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Dave and I recently started chatting about which decor pieces we’ll be bringing into our newlywed home next year, and to say that we have different ideas is a bit of understatement. It is a great comfort to hear that when Caroline and Aaron moved in together, their home was the “biggest, most ridiculous mash-up of furniture and styles you’ve ever seen,” but over time, their tastes have meshed to result in the effortlessly cool apartment they’ve shared with us today. Along with the reassurance that totally different decor preferences can come together so beautifully, I’m also so inspired by Caroline and Aaron’s unique budgeting system and their commitment to spending lots of quality time together.

P.S. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for Caroline and Aaron’s adorable whippet, who makes a few cameos in their home tour! :)

Years married: 2.5
Where you live: Austin, Texas
Tell us your love story in one sentence. We met in high school (he was the cool senior, I was the super nerdy sophomore, too shy to say hi), reconnected after college, fell in love on our first date, and were married eight months later. *sigh* I love our story.
What is your favorite part of being married? Every. Single. Bit of it. I love that we’re creating a life and legacy together–something that wouldn’t have existed in this world otherwise. I love that we’re better people just by being together.

Do you rent or own? We rent. We just signed another lease for a second year in our tiny 600 sq. ft. apartment and we could not be more happy, content, and excited. After living in an 1800 sq. ft. house during our first year of marriage, we wondered if there was another way, so we downsized. We’ve never looked back! This past year has totally changed our perspective on space and how much we actually need. Renting often gets a bad rap, and we definitely went through an intense phase early in our marriage when ALL we could think about was buying a house of our own. All our friends were, and we felt behind for renting. But there’s something to be said for listening to your inner compass and buying at the right time for you. Having experienced both renting and owning, I have to say, there are so many lovely things about living in an apartment that often go overlooked–the pool, the gym that’s steps out my door, the free coffee at the office when we run out at home, and the ability to pick up and move to Paris for a few months should we feel so inclined. ;)

Tell us about the process of moving in together. At first, our home was the biggest, most ridiculous mash-up of furniture and styles you’ve ever seen. My style was shabby chic meets glam and Aaron’s style was dark, heavy, and manly. Awkward mental picture, right? But over time, our tastes and styles changed and meshed together. Now we’re both into midcentury modern and California cool. Honestly, my best tip for blending styles is simply this: don’t worry if your house isn’t styled perfectly right away. Embrace the messy mash-up at first–it’s like a fun little rite of passage. We’ve all been there.
What most makes your house feel like home? Consider yourself warned because this gets cheesy, but to me, our apartment feels like a home because of my husband. It’s like that song, “Home is wherever I’m with you.” It’s true. (#aww)

Who cooks dinner? Aaron! I’m the luckiest girl ever because he’s an amazing chef. Me… not so much.
What is your go-to weeknight meal? Weekend meal? We love Mexican food and will typically throw together a taco salad when we need an easy weeknight dinner with lots of veggies. We use fresh greens, bell peppers, avocado, tomatoes, corn, jicama, onions, and chicken fajita meat.
What’s your favorite place to find recipes? Our favorite cookbook is the Kinfolk Table, but we also get a lot of inspiration from restaurants in Austin.

How does your family handle finances? We absolutely live by a budget, and we manage it using a hybrid approach to Dave Ramsey’s cash system. It goes like this: all our bills, groceries, and gas are budgeted and paid by debit card, but then we each get a monthly allowance in cash. We’re each responsible for budgeting our allowances for eating out, entertainment, clothes shopping, hobbies, etc. It cuts out the, “You spent what on what?!” moments, because we give each other the freedom to spend our allowances however we like. It’s kind of a different approach, but it works for us and we love it.
Where do you splurge and where do you save when decorating? When we downsized, we discovered something cool: if you have less space, you can buy fewer, better things to fill it. So, in a way, our tiny space is how we save, because we don’t have to buy much. For what we do buy, however, we can splurge a little. I love it! For furniture, we love West Elm (especially the outlet!) and Ikea. We also like mixing in handmade pieces from Austin artists and decor from designers like Jonathan Adler.

Which room in your home is your favorite, and why? Our little patio is my favorite spot. It’s the tiniest space ever, but it’s magical. We strung up big bulb lights, and in the summertime, we love to eat dinner out there.
What’s your best tip for balancing your relationship and other life priorities? We try to have shared hobbies as much as possible so we can spend time together doing things that thrill us, challenge us, and help us to grow together. I’m currently working up the nerve to join Aaron in his most recent hobby–Crossfit (yikes!). We also like to invite each other along for menial tasks, like grocery shopping or running to the post office. That time adds up and it can be really sweet.
Do you have a favorite date night idea to share? We love doing a food truck crawl, which is when we eat appetizers at one food truck, dinner at another, and dessert at another. It’s a blast!

What is one small way you love or serve your spouse? One tiny little way I love on Aaron is by hanging out with him in the kitchen while he’s making dinner, goofing off with him, cleaning up along the way, and making sure his wine glass gets a refill.
Is there anything else about your home or family life that you think our readers would be interested in? The books that have helped Aaron and I most in our marriage are Mindset by Carol Dweck (it helped us understand ourselves and how we approach hard things) and The Art of Possibility by Benjamin Zander (the chapter “Telling The We Story” changed everything for us).

We’re so grateful to Caroline and Aaron for sharing their hearts and home with us! If you love their style as much as we do, be sure to follow Caroline’s lovely photography here, her inspiring capsule wardrobe blog here, and her day-to-day life on Instagram.

Home photos: Caroline Joy / Family photos: Michelle Boyd

Michelle Boyd is a delightful member of the Blue Ribbon Vendor Directory!

lisa Written with love by Lisa
  1. avatar Leanne Caroline reply

    Oh my word, I want your home! Homely simplicity. Perfect. And I love that you love marriage. So very inspiring. Caroline, you’re a gorgeous role model.

  2. avatar Emily reply

    Y’all have come a long way from “ridiculous mash-up” – your home couldn’t look more cohesive or perfect for you two now. And I love Steve Z on your pillows :)

  3. avatar Caroline Joy reply

    Oh sweet ladies of SW, this just makes my heart so happy! Thank you so much for inviting us to be a part of Southern Newlywed. It’s such an honor! Xoxo Caroline

  4. avatar Erin reply

    My goodness, what a beautiful home and such an amazing inspiration for a lovely marriage!

  5. avatar jame reply

    lovely lovely home. :)
    caroline do you mind sharing (or remember) where your patio lights (and the ones around the mirror) came from? those look like they are better quality than the ones you can buy at christmas.

  6. avatar Katie reply

    I love this! Caroline is such an inspiration and encouragement for simple living. She truly examples a life filled with what matters most. Thanks, Caroline and I adore your home. Especially all those succulents! :)

  7. avatar Kat reply

    I love it!! I love how they have blended their styles together, and I love her advice to just “embrace the messy mash-up” because that’s what I feel like our house looks like right now!!

  8. avatar Sydni reply

    I love everything about this post!! What a beautiful home. We also love renting (going on our 3rd year) in order to save money to put 20% down on a house in PA, and having fewer things. Also, love that print in the bathroom – ha!

  9. avatar Watercolor house portraits – Em for Marvelous – reply

    […] also loved Caroline and Aaron’s apartment, and their thoughts on small space living are […]

  10. avatar Carri Pryor reply

    Caroline and Aaron have such a beautiful home. I was hoping to check out Caroline’s photography but clicked on the link and it is now a dead link ( Just wanted to let you know!

  11. avatar How to add Color to your Apartment reply

    […] If you’re looking for a furniture piece, but don’t want to break the bank – accent chairs are the way to go. Since they’re on the smaller side of the furniture scale, it’s also easier to pick a color and it’s sure to blend well with a neutral sofa! Target, World Market, and Home Goods are great places to find an accent chair. {via Southern Weddings} […]

  12. avatar Midnight Links // 08 – The Midnight Blog reply

    […] > House Dreaming How gorgeous are this Stockholm appartment, this pretty house and this cosy Texan home? […]

  13. avatar Sweet Tea Sundays No. 79 – Southern Weddings reply

    […] on Southern Newlywed was Caroline and Aaron–you can find their adorable Austin apartment here! Their whole interview was super inspiring, but one of my favorite parts of it was when Caroline […]

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When Landon and Jordan sent over the photos for today’s tour, the first thing I said to Lisa was, “I want to move in!!” When I said the same thing to Jordan in an email, she kindly responded that I was welcome to, but that their house was a bit small. I haven’t packed my bags yet; instead, I’ve been inspired to make a few changes in my own home. Because the thing I love most about the space these two share isn’t their beautiful paint choices or white kitchen cabinets (though I do love those things), it’s that it clearly shows who they are, how they live, and what they love.

And, they have chickens!! So obviously they were a natural candidate for our Southern Newlywed At Home series :)

Years married: 7
Tell us your love story in one sentence. Hometown and college sweethearts fall madly in love and save the world.
Do you rent or own? We own a cute bungalow in a historic neighborhood in downtown Columbia, SC.

What is your favorite part of being married? Definitely our friendship! Don’t get me wrong, we are deeply in love with each other, but when life goes to the pits (and it does for everyone at some point), there’s nothing better than coming home to your best friend who loves you unconditionally. We are with each other a lot. I mean… A LOT. Not only do we live together (obviously), but we also work together full-time with our photography business. Thankfully, we really enjoy each other’s company. We make each other laugh almost constantly, which is another favorite part of our marriage.
Tell us about the process of moving in together. If two creative people move in together, there might be some disagreements on decor. Both of us enjoy the art of creating spaces, and we can both be pretty stubborn about it. It didn’t take us long to realize that one person needed to have the final say. So, after about a year of intense decorating battles, I, Landon, relinquished the veto power to Jordan (my wife). This doesn’t mean Jordan won’t ask for my opinion, or that I don’t often give it. It just means I’m okay with her final decision either way. After all, she is incredibly talented. We no longer argue about it, and I love the way our house looks and feels. Guys, if decorating is super important to your wife, there’s nothing wrong with giving in or learning to love and appreciate her taste.

What most makes your house feel like home? I would say the thought and time we’ve put into designing every space in our house. Everything is there for a reason, and was probably given much consideration. This has turned our house into a unique and personal home.
Where do you splurge and where do you save when decorating? It’s a little ironic given how much we love decorating, but we really don’t splurge on much. We’ve always wanted our house to look a certain way, even early on in our marriage, and of course, most newlyweds don’t have tens of thousands of dollars to spend on decor. For our first several years together, almost everything we owned was either bought on clearance, at yard sales, Ikea, thrift stores, traded for, given to us, or built from scratch. It took a lot more time than simply picking out our favorite pieces from a boutique, but in the end, it enabled us to decorate every part of our house the way we wanted. Most inexpensive things don’t last forever (surprise!), so we’ve been in the process of replacing the pieces we use the most with items that will.

Which room in your home is your favorite, and why? Our favorite room would have be our dinning room–it’s where we gather and enjoy delicious meals with all our wonderful friends.
Which items from your wedding registry do you use the most often? None of it :( We were young and had no idea what to register for, so we didn’t register for much. A couple of years ago, I was super sad to see our salt shaker break, because it was one of the few gifts we had from our wedding. I wish we would have registered for heavy duty china and flatware. It’s fun setting up a fancy dinner for guests, so we’ve had to buy a good bit on our own.

Who cooks dinner? I’d say it’s about 50-50. We both love to cook, but also love when the other does as well :)
What is your go-to weeknight meal? Weekend meal? We are both pescetarian (vegetarians who eat fish). During the week, you’ll probably find us eating salmon with corn risotto or rice and beans with homemade tortillas. We travel a lot on the weekends, so Chipotle is our go-to.
What’s your favorite place to find recipes? A cookbook called Happy Herbivore has been super handy. We have a couple great recipes from Kinfolk as well.

What has been the most surprising thing about marriage? Probably that doing something as simple as communicating can be difficult at times. We were probably three years into marriage before we realized that a lot of our arguments only began because we didn’t understand what the other was trying to communicate. Thankfully, as noted above, spending lots of time together has made us much better at understanding each other, as well as (even more importantly) listening.
How does your family handle finances? We set a budget and use the cash system. It helps keep two very non-type-A people in check.
What’s your best tip for balancing your relationship and other life priorities? This can definitely be a tough area. There are lots of things you have to do and lots of things you want to do, and most of the time, they conflict with each other. Our tip is to bounce things off your spouse. They should know you pretty well and can help you balance the have-to’s with the want-to’s.

Do you have children? Does a dog and chickens count? Nope? That’s okay. We love kids and would love to have our own one day!
Do you have a favorite date night idea to share? Typically, we go out to our favorite restaurant, and then skip on over to a local coffee shop to play chess. Landon almost always wins.
What is one small way you love or serve your spouse? From Landon: It’s simple, but whenever Jordan makes a run to the grocery store or goes out to eat with a friend, she’ll often bring me back a little treat. It always makes me feel special. From Jordan: Anytime we are curled up on the sofa watching our favorite TV show, Landon scratches my back. I always think he’s the sweetest!

Before getting married, I wish someone had told me… that marriage is incredible, but it will expose almost all the areas in your life where you need to grow. And that’s ok, because you’re not a perfect person. Your spouse will know you more intimately than anyone else, and therefore, will notice your weaknesses more than anyone else, and visa versa. Two important things to remember: 1. Let’s just go ahead and assume that your imperfections are abundant, so give your spouse tons and tons of grace when their flaws pop up. 2. Don’t get upset when your spouse exposes a shortcoming of yours. Instead, be thankful. The alternative would be having tons of weaknesses you don’t know about.

Landon and Jordan (otherwise known as Landon Jacob) are great friends of the Southern Weddings family, and we’re so thankful they shared their thoughts and home with us! You can see more of their work on their site here and follow along with their married life on instagram. Until next week!

P.S. As if you needed any more reason to think these two are amazing, they’re traveling to Africa in July to volunteer with an organization called Clothed in Hope. To help fund their trip, they’re currently offering an insane deal ($130) on mini portrait sessions in Columbia, SC on May 18th, June 1st, and June 8th. If you’re interested, email them at hello at to reserve a spot! Great opportunity for engagement photos, anniversary photos, or Christmas card photos :)

emily Written with love by Emily
  1. avatar Lisa reply

    Yup, I am ready to move in, too! Love L&J, their beautiful and purposeful home, and their insightful marriage advice.

  2. avatar Lara reply

    AH!!!! I love every single thing about this — especially the fine feathered friends! L + J, can you please clone your home (including chickens) and bring it to me? I love y’all and your amazing hearts!

  3. avatar Emily Alice reply

    This home is beautiful! My Columbia pride is bursting! :)

  4. avatar L + J reply

    Thanks so much Lara! We’ll definitely get on that. Haha! Love y’all as well!

  5. avatar Kaitlin Holland reply

    Landon & Jordan, this is beautiful!!! I love your hearts for each other and your stunning home.

  6. avatar Nicole reply

    Cutest chicken coop ever? I love every detail of your home, L + J, and reading about how you make it the perfect fit for yourselves!

  7. avatar Abi Losli reply

    Yep, everything about this is adorable! And oh my heart, those chickens! Seeing homes with meaningful, purposeful details gets me all fired up to make our home that way. Thank you for living a great (and inspiring!) story Landon & Jordan! I so appreciate your hearts for each other and the wisdom in your advice.

  8. avatar Erin @ Blue-Eyed Bride reply

    It is so stunning and so comfortable. I love the balance of beauty and comfort!

  9. avatar Occasions In Print reply

    When my kids grow up, this is what I want my house to look like! LOL! Not a toy in sight!

  10. avatar Leanne Caroline reply

    Beautiful home. Beautiful words and wisdom. Thank you for sharing, and thank you Southern Weddings for this new post marriage series. I’m not married yet but do so like the “rest of your life” thoughts, aspirations and goals more than the wedding day ideals already. Love the big picture stuff, can’t wait to read more.

  11. avatar celine reply

    I would love to know the color paint you used for the living room (& the guest room if it is a different color). I’m on the search for the perfect gray….

  12. avatar Sarah reply

    Two of the most beautiful people I have ever known. Love this pair to pieces.

  13. avatar 35 Super fashionable and inspiring neutral dwelling place styles | PinK DecoRaTioN|House Decor, Bedroom Decor, Interior Decorators, Home Ideas,Cheap Decorating | PinK DecoRaTioN|House Decor, Bedroom Decor, Interior Decorators, Home Ideas,Cheap Decorating reply

    […] 23. How to Enhance, 24. AR Architecture &amp Design and style, 25. Pinterest, 26. BHG, 27. Southern Weddings, 28. The Design Co., 29. Pinterest, thirty. KitchenLab, 31. Lux Decor, 32. Basically Impressed […]

  14. avatar Latest Obsession: Big Mirrors | House by the Bay reply

    […] […]

  15. avatar Andrea Rodriguez reply

    Just curious about the mirror in your living room I believe. Did you make that? Can you tell me the dimensions?
    Thank you

  16. avatar Angela C. reply

    Can you tell me where you found the hanging wall baskets in your entryway?
    Thank you!

  17. avatar Decor calduros pentru sezonul rece – reply

    […] Sursa thekrazycouponlady Sursa southernweddings […]

  18. avatar Jennifer Ferry reply

    do you share paint colors?

  19. avatar Living Room Inspiration – Louella Reese reply

    […] {photo source} […]

  20. avatar Lyndsey reply

    Hi I was wondering if you could tell me where you got your larger wooden mirror in your dining room?

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If you’ve been reading Southern Weddings for awhile, chances are, you’ve fallen in love with a Katelyn James Photography wedding or two! Katelyn and Michael are a husband and wife photography team, and as well as shooting pretty weddings (see a few of our favorites here, here, and here!), they also love decorating their home in Richmond, Virginia, where they live with their ridiculously adorable bichpoo, Bokeh. Their passion for opening up their home and gathering family and friends together is the driving force behind the design and decor in their house, and we have a feeling y’all are going to love this peek inside as much as we do!

Tell us your love story in one sentence. After dating for eight years, I married my high school sweetheart, best friend, and greatest gift from God… life couldn’t be any sweeter!
What has been the most surprising thing about marriage? I think we’re constantly going through different changes in our marriage. The most recent change in our life is that we are now a full-time husband and wife photography team! I’ve been so surprised with what we are capable of accomplishing as a team. We’re so much better together than we are apart!

Do you rent or own? We actually do both. We bought a very small Cape Cod when we first got married in 2010, and we recently built more of a family-sized home in our area! We currently rent our first home out to friends from church.
Tell us about the process of moving in together. Do you have any tips for blending your two styles? Michael and I grew up together, went on family vacations together, and have known each other since we were toddlers, so there were very few things that shocked us after moving in together. I am learning not to have unrealistic expectations about how tidy our house should be. Messes stress me out… Michael doesn’t seem to mind them :) However, over the last three years, Michael has learned that I’m in a much better mood when the house is somewhat put together, so he makes that a priority, and I love him for it!

Where do you splurge and where do you save when decorating? What are some of your favorite sources for home things? We splurge on big ticket items that need to last forever. For example, when we moved into the new house, we knew that we wanted to invest in a couch that we could use for 10+ years. However, we bought more affordable end tables and a coffee table, because those can easily be replaced. Our accent pieces and guest bedroom sets are mostly from IKEA–we love the Liatorp Collection! We don’t splurge on lamps or small decor pieces, simply because there are awesome options at HomeGoods and Target. Why spend $250 on one lamp when you can decorate a whole room with that money?
Which items from your wedding registry do you use the most often? We love our vacuum and our luggage! Those were two big items on our registry that we’re SO thankful for.
What different decisions, if any, would you make for your registry if you knew then what you knew now? Why did I get fine china?! Our everyday dishes are white ceramic sets from Crate and Barrel and they are beautiful. We registered for a full set of fine china and only received about 1/3 of what we registered for. The sad part is that Crate and Barrel discontinued that pattern before we saved up to complete the collection, so now we’re stuck with a few pieces of fine china that we never use! I wish we had saved that money and invested in some more awesome serving dishes instead, since we like to entertain.

Who cooks dinner? Michael cooks, thank goodness! I’m a horrible chef.
What is your go-to weeknight meal? Weekend meal? When we don’t know what to make, we have pasta! It’s easy and always readily available. We also grill chicken quite often and save the leftovers for my salads during the week. Our weekends are normally our “date nights,” so we usually eat out.
What’s your favorite place to find recipes? Our moms! Michael is constantly getting recipes from our moms. Whether we’re having a Southwest stew or some type of casserole, chances are, the recipe probably came from home.

Which room in your home is your favorite, and why? I would that say that we both love our living room the most! It’s where we spend most of our time relaxing at home. When we have friends over or events at the house, everyone gathers in that space. Great memories are made in that room!
What most makes your house feel like home? People. I love to decorate, but even the prettiest decor can’t make a house feel like a home. Our house feels most like a home when both of our families are here visiting with us!

What is one small way you love or serve your spouse? This is going to sound like such a small thing, but Michael and I serve each other by taking the dog out to use the bathroom. He takes Bokeh out when I’m entrenched in emails, and I take him out it in the middle of the night when Michael is asleep.
What’s your best tip for balancing your relationship and other life priorities? We have learned that we’ll never have time off if we don’t schedule it. I try to mark off at least 2-3 “stay at home” days per week, two to three months in advance.
Before getting married, I wish someone had told me… to not have expectations for my own marriage based on other people’s marriages.

How does your family handle finances? Do you use a set budget? Our financial life has changed quite a bit in the last three years since we got married. Now that we’re self-employed and are running a photography business, we have sporadic annual income–no month is the same. We have found that designating 1/4 for business savings, 1/4 for business checking, 1/4 for personal savings and 1/4 to live on works well for us. However, we have just changed the business to an “S-Corp,” so we’ll be receiving payroll for the first time, and we plan on starting a budget based off of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace curriculum!
Do you have children? No children quite yet, but we hope to have several in the future! Michael loves kids and I’m so excited to see him as a dad one day! We are really enjoying life as a married couple without kids right now, but we’re excited for that season whenever it comes.
Do you have a favorite date night idea to share? Michael and I love going on car rides in the evenings and looking at large, historic Richmond homes. It’s cheap and it never gets old! We recently bought an old convertible that we have coined our “fun car.” It’s the perfect ride for these outings downtown!

What is your favorite part of being married? Never having to say good night and then part ways at the end of the day, and having a permanent companion by my side!
In 2014, our family is most excited about… traveling, crossing off some big bucket list items, and establishing even more of a work/life balance.
Is there anything else about your home or family life that you think our readers would be interested in? Michael and I have found that we are the best versions of ourselves when we’re making time for God in our day-to-day life and in our marriage. There is nothing more powerful than a couple that can pray together and allow God to lead their marriage. So often, we forget this and try to do life on our own and by our own strength. We truly believe that God has a very specific purpose for everyone and every marriage!

lisa Written with love by Lisa
  1. avatar Lindy reply

    LOVE this house!! And LOVE this new series… especially today’s! It’s so fun seeing newlyweds’ homes, and the interview questions are very interesting and really hit a lot of great topics- finances, cooking, love story, etc. Two thumbs up!

  2. avatar Lindsay Colvin reply

    LOVE this home tour! The colors in each room are amazing and although the house is spotless, it still resignates with me that it’s “lived in” and I love that. So beautiful!

  3. avatar Emily reply

    I love how y’all have two twin beds in the guest room – so cute! :)

  4. avatar Hannah reply

    Oh my goodness! It looks like a house from Pinterest! :) My favorite touch is the photography in the living room. Love, love, love.

  5. avatar Lisa reply

    I absolutely LOVE this post! What a beautiful, beautiful house! Fingers crossed our first home looks this amazing when the time comes! :)

  6. avatar While | Virginia Wedding Photographer | Katelyn James Photography reply

    […] post today, make sure that you pay the Southern Weddings gals a visit too!! You can see our feature HERE!  I think one of the main reasons I was so excited that they asked us to do this was because they […]

  7. avatar Laura Radniecki reply

    Such a fun, faith-filled couple! Their Bokeh boy was the inspiration for my husband and I adding our little Remy girl to our family! :)

  8. avatar Cynthia Price reply

    Please advise where to purchase the artwork above the sofa in the living room photo of the blue door and green windows. Thank you.

    • avatar Debbie Matthews reply

      Hi Cynthia,
      I would love to know where to buy the two large pieces of art work in the living room photo.
      Looks like someone ask the question previously but I am not seeing the reply????
      Thank You

  9. avatar Kristen D reply

    Looks like your beautiful living room furniture is from Bassett! Love their stuff! God Bless!

  10. avatar Mandi Mouw reply

    So beautiful! I would love to know where your large canvas pictures are from!

  11. avatar Debbie Matthews reply

    Could we have the names of your paint colors please??

  12. avatar Jessica reply

    Gorgeous colors! Please tell me what the name of the paint colors used in the living room, kitchen, & the room with the touch of orange?
    Thank You

  13. avatar Leslie Mc reply

    Can you tell us where you got your living room furniture? Esp the couch and chairs!

  14. avatar menajda mezini reply

    I would love to know where you purchased your living room couch and chairs! Stunning and exactly something I’m looking for! Thanks- Menajda

  15. avatar 20 Great Ways to Make Use Of The Space Behind Couch For Extra Storage And Visual Depth – Hative reply

    […] The space behind the sofa was used for decoration in this room, as a mix of cream colored floating shelves, canvases and other decorative elements bring the neutral wall to life. via southernweddings. […]

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