Google+ Best of 2013: Kids - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings


Best of 2013: Kids

by in Inspirations on

When BDK and I got married, we had his adorable twin cousins as our flower girl and ring bearer. And yes, I purchased a poufy pink tutu dress for the little gal to wear! The best part was that she only dropped about three small handfuls of petals down the center aisle, but no one really cared when she was that cute! These little dolls also scored the cute points with us as they threw sequins (so fun!), rode in wagons, and just generally had us “aww-ing” without even trying!

Flower girls in mint | Danielle + Chris | Erika Delgado

“Sequin girl” for ceremony tossing | Morgan + Matthew | Amy Arrington

Dapper ring bearers | Kate + Tanner | F8 Studio

Flower girl tutu | Kat + Matt | Katelyn James

Ring bearer in a wagon | Megan + Joe | Kate Triano

Classic flower girl with pomander and crown | Emily + Tripper | Melissa Schollaert

Casual ring bearer | Erica + Danny | Megan Thiele

Door attendants at an outdoor chapel | Maggie + Alec | The Nichols

Comparing shoes | Baylor + Daniel | Elaine Palladino

Bouquet catcher | Kelly + Sang | Sam Stroud

Amy Arrington, Katelyn James, Elaine Palladino, and Melissa Schollaert are delightful members of our Blue Ribbon Vendor Directory!

marissa Written with love by Marissa
  1. avatar Heath reply

    Lovely shots.

  2. avatar Friday Fresh Squeeze #120 | Floridian Weddings reply

    […] round-ups around the wedding blog world: Erika was featured for her reception details & kids shots… Jenny was featured for her pink and gold wedding… Elaine had two shout outs here, plus […]

  3. avatar RJ Carbone reply

    I absolutely loved the exterior door and the adorable attendants. What a great way to enter the ceremony. Terrific pics!

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