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Southern Weddings

Monthly Archives: June 2014

Today’s Sweet Tea Sunday hits home a little extra for me. The lovely Ashley LaRue (of Lemon and Lavender) and her husband, Jeff, are a Southern couple living the expat life with their three adorable little ones, and the advice they’ve shared from their seven years of marriage really speaks to the challenges and joys of that lifestyle. Having grown up abroad myself, I’ve seen so many couples experience these same things, my parents included, and it gives me so much respect and admiration for Ashley and Jeff!

Jeff and I have been on such a crazy adventure since our engagement, living in five cities in three different countries, stretching across three continents! Constantly living away from family and friends has taught us to lean more on one another and truly surrender to our love. A good marriage takes work, and not just when things start falling apart. The constant ups and downs of moving to entirely different cultures is hard on a marriage and on the individual. You have to readjust your life every few years, and despite how glamorous it seems, it can breed resentment and regret; however, building a solid foundation on the shared commitment of prioritizing your marriage make challenges a blessing. We’ve grown as a couple, and at the same time, nurtured each other’s growth as individuals. We believe it’s important to be a constant cheerleader, mentor, best friend, lover, and protector to one another. Marriage truly is for better and for worse, and all the moments in between.

Keep up with Ashley
Website: Lemon and Lavender
Blog: Lemon and Lavender
Facebook: Lemon and Lavender
Twitter: @lemonandlavendr
Instagram: @lemonandlavender

lisa Written with love by Lisa
  1. avatar Ashley reply

    Thank you ladies of Southern Weddings! And Lisa for your sweet words! Xo

  2. avatar Rachel Nordgren reply

    Wise words! I can’t imagine moving that much, and how much stress it could put on a marriage. But, like Lisa said, it’s also such a sweet opportunity for growth and for nurturing your spouse. Thank you for sharing…!

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