Google+ sc cornhole Archives - Southern Weddings

Southern Weddings

Tag: sc cornhole

If there is one thing that the Southern Wedding ladies love, it’s a good game of cornhole. And a game at a wedding? It’s a practice of which we are definite proponents. Just check out our Southern Traditions post on cornhole and our Pinterest board dedicated to those adorable custom boards!

I think it’s such a great idea that couples are investing in the customization effort behind these lawn games. After all, you’ll be using them well after the wedding! That’s where SC Cornhole Games comes in. They provide boards, bags and sets for your favorite summer past time. I love that they also sell weather-resistant cornhole sets! Genius.

We are pumped that SC Cornhole Games is giving THREE lucky readers a full white cornhole set, including the boards, bags and a tote — totally ready for you to customize!

To Enter: There are two ways to enter!
1. We know y’all are creative. Leave a comment below telling us how you would customize your cornhole boards.
2. Tweet “I just entered the SC Cornhole Games giveaway on @iloveswmag!” Then, come back here and leave a SEPARATE comment telling us you did so!

Win: Three winners will get one complete cornhole set (boards + bags + tote) ready for you to customize!

This giveaway closes on July 25! Good luck!

nicoleyang Written with love by Nicole
  1. avatar Taylor J reply

    This is just wonderful!!! I’m not 100% sure whether or not I’d have a Bride’s family vs Groom’s family set where it said our last names on the board….or silhouette’s on the boards…or an Alabama vs. Tennessee college set since our families are fans of arch rivals! haha! I think I’m leaning towards the latter ;)

  2. avatar Taylor J reply

    Tweeted :) – @taykatelyn

  3. avatar Julie reply

    I’d love to have our monograms on the boards. Or since my future husband is from Ohio and I’m from Alabama, I’d love to do one board with Ohio State and one with Alabama!

  4. avatar Rachel reply

    I would have one board with the UGA logo (for him) and the other with a UK logo (for me)! Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  5. avatar Alexa reply

    When planning our cocktail hour, this was one of the first things my fiance and I said we wanted to have! We both love cornhole, and we have undefeated when playing together – we are huge college football fans and make sure to bring our set to every tailgate we go to.

    I would customize them with our wedding monogram/logo that i designed – my fiance is in the navy and I created a design with our initials and an anchor in our wedding colors – navy and lime green!

    This is a great giveaway, perfect for all the southern brides out there!!

  6. avatar Alexa reply

    I tweeted too! (link to tweet: @VonGator.

  7. avatar Jen M reply

    Steve and I would customize our cornhole sets by either painting them with our favorite team colors Green and Gold for the Green Bay Packers, or we would just leave them white and allow all the winners of every game to initial the board with a Sharpie as a running list of all our amazing friends who share good times with us.

    Speaking of signing with a Sharpie, wouldn’t that make an unique guest book alternative?

    Thanks for another great contest!

  8. avatar Jen M reply

    I just tweeted the message too!

  9. avatar megan reply

    monogram it, of course!

  10. avatar Lindy reply

    I’d use our married monogram… classic, Southern, and so fun! I’d probably also add some fun stripes or other pretty embellishments to jazz it up a bit!

  11. avatar Kristyn M reply

    Oh my goodness! My fiance would be so excited if we won this! We have a little in house ACC football rivalry so one board would get his monogram and NC State Tuffy on it and the other would get my monogram and FSU on it!

  12. avatar Kristyn M reply

    I tweeted about it! @FireflyCarolina

  13. avatar Erin reply

    To customize the cornhole sets I’d definitely make one WVU (for my alma mater) and one Alabama (the beau’s alama mater). Forever a (playful) duel in our household!

  14. avatar Elizabeth @ HobbyLobbyist reply

    OMG, I love this giveaway so much! Because we are classy, I think we would customize our boards with trash talk expressions to promote the competitive spirit in everyone.

  15. avatar Carlie reply

    I could want to get our initials on there, and some lacey -type details painted on. So fun I would love these!

  16. avatar Camille reply

    I’d customize it to reflect cities we love!

  17. avatar Camille reply

    Just tweeted!

  18. avatar Breanna reply

    My fiance and I will have the same initials once we’re married so of course, we’ll have to have our monogram! Both in black and white of opposite colors to go with the colors of our wedding!

  19. avatar Emily reply

    I love this idea!!! My wedding is next June. Our theme is warm colors with a touch of fiesta! A print that I’m carrying through the wedding is big, bold chevron stripes. Here’s what I would do:

    Paint one board with big, bold, pink chevron stripes, and in silver script, paint on “Team Bride.” One the other board, I’ll do blue stripes and paint on “Team Groom.” People from my side will be on the bride side, and people from my honey’s side will be on the groom’s side… it would be a great way for the two separate groups to mix and mingle and better know each other. The spirit of a wedding! :)


  20. avatar Emily reply

    Here’s my twitter post:

    Hope I win!!

  21. avatar Miranda reply

    Since both my fiance and myself attended the University of Florida, there is no rivalry. However, we are Orange and Blue. I would want one board painted with each color. One board would have Albert the gator (our mascot) in a tux and the other would have Alberta (his mate) in a wedding gown.

  22. avatar Amy Yarbrough reply

    I’m so pumped for this giveaway because cornhole is a must-have for our November wedding! If I won these boards, I would monogram the boards and the bags! We are also having a set that is Steelers on one board and Patriots on the other! What a great giveaway!!!

  23. avatar Amy Yarbrough reply


  24. avatar Lindsay Goldman reply

    I just entered the SC Cornhole Games giveaway on @iloveswmag!”

  25. avatar Kelly M. reply

    I think you’d have to monogram them! Our wedding theme is ‘monograms and mason jars’ so a cornhole set would be the perfect addition!

  26. avatar Lindsay Goldman reply

    I would paint one pink and one navy (our wedding colors), and put my married monogram on it! I loved the ones I saw on weddings on your website but I unfortunately didn’t have the time or budget to include them in mine.

  27. avatar Megan reply

    Since I gave my fiance a set of Clemson boards for Christmas (the same day we got engaged), it would only be appropriate to make these South Carolina boards so that our house divided will be even. :)

  28. avatar Megan reply

    Tweeted! @charlestonmegan

  29. avatar Ashleigh Farley reply

    I’m picturing one teal board and one coral board with a lovely new-last name initial monogrammed right on the middle of each in white. Matching bags with bride stitched on the coral bags and groom on the teal bags! Perfect for all the pre-wedding fun & games and still perfect for all the years thereafter. <3

  30. avatar Ashleigh reply

    tweeted @ashalee126!

  31. avatar Laura reply

    This is on my list of things to do!!!! It would be great if I won! I’m planning on making a pretty curly border and then on the inside, have my monogram on one board and his monogram on the other with our wedding date underneath!

  32. avatar Megan reply

    My theme of my wedding is mustard yellow chevron with mason jars! So, I would paint the yellow chevron across the boards and in the middle I would have a mason jar painted! Instead of putting “Ball” on the mason jar I would put our initials!! I think this would be a great game to play that will always remind us of our wedding theme! :)

  33. avatar Alicea reply

    I would definitely put our new monogram in our wedding colors of pink and navy! I also just tweeted about it!! (@thepreppybride)

  34. avatar rachel reply

    We would customize it to be half dan and half me :) We would put my monogram RHA on one board and his DGC on the other with our wedding date 8.11.12 on the bottom of both boards, and use it at our rehearsal dinner BBQ :) so southern and I LOVE SOME CORNHOLE :)

  35. avatar Sarah L. reply

    I would have a really bright hot pink gingham background with a fancy lettered green “Johnson” in the foreground (My new last name). These are our wedding colors!

  36. avatar rachel reply

    tweeted @rahphotog

  37. avatar Laura reply

    Giant orange tiger paws, of course!

  38. avatar Sarah reply

    I would add our wedding monogram for sure! Since everything is monogramed! I would also add some Orange and Blue since we are big UF fans.

  39. avatar Sarah reply

    Tweeted!!!! Fingers crossed. :)

  40. avatar Sarah U reply

    I’d want one board to have our college logo, to incorporate where we met, and the other side to have the club logo where our wedding will take place in NC. That way our cornhole set would be a mini timeline of our relationship!

  41. avatar Tina Keen reply

    Our wedding theme is Sailor Jerry! We are using the Swallow, the nautical star and the anchor for everything including the grooms suspenders, bow tie and the tops of our 3 daughters tutu dresses. I would design it to match the Sailor Jerry flash. Maybe the boards could have huge anchors and for each set of bag that you toss could bone color with sparrow and the other with the nautical star. There are endless possiblities!

  42. avatar Tina Keen reply

    Tweeted the giveaway! Thank you! @TinaKeenPhoto

  43. avatar Mary Kate F. reply

    If Jason and I were to receive two cornhole boards we would personalize them by painting a white silhouette of Kentucky (our home state!) on top of a UK blue background. I would outline the state in navy and put a heart where the city of Louisville would be. Underneath the silhouette I would write ‘My Old Kentucky Home’. Jason and I are going to be moving around a lot so it would be wonderful to bring the Southern tradition of corn hole and our Old Kentucky Home with us!

  44. avatar Sarah K reply

    We will definitely be having cornhole at our August wedding, along with other fun lawn games. My family is very competitive, so this is a must for our wedding! We met at UNC so we would decorate the boards with the UNC logo, and also our monogram!

  45. avatar Sarah K reply

    Just tweeted! @skraszeski

  46. avatar Michelle reply

    Cornhole is on our must have list for our wedding – our families love games and we look forward to some good-hearted competition between my fiance and I’s families during our cocktail hour, which will take place on a deck and lawn along the Chesapeake Bay! We plan to coordinate our colors (lavender, gold and cream) into the boards by using a gold monogram atop chevron lavender and white design. This pattern matches the rest of our decorations as well. Fingers crossed!

  47. avatar Brianne reply

    My brother-in-law is an artist and animator and I would ask him to create cartoons of Patrick and I that would be painted on to the cornhole set, while incorporating the hole, whether jumping into it, coming out of it, or something else fun

  48. avatar Mary Katherine Cavazos reply

    I would absolutely love to display the cornhole sets across from the croquet field during our cocktail hour, which will be a casual, fun time for guests to mingle before our sit-down meal.

  49. avatar Sloan reply

    Oh, I so want to have cornhole for our cocktail hour! I think I would either monogram them or put a big Georgia “G” on them. With the G, we could use them after the wedding too.

  50. avatar Kelly reply

    I would customize it to show my College and my Fiance’s College – Wake Forest and Florida State!

  51. avatar Jessica reply

    My fiance and I are both originally from Virginia but we now call South Carolina home, since both states are very important to us we have been finding unique ways to incorporate them into our wedding. On one board we would put a silhouette of the state of Virginia and in very pretty script write over it “Virginia Is For Lovers”. On the other board we would put the silhouette of South Carolina and in lovely script write over it “Sweet Carolina”. We’ve used the same state descriptions as the names for our signature drinks during our cocktail hour! Another fantastic contest SW Mag, I hope we win!

  52. avatar Jessica reply

    Just tweeted to you guys @jsprad !

  53. avatar Rachel May reply

    I would monogram one with a B for boys and one with a G for girls… we play a lot of girls vs boys games around here! :)

  54. avatar Sarah reply

    We have been hoping to get a set to personalize — this is such a GREAT giveaway :) We would have them match our wedding colors; yellow with black lettering and put Mr. & Mrs. with his last name on them and some type of decorations to go around the lettering. We’d have the bags be black and white gingham and yellow and white gingham fabric.

  55. avatar Whitney reply

    Would love to win a set! Would customize with our monogram and colors!

  56. avatar Kaley reply

    My fiance is from Boston and I’m from Northern NJ, so we would probably have a Yankees vs Red Sox cornhole set!!!

  57. avatar Jaime reply

    We LOVE cornhole! My fiance and I met at Dartmouth, so one of them would have a Dartmouth logo on it. The other would likely be a combination of our monogram, wedding colors, and wedding date.

  58. avatar Caitlin reply

    My fiance and I have always been HUGE FSU tailgaters and cornhole is a tailgate staple with us. I would love to have bust silhouettes on each side of the cornhole set, not of us, but of our animals! Anyone who knows us, knows that we are crazy about our animals, a tuxedo cat named Robert and a black labrador named Doak. One side would have a silhouette of Robert and the other of Doak. Under each silhouette would be our new monogram. Our wedding colors are smoke grey, dusty blues and touches of burlap and mercury glass throughout. Burlap bean bags with either “Robert” and “Doak” or our wedding date would be perfect! We would love to have a cornhole game set at our plantation wedding reception to represent our playful personalities and love for our fur babies!

  59. avatar Laura F. reply

    How fun! My fiance is from Bostonm and I’m from Atlanta, and our whole wedding has a north meets south theme. i would love to continue that – maybe Braves vs. Red Sox or even apples vs. peaches.

  60. avatar Jennifer reply

    I would monogram them and spice it up with our rival schools mascots! A little competition never hurt anyone!

  61. avatar Abby B. reply

    Initially I’d been planning for a monogram or simply the color scheme of choice (navy & green) but I just saw a creative use for cornhole-use the boards as a guest book after everyone plays during cocktail hour! Of course you’d choose permanent markers most likely so the playing could continue well into the night. It would be wonderful to win one of these beautiful sets & carry out this creative idea!

  62. avatar Caitlin Allen reply

    I love the idea of cornhole at the reception! What better way to start a marriage than a friendly, competitive game with the new hubby?!

  63. avatar Jessica H reply

    I’d buy vinyls lettering and put some of the lyrics of our first dance on each board

  64. avatar Laura L reply

    Oooo! Such a good idea! We’re having a literary themed wedding, so maybe write quotes all over it… or paint it to look like a book!

  65. avatar Harris reply

    Simple monogram for us. In wedding colors.

  66. avatar Cecilia reply

    We are getting married in my home town which is known for its annual watermelon festival so I would paint the boards like Hempstead watermelons and make the bags look like seeds!

  67. avatar Briana reply

    We are getting married overlooking a vineyard beneath some oak trees. I would want to make the boards into scenery… maybe the holes could be the middle of a tire swing or a hole in the tree…

    Our “cocktail hour” is really going to be a bunch of lawn games- corn hole, washers, bocce, etc. so we would love these!

  68. avatar Stacy reply

    I would make them “His” and “Hers”

  69. avatar Stacy reply

    I also tweeted!

  70. avatar Angela reply

    I just entered the SC Cornhole Games giveaway on @iloveswmag!
    If I were to win I would have them customized to match our monogram so we can use it for years to come!

  71. avatar Angela reply

    Just tweeted: I just entered the SC Cornhole Games giveaway on @iloveswmag!

  72. avatar Megan D. reply

    I’d personalize ours in Navy and White our wedding colors with our monogram. It would be a nice keepsake that we would use for years to come.

  73. avatar Ashley reply

    My mother and I would make this a special DIY project to do together! We have always done crafts together, but I’ve recently moved 200 miles away and wedding planning without her here is very hard emotionally. We would paint it in pinks, peaches, yellow and neutrals to pop on the green grass where it will sit during our reception, and top it with my new monogram!

  74. avatar Lauren Jolly reply

    I would turn the corn hole set into a guestbook. All the guests could sign them and we would have the set forever! It would be so sweet :) Fingers crossed!

  75. avatar Lauren Jolly reply

    I just tweeted, ya’ll!

  76. avatar Caitlin reply

    I just tweeted as well!

  77. avatar Brianna reply

    Love cornhole! We always play at our tailgates and I’d love to have it for bbqs!

  78. avatar Melissa Vause reply

    If you follow my blog you know I LOVE to paint! And I especially love painting college mascots! I’ve done a few of my alma mater, the USC Gamecock…and not just the cartoon version of Cocky either. The actual animal! The best present to me is a blank canvas…or a blank wine glass, or blank slab of wood. Whatever it is, I will turn it into art. I would die for the chance to paint this awesome cornhole set for our wedding–the gamecock on one, and our new monogram in Carolina colors on the other. It’s where my fiance and I met and it’d be perfect for our future tailgates!

  79. avatar Melissa Vause reply

    Just tweeted! @melvause

  80. avatar AshleyHH reply

    I love the idea of some gals vs. guys action goin on and my guy’s last name is King so it would be fun to do a play on that and do Kings and Queens. And of course, I could play on either side since, by that point, I will be a King!!!! =)

  81. avatar ashleyhh reply

    Oh yeah, I also tweeted. @AshleyHH12 :)

  82. avatar Kaitlin Boles reply

    I tweeted on Twitter!

  83. avatar Kaitlin Boles reply

    This would be perfect for our fall themed weddign we are planning on having a cotton candy station, popcorn station, candy apples, apple cider, hot chocolate, coffee, and a candy station so these would be perfect for our whole fall festival type theme! Love these!

  84. avatar KristinD reply

    I LOVE these!! I’d love to put these outside during our cocktail hour. Our reception venue has a huge courtyard with fire pits and a huge lush green lawn. It would be ideal to include some lawn games for kids and adults!

    I’d paint these with our new monogram or I love seeing the silhouettes of bride on one and groom on the other.

  85. avatar Emily reply

    Monograms would be cute – but I’d totally make it “ours” by having a bowtie on “his” board and a champagne glass on “my” board.

  86. avatar Abby reply

    Just entered on Twitter and here, but not sure your website is responding! I hope so!

  87. avatar caroline p reply

    I’ve been meaning to purchase a cornhole or as we call it “baggo” set for a while now and this is the perfect opportunity! I’m a graphic designer so I’m into typography & fonts to begin with but I would incorporate a bunch of logos & quotes that represent us and our life together into a typographic collage. The other cornhole board I would leave open for our friends and family to write messages on for us. Also I would love to do some iron on logos on the actual bean bags too!

  88. avatar caroline reply

    just tweeted I entered! @carolinemperry

  89. avatar Kelly reply

    I just tweeted from @kckalmar

  90. avatar Kelly reply

    This would be an awesome gift to celebrate our upcoming wedding, since my fiance and I met tailgating for a baseball game. Cornhole is the tailgate game of choice where we live. We had a nice competition going at our engagement party too. I would decopage the boards – 1 with a picture of me and 1 with a picture of my fiance, both pictures with us sporting our best, “intimidating game faces.” Keep it lighthearted and fun, just like us.

  91. avatar Sudie Pennebaker reply

    We are HUGE cornhole fanatics. We would decorate it with our monogram–in navy and white of course. So not only would it work for our outdoor wedding in South Georgia, but it would also work at Georgia Southern Tailgates!

  92. avatar Sudie reply

    Entered on twitter and on here! @sudieraeep your website isn’t loading my comment though!

  93. avatar Kristen reply

    We’ve been planning on having cornhole and other lawn games for our Jane Austen inspired wedding. My fiance and I would LOVE to be able to customize a set with our wedding colors (navy and plum) and adding butterflies to memorialize my parents.

  94. avatar Kristen reply

    Just tweeted @kristenpsherman

  95. avatar Kathryn reply

    My boy and I both love our monograms, so I’d do one of each. Mine might be light blue and white for UNC and his purple and gold for ECU. I could also do light pink and white for my sorority colors and light blue and white for his board, with a quatrefoil shape behind our monograms (my sorority’s badge shape) – his idea, I love it!

  96. avatar Kathryn reply

    I tweeted about it @kwstell

  97. avatar Laura reply

    I would definitely do monograms on ours! So Southern.

  98. avatar Laura reply

    I just tweeted :)

  99. avatar Janelle reply

    I just tweeted! (@hope4afrika) We’d LOVE to win!

  100. avatar Janelle reply

    So our whole outdoor woodsy wedding is focused around the Gospel, so we’d probably have a tree on both, with Ephesians 3:17-18 split between the two games! And of course, they’d be in our wedding colors- mustard, moss, and brown!

  101. avatar Amanda reply

    Cornhole is definitly a big thing for my family. When my husband meet my sister for the first time and actually got to spend time with my family, we spent hours playing. My husband is in the Air Force so we would probably decorate them to suit or with our last name with our wedding colors. I would love to be able to have these at our wedding!

  102. avatar Jamie C. reply

    Being big college football fans and living in the south, cornhole is a big deal!!! This is why we have already talked about incorporating it into our wedding! If we won we would decorate it in green and gold for the University of South Florida, Go Bulls! We would also want to personalize it so perhaps add our name at the bottom of each board with the wedding date. I think sillouettes dressed in green and gold would also be neat! Either way this cornhole set would look awesome and be used regularlly!!

    • avatar AshleyHH reply

      Jamie C.: I know these gals are all about SEC rivalries but I gotta throw in a Go Knights! ;-)

    • avatar Jamie reply

      AshleyHH: I am only a Bulls fan BUT I did get my graduate degree from UCF ;)

  103. avatar Jamie C. reply

    I jut tweeted :) (@JLCooler2)

  104. avatar Brittany T reply

    I just entered the SC Cornhole Games giveaway on @iloveswmag from @ABTeague

  105. avatar Brittany T reply

    Oh my goodness. This is EXACTLY what I have been trying to find for my wedding. I’m having one of my bridesmaids customize them for me with our monogram. Nothing screams southern more than a monogrammed cornhole set!

  106. avatar Emily B reply

    The very first thing my fiancee and I agreed upon when deciding the feel of our wedding was that we wanted it to be FUN! Naturally, fun reception lawn games were the first thing we agreed upon! We’d decorate both cornhole boards with our new married monogram (EKD) in the classic circle motif and incorporate our wedding colors of navy and orange (the perfect project for my dad and me tackle over the holiday season). I’d also steal a trick from my good friends’ wedding last summer and install battery-operated light rope around the board holes so that our guests can keep playing even after the sun goes down! Throw in some hurricane lanterns around the perimeter to light the night, and we’ll have a reception full of fun for our family and friends to remember!

  107. avatar Emily Martinez reply

    My wedding has taken on a bit of state fair feel. I’ve been planning to have a couple different games for everyone to play. For our cornhole boards I want to do something similar to the silhouette idea. I’d like to get poster sized pictures of my fiance and I each, then transfer the photo to the board. We’ll either be holding hands or making kissy faces. This contest is perfect!

  108. avatar Vanessa reply

    I would just monogram it, so that we could use it even after the wedding. Maybe add our favorite sport team logos to it, etc.

  109. avatar Trista reply

    I would love to have our faces on it! cartoonized :)

  110. avatar Trista reply

    tweeted! :)

  111. avatar Katie reply

    With the white cornhole set I would put the couple’s monogram in the center in turquoise, probably in a circular/non-cursive monogram so it was a little less feminine and the guys would actually play with it. Then around the edge I would stencil a nice wavy border on al four sides about an inch from the edge. Centered at the very bottom I would put the wedding date. Turquoise is one of my favorite colors, so it will definitely be involved in my wedding!

  112. avatar Lerissa C reply

    We’re having a family weekend four our wedding our own Corn Hole set would be amazing!

    I think it would be awesome to give the girls and guys a couple pints of paint (in pre-selected colors) and let them each have a board to customize then have the girls sign theirs and the guys sign their own. Then to stick with the theme of the wedding I will go back, and add burlap knitted lace with gold accents along the outer sides then modge podge the boards to preserve the creativity and the fun times we had preparing for our wedding.

    It will be so much fun bringing the boards back out for other gatherings all had part in creating. All of our closest friends will have partial ownership in its creation and will be excited to see them when we bring the boards out when we get together.

  113. avatar Lerissa C reply

    Tweeted @LerissaLeigh

  114. avatar Eva Harrison reply

    We would love a cornhole set for our wedding! We would customize by painting them turquoise and then painting the state shapes of Georgia (groom’s home state) on one board and Virginia (bride’s home state) on the other board!

  115. avatar Eva Harrison reply

    Just entered and tweeted!

  116. avatar SusanB reply

    We’d personalize it with Dallas Maverick and Oklahoma City Thunder logos

  117. avatar Susan reply

    I would personalize it with a big tree on one and a fox on the other

  118. avatar GKH reply

    We were thinking getting two sets. The first set would be Mr & Mrs Last Name with the boards reflecting the colors of our bridal party for the boys vs girls them. The fonts and stylings would be the same.
    The second set will be the corn hole version of our invitation and the other the corn hole version of our program.

  119. avatar Brianna reply

    Just tweeted! I’d love to Monogram this with my new last name and blue and yellow Chevron print!(wedding colors)

  120. avatar cathy steiner reply

    I would stencil on some sailboats and anchors for our nautical themed wedding :)

  121. avatar Tara Woolsey reply

    ” Something Old, Something New, Something Fun for our Guests to Do! ” I’d have this painted in a cute font (and probably paint the boards blue). It be cute to have half of the bean bags in a white silk with some lace trim and the other half in a gingham, seersucker or tweed material.

  122. avatar Susan reply

    Just tweeted!

  123. avatar Valerie reply

    I just tweeted! You guys have to follow me to see it, though, because my tweets are protected :)

  124. avatar Sara reply

    I’d have each of our favorite sport team and out monogram with wedding date on them. His Ohio State Buckeyes, mine Cincinnati Bengals

  125. avatar Courtney reply

    I would have our last name stamped where it would come down from the hole… maybe in a pretty red (for Alabama, roll tide!)!

  126. avatar jay reply

    I would decorate them with green and mustard colors and let the guests sign them with wishes.

  127. avatar Nicole reply


  128. avatar Nicole reply

    I would do murals of our hometowns, Pittsburgh for him and the beach for me!

  129. avatar Molly reply

    My future husband is the sweetest man on earth, and a diamond in the rough for sure. He’s a baseball scout and has grown in up a baseball family, so I would probably put a baseball diamond on one side with home plate as the hole, and a more kitschy “Lou and Molly are like finding a diamond in the rough!” on the other side.
    Thanks! Love this site and miss the South! (We’re currently in Chicago)

  130. avatar Kellie reply

    On 1 board I would put his fraternity, and on the other one I would put my sorority, along with our same college logo on both! My sorority sisters and I always beat him and his brothers and we always made it such a big deal and joke with them about always losing! He would absolutely love this, as would I. And I can guarantee, my sisters that will be there will get a kick out of it and be so excited to once again, beat the brothers! I also would love for all of my guests to use this as kind of a sign in book, so every time we pull this out to play we remember everyone that was there to witness and share our special day with us.

  131. avatar Brittany reply

    This would be such an incredible and meaningful addition to our wedding! We are going with a traditional Southern style wedding in our college town, so a cornhole set would fit in perfectly! My fiance and I played an intensely competitive game of cornhole the day before he asked me to marry him, so it would be very special to me to have that memento on my big day. I love crafts, so if I won a set I’d likely keep the boards white and hand paint portions of 1 Corinthians 13 and our monogram in either red or teal/Tiffany blue (our wedding colors!).

  132. avatar Abbey R. reply

    My fiance and I both went to the University of GA so I would probably make one board a lady bulldog, and the other a male bulldog! This would be a fun tribute to the place that we met, and all our friends went there as well so the guests would love it! We even talked about having cornhole at our wedding, but there’s just no room in the budget. We have a perfect gravel courtyard for it though : )

  133. avatar Laneigh reply

    I would use the cornhole set for my club’s kentucky derby function! I will also use it for lawn games on my own wedding day!

  134. avatar Cary reply

    Aw, this was an exceptionally good post. Spending some time and actual effort to make a very good article… but what can I
    say… I hesitate a whole lot and don’t seem to get nearly anything done.

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