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No, you’re not imagining it: we really are featuring two weddings today!  Consider it an early Christmas present from your favorite Southern girls.  There are two (okay, three!) things I really love about Danielle + Draw’s wedding from Lang Thomas Photography and Lauren Chitwood Events: the crisp navy color palette (kind of in love with the bridesmaids’ marina blue frocks from Ann Taylor and matching heels), the bride’s ultra-flattering Marissa gown and, last but certainly not least, the vintage cotton candy machine.  Emily, of course, would be disappointed if I didn’t point out the lush, hydrangea-filled bouquets from Pathelen Flowers or the simple square cake from The Sugar Woods.  Want a few more details from Danielle + Draw’s Greystone Estate nuptials?  Visit Lang Leichhardt’s blog post here!

How did the two of you meet?  Tell us your story.  Drew and I met through my best friend (and Maid of Honor), Kelly. She and I moved together to Louisville after graduating from the University of Kentucky in 2006, and Kelly and Drew worked together. The first time we all hung out was Halloween, and Drew didn’t have a costume but said the only thing he would dress up as was Raphael from Ninja Turtles.  Ironically, I had been Raphael with a few friend the night before for a party. It was a sign!  We hung out a few more times as friends, until one night sparks flew!  For our first date, Drew took me to a University of Louisville basketball game, which I would NEVER have done (I am a Huge University of Kentucky fan) unless I really liked him. The rest is history!
Describe the proposal. Unbeknownst to me, Drew had talked to my boss and had him set up a fake business meeting for me on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. My boss had been harassing me about the meeting all week, telling me to make sure I wore “something nice” since this was an important meeting.  Looking back, the day before it happened, Drew and I had lunch and I told him I really didn’t want to go to work the next day and was thinking about calling in sick. Normally he wouldn’t have said anything but he seemed surprised and told me I needed to go to my meeting. That morning, I got up and begrudgingly got all dolled up for my “important” meeting. I remember getting ready and looking over to see Drew putting on a tie. He normally never wears a tie unless he has a huge meeting but I just shrugged it off.  The breakfast meeting was to take place at The Seelbach in Downtown Louisville. My boss is normally late so I waited outside for him before going in. After emailing and calling him, he finally called me back and told me to just go ahead, he would be right there. I walked in to the restaurant and was completely surprised to see Drew, mouthing to him “What are you doing here?” He had arranged for the server to escort me to his table, which didn’t work out because I argued with her about how I wasn’t there to meet him. Finally, when he realized there was no chance I was walking over to his table, he walked up the servers’ station, got down on one knee and proposed.  I was completely and totally surprised. The cherry on top was that he had arranged for me to have the rest of the day off as well!
Three adjectives that describe the day are: FUN, unique and perfect.
What was the design inspiration for your wedding? I always loved fairs, carnivals and church picnics growing up. When I got engaged, my Dad jokingly said I should have a carnival-themed wedding and I thought it would be perfect. Drew and I are all about having fun and that’s what we wanted all of our guest to do as well! I think the carnival theme helped take every one’s fun to the next level.
What was your favorite design element of your big day?  I absolutely loved the ribbons we hung from all the trees at the house. It was Lauren, my planner’s idea, and it perfectly incorporated my wedding colors and the whimsical feeling of the day. Even though it was a fall wedding, I still wanted to use bright, fun colors and I think that hanging those ribbons made our wedding really stand out.
Our favorite detail of the wedding was: There were so many amazing details in the wedding, but I think what I loved the most were the candy apples. They did double-duty as favors and place cards and I think they turned out great. We made the place cards ourselves and got an awesome candy store to make the apples. I had so many people tell me after the wedding that they were delicious and such a fun idea.

Tell us about finding your wedding dress: Going wedding dress shopping was fun and overwhelming at the same time. My mom came in town from Florida and we went to Cincinnati Bridal & Formal with my best friend, Kelly, and my now mother-in-law. Originally, I didn’t think I wanted a dress with a dropped waist but when I tried it on I knew it was “the one.” I wanted something simple, without beading or rhinestones, but that also stood out a little. I loved the flower detail on the hip; I think it gave the dress a little couture feel. We also modified the dress and turned it into a sweetheart neckline It fit perfect and I just loved it. Looking at pictures now, I wish I could wear it again!
Describe your wedding flowers:
I love hydrangeas and wanted to incorporate a little bit of navy and light blue into my bouquet. Lori at Pathlen flowers really took it from there. I just told her a few things I liked and she created the most beautiful bouquet.
Describe your wedding cake: We wish we had gotten to eat more of our wedding cake! I have a serious sweet tooth so having a delicious wedding cake was VERY important to me.
Again, we wanted something simple with pop, so décor-wise it was all white with little pink dots with the layers separated by blue hydrangeas. I really liked how all the details incorporated our colors. The top and bottom layers were filed white cake with fresh strawberry filling and the middle layers were carrot cake with cream cheese filling.   Drew’s groom cake was one of his favorite things. His cake was yellow with caramel icing and topped with his favorite thing, the University of Louisville cardinal bird. 
I think one thing we did that saved money that everyone loved was serving Fried Chicken at the wedding. Here in Louisville, church picnics are HUGE. And they all serve a chicken dinner with fried chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans. Well that’s what we served (along with pork tenderloin and corn pudding!). It was delicious and it went perfectly with the theme we were going for.
What was your most memorable moment about your wedding day? Walking down the aisle was surreal but amazing at the same time. And I definitely loved when they announced us as man and wife.
Did you write your own vows?  If so, what was your favorite phrase, verse or line? We didn’t write our own vows but I loved the quote on our program from the song, “Nature Boy:”
“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”
What’s next for you as a couple?  What are you looking forward to in the future? 
Right now, Drew and I are enjoying married life and, as always, having as much fun as we possibly can. We are saving up now to buy a house so we can start using all our presents!

Congratulations and best wishes, Danielle + Drew!

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar Emily reply

    Your wedding was beautiful! Please tell me where you got/how you made the face cutouts of the bride and groom! I have been looking for one for some time now and love this one!

  2. avatar Danielle reply

    Thanks Emily! I actually made the cutout myself with my dad. The picture is from a piece of vintage wrapping paper that i found on etsy for $1.99. We enlarged the couple and then mounted it on a piece of wood. Then my dad built the stand for it. You’re welcome to borrow it – just have to come pick it up in Kentucky!

  3. avatar Kathleen reply

    I would have never thought of using a carnival theme for a wedding but you did a great job of making it pretty and whimsy- well done!

  4. avatar Brenda Bassett reply

    It was the most beautiful wedding ever! I loved the songs Danielle chose to play while the bridal party entered and I thought it was amazing to have the official Kentucky Derby bugler there who played "My Old Kentucky Home" and the call to the races. I loved every second!

  5. avatar Bill Rudy reply

    Every father waits for the day he dances with his daughter on her wedding day — a perfectly perfect occasion in every way. Everyone truly enjoyed the festivities and will remember the fun — but I will always treasure the memories of helping Danielle & Drew prepare for the wedding weeks beforehand. Nothing could be sweeter than that — I’ll go to heaven grinning!

  6. avatar Susan Davis reply

    It truely was a fabulous most certainly captured the personalities of both Drew and Danielle. The word around town is that it was the BEST and most fun wedding yet….I know I had so much fun that I didn’t want the night to end. A beautiful wedding for a wonderful couple!

  7. avatar The Perfect Palette reply

    That navy blue & gray combo is killer!! we’re loving it!

  8. avatar judie asman reply

    Danielle and Drew, Your wedding day was the "icing on the cake". It was so delightful to watch a young teenager grow into a beautiful, intelligent and self confiident young woman. What a wonderful groom and what a beautiful wedding. We enjoyed meeting all your family and friends and share the most unusual venue. It was alot of fun just like you. We love you all and hope you have a happy life.

  9. avatar cabo wedding videographers reply

    Wow!…Very Cute Navy blue shoes ..I have never seen before!Absolutely stunning. This was a wonderful wedding …cabo wedding videographers

  10. avatar brigitte reply

    danielle, i know it’s been a few months since the last posts on this thread, but i love love LOVE this wedding! we are getting married in september at the holly hill inn in midway and i would love to borrow your wedding cut-outs if the offer still stands!

  11. avatar danielle reply

    brigitte – i randomly was on southern weddings today and thought i’d look at my post again – it must have been because I was supposed to see your post regarding the wedding cut-outs! i’d be happy to lend them to you. email me at [email protected] and we can figure it out!

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What the first thing that catches your eye in Jessica + Dane’s down-home Tennessee nuptials, shot by The Photographix and planned by Dawn Schenkel of Premier Wed?  If it’s the magnificent autumn bouquet from Enchanted Florist, you’re not alone!  Special SW secret: the bride based her entire wedding design around the beautiful blooms in her rustic bouquet.  The next best thing?  The bride’s custom-designed gown from Romantic Creations!  Come back soon: we’ve got more awesomeness to share!

How did the two of you meet?  Tell us your story. We met at church in a Sunday school class. Dane had been involved in the group for a few years, and I was new to the area. The youth minister told Dane to introduce himself to me as we both had a similar story.  While at school, my family had moved from South Carolina to Nashville. My parents thought I should give school in Tennessee a chance and I was dragged, kicking and screaming, to Nashville. Dane was moved, also kicking and screaming, to Nashville shortly after he graduated high school in 2002.  His parents sold their business in Michigan and prepared to open one in Nashville, and did not want Dane to begin his freshman year alone with no family close by. Poor Dane found all this out a matter of weeks before he was to leave! Dane came over to me, introduced himself, and a few nights later we went to a movie and stood outside talking for a few hours. Since then, we have been inseparable. And, I might add, we LOVE it here in Nashville and might never leave!!
Describe the proposal.
Dane took me to Chicago: he wanted the moment to be perfect. Everyone thought that he was going to do it at dinner the night we got there, so when I woke up the next morning, I had several text messages, like “Show me a picture!!” I, not even realizing that they might mean a picture of THE RING, sent them pictures of Chicago out our window! Dane’s plan was to take me to the botanical gardens, so we went there and right when Dane was about to “pop the question,” a family unpacked a picnic a few feet away. By this point, I was definitely starting to wonder what was going on with him – I could tell he was nervous! We ended up going back to the hotel, and it was there, standing by the window that he finally asked me. It was perfect and we enjoyed the moment before calling our families. I loved having time together before we went home just to focus on each other and savor the time.
Three adjectives that describe the day are: 
Elegant, bright and happy.
What was the design inspiration for your wedding?
I found a bouquet on a wedding website and fell in love with the color palette. It varied as I planned, but I knew I wanted a color palette, not just a few specific colors. That little bouquet started me off- it captured Fall for me in an elegant way and gave me something to work from.
What was your favorite design element of your big day?
I loved how our dresses came together. I also loved the pop of the flowers against the dresses. I really wanted my flower girls to have these bronze dresses, but they were sold out in their sizes. I ended up frantically ordering some last minute, and they couldn’t have worked out better. It wasn’t until I saw the pictures that I realized the hems of their dresses mimicked mine, and I love that. I also loved their dark boots.
Our favorite detail of the wedding was: 
Probably the Italian street fair lighting. This made the outdoor space feel more enclosed and less open. It made the space elegant but also kept it casual.

Written with love by Southern Weddings
  1. avatar ksilcox reply

    what a storybook, elegant, yet simple, wedding. love the colors. The venue looks like a great melding of rustic charm and sophistication.

  2. avatar JLB reply

    The Photographix consistently take phenomenal photos. I am not surprised to find them listed, here, in your online publication.

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Like Anca and Jordan, our favorite part about this wedding celebration from Kristin Marie Photography is the antique flags decorating the Tolt-Mcdonald Park barn.  Could there be a better design scheme – or venue – for a summer shindig?  We love the laidback feel of this reception and especially like how the couple honored their respective heritages by swapping their “I-Do’s” in Anca’s native Romania and celebrating with friends and family in Jordan’s hometown in the U.S.  The bold sunflower arrangements (designed by Aly and Ashley Redding), classic glass Coca-Cola bottles and red-and-white gingham tablecloths (covered in freshly-grilled hotdogs and a spread of homemade pies and cakes) make for a wonderfully picnic-inspired affair.

How did the two of you meet?  Tell us your story.  Jordan and I were students at a small Christian school in Yakima, WA.  I’m Romanian, and I wanted to attend the school a few years prior, but was denied a visa.  I didn’t give up on the idea, and was eventually blessed with a visa and meeting my Jordan!  During the four months we were at school together, we became best friends and even fell in love on a month-long trip to Mexico.  Though I was supposed to return to Romania after school, unexpected circumstances (snow!) kept us together a bit longer.  We were together just long enough to go ahead and set a date for our wedding!
Describe the proposal:
  While riding on the train to my home in Romania (with a ring in his pocket!), Jordan decided he couldn’t wait and proposed to me right there!  Imagine the scene for the clueless woman sitting right in front of us!
Three adjectives that describe the day are:
Stormy, intimate and romantic
What was the design inspiration for your wedding invitation?
  We wanted our invitations to be reminiscent of an old baseball ticket.
What was your favorite design element of your big day?
The giant antique American flags.
Our favorite detail of the wedding was:
Our favorite part of the wedding was the Original Cracker Jack boxes.
Tell us about finding your wedding dress:
For my wedding dress, I borrowed a vintage ivory housedress from a friend.
Describe your wedding flowers:
We used sunflowers in all of the bouquets and centerpieces, as they are an important Romanian accent and reminded us of our train rides through the country.
Describe your wedding cake:
In lieu of a traditional wedding cake, we served a selection of homemade pies and baseball-themed cupcakes.
What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome while planning your wedding?
Two events (a wedding in Romania and a reception in the US), two countries, two families, two languages… it was truly a fun, if sometimes crazy, ride!  We were almost unable to get through all of the paperwork for our wedding in Romania, but Jordan’s Grandma went to great lengths to get a new birth certificate and save the day!
Were there any wedding traditions or new ideas you included in the wedding?  
A baseball game.
What was your most memorable moment about your wedding day?
The storm and the flash flood!  The unexpected weather only served to make our wedding reception (in the barn!) more intimate and romantic!
Did you write your own vows?  If so, what was your favorite phrase, verse or line? We wrote our own vows.  I said mine in Romanian, and I gave mine in English.  Our favorite line was: “As we dwell together, enduring and suffering and enjoying each other, our faithfulness, our oneness and our joy will grow to heights we never imagined.”
What’s next for you as a couple?  What are you looking forward to in the future? We don’t know, but we’re excited!  We thought we’d settle here in Washington for a while, but Romania misses us.  Who knows, we’re young!

Congratulations, Anca + Jordan!  We’re looking forward to hearing more about your exciting life as newlyweds!

lara Written with love by Lara Casey
  1. avatar julie h reply

    this reception looks like a wonderfully fun celebration! Kristen is pretty amazing too!

  2. avatar melissa oholendt reply

    Fantastic! Kristin is so amazing and the details in this event are phenom.

  3. avatar Cocktails + Details, Savannah Wedding Planner reply

    This looks like so much fun– I love how it just exudes "Americana".

  4. avatar Kelly reply

    I love the idea of using a barn. Everything looks gorgeous.

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