleans (I've never been!).
Definitely to New Orleans. Went to college there and haven't been back since. Miss the city, my friends (who are still there), the food, the music… my fiance has never been and I hope to take him there one day soon!
I am from North Carolina, and if I could fly anywhere else in the South, it would be Jackson, Mississippi. I have never been to Mississippi and a good friend of mine is from there and she swears I would love it. It would be so nice to see where she grew up. My fiance is from Wisconsin, so I have to do my best to help him fall in love with the South. And what better way to do that than the Deep South in Mississippi!
I would have to say probably Savannah, GA. It is so rich in Southern History & would be the perfect spot for my honeymoon. I am planning a simple, small, southern wedding (trying to stay under $2000 and I think that a bed and breakfast while enjoying everything the South was and is would be absolutely perfect.
Mine would have to be Charleston! My fiance and I met, fell in love and got engaged there and living outside of that area makes me miss it even more!
I live in Little Rock but my home is Kentucky. I would go back home to see my family. I miss the bluegrass and my Kentucky Wildcats.
If I could travel anywhere in the South, I'd go to Tennessee – I have family outside of Nashville and I would love to catch up with them all! Whenever I visit them I just feel like life goes at a slower pace and I can really appreciate life without getting caught up in the little things. Thanks for the chance to win! Those Tomato-Made Cuff Links are gorgeous!
Charleston!! I went to school there and have not visited enough! And my boyfriend would love a little piece of them too :)
I would go to Carillion Beach, FL – I've seen it photographed in a number of weddings, and it seems like the perfect, quaint seaside town.McRaeCharleston, SC
I'd fly to quaint Wilmington, NC. I'd like to say that my reason is b/c I am a big history buff and I find it cool that Wilmington was named in honor of Spencer Compton, the Earl of Wilmington, who was Prime Minister under George II. BUT, the truth is, I used to watch a LOT of Dawson's Creek and I fell in love with the coastal town of Wilmington where it was filmed. I also fell in love with Pacey as a googly eyed 15 year old. But, only the infatuation with Wilmington stuck. HA! In all seriousness, I am getting married next May and I'd be tickled to give my groomsmen such a unique, cool gift!
If I had a plane ticket to go anywhere in the South it would most definitely be Wrightsville Beach, NC. Growing up in the nearby town of Wilmington, I have many memories going to the beach as a little girl. October is my favorite month of the year at the beach and now that I am a Georgia girl, I can't easily access my favorite place in the off season. Oh, what I would do to be there right now!
Savannah, GA – I think it is the most romantic city in the South!
love to go to Texas! have not been in awhile!
MIAMI!! all the way!
I love Charleston, SC. My fiance's father lives there. It is such an amazing city. We wish we could visit more often, but it's hard with our busy schedule.
WOW! What a graet giveaway! If Ihad a free plane ticket to travel absolutely anywhere in the South, I would be on the first flight out to New Orleans. I have never been to New Orleans but I have always heard wonderful things about this vibrant city.
Hands down, my city of choice would be Nashville! I am a HUGE country fan, and to visit this amazing city would be a dream come true!
The gorgeous pictures of Savannah, Georgia teid along with its rich history and tradition makes it my #1 dream city to visit.
I would fly to Fort Worth, Texas to see my baby sister and brother-in-law. They moved close to his hometown, and unfortunately she is not near our family in NC:(
I would love to go to Naples, Florida. It is a beautiful city on the beach with very unique shopping on no other than FIFTH AVENUE. The restaurants are fantastic, the views unbelievable, and the people friendly and welcoming. I can't think of a better place to visit…..
If I could choose to visit one place in the South, it would be Naples, Florida. It is amazing. I love the beach, the shopping on FIFTH AVENUE and the people are friendly and welcoming. It is America's best kept secret. My fiance and I would love to go there together some day.
I would go to the Gulf Coast: I think its important to support the states that have been effected by the oil spill: plus its beautiful beautiful :-)
I would go to Savannah and go on a spooky ghost tour with my fiance for Halloween!
& I LOVE that New Orleans (our wedding location) & Pass Christian, MS (where we live) were mentioned! That just made my night! So lucky I can visit those on a daily basis…
I have been too many, many southern cities, as I live in Texas, but would love to see Savannah, GA, a place I have never been!