Google+ Winner :: Paloma's Nest Contest - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

Everything about Paloma’s Nest is empowering. Eco-friendly and meant to last, each Paloma’s Nest piece is a reminder of the potential that we all have. We asked readers to tell us what word empowers them and why. Wow! You guys inspired us. The SW girls decided to share our power words… and we don’t even have the incentive of an awesome gift from Paloma’s Nest!

Drumroll please…. introducing the SW power words!

Katharine: Resilience.  For me, there’s nothing more powerful than tackling a difficult situation head-on and emerging stronger, tougher and still smiling.

Emily: My power word is, indeed, Martha.  What would Martha do?  (Besides the whole jail thing, but really, she was wronged.)

Sandi: Excellence. This word reminds me to give my best at all times. It’s a word that reminds to set goals, meet them and then strive for more. Two of my favorite quotes have to do with being the best you know you can be, not only for yourself but those around you.  

Whitney: My power word is “laughter”. Sometimes life isn’t funny, but you’ve got to remember to laugh. Laugh often.

Lara: My power word is “stillness”. When I allow myself to be still and let the stress fall away for just a moment, I find clarity. When I get so busy and overwhelmed, just being still gives me perspective.


Congratulations to Danielle C., this week’s winner. She will recieve any item of her choice from Paloma’s Nest. Lucky.


My power word is CONNECT. With all of this technology we have–twitter, facebook, text messaging, email, etc. it’s easy to go week after week without any real human connection. This extends beyond work life–when we get home at night and my husband and I are on our laptops while eating dinner (terrible, I KNOW!!) or when I realize that I have worked for the past X many days straight and I haven’t even spent 30 minutes in all of that time connecting with myself. I write CONNECT on my daily planner (yes, I still write it all down!!) to remind myself to give someone a call, have lunch with a friend, drinks with a colleague or even just 30 minutes of journaling and deep breathing. Human connection does wonders for the body, soul and spirit!!!

March 16, 2010 | Danielle C. 


If you didn’t win this week’s contest, never fear! There are many more great giveaways to come!

Written with love by Whitney
1 Comment
  1. avatar Florida Beach Wedding reply

    Love the eggs , what a great Idea !

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