Including marriage advice from our own loved ones was one of the most rewarding parts of putting together V6. Even if you’re not writing a magazine, we highly encourage y’all to ask the same question to the married couples you admire that we asked people: what’s your best advice for a successful marriage? Today’s advice comes from our own Emily‘s dad, Rob Ayer, and since he and Emily’s mom celebrated 33 years of marriage on Friday (happy anniversary, Ayers!), there was no better day to share the wise and practical words he shared with us!
When you should meet the other person “halfway,” convince yourself that what you think is 60-40 is actually 50-50. If the other person does the same thing, you’ll actually meet in the middle. Give a little extra. When you’re having a difference of opinion, don’t insist on being “right” or getting the last word. On the other hand, some subjects can’t, and shouldn’t, be put off forever–the two of you need to address them. Be man (or woman) enough to sit down and face up to them. Put things in terms of “I” instead of “you.” As in, “I feel that…” instead of “You always…” When you turn off the light at night, say good night and kiss each other–even if you’re not on the best of terms. Try to start off the next morning with a clean slate–no grudges. Pretend it never happened–and it will be like it never did.
Yay! So fun to see these two on here :)
[…] P.S. One year of marriage P.P.S. Want to hear my Dad’s marriage advice? That’s right here. […]